Truth and fiction about face creams

Thu, Feb 27, 2014

Many women and girls do not quite correctly interpret properties.
creams, because of this, there is often a “dilution” for their
skin. Many have developed certain stereotypes regarding
face care products and therefore are acquired
completely unnecessary jars and applied absolutely no means
which are needed by a person.

In this article we will try to present the facts that
confirm or refute some established opinions about creams,
as well as some slogans from advertisements that offer almost
eternal youth from one jar or tube.

Let’s start with the real possibilities of creams.

Hyaluronic acid and microcrack smoothing

This acid is a type of hydrocarbon polymer molecule that
more located in the dermis and epidermis. Due to its
high charge molecule is able to attract water, filling it
the space around it, that is, the fluid fills all the cracks and
emptiness in a derma, thereby straightening it. On the face – the famous
hyaluronic acid rejuvenation effect. So, cream with this
molecule capable of such wonders as getting rid of small

Deep antioxidant complex in creams capable
resist aging

Everyone knows that antioxidants neutralize free radicals
(provoke aging) in our body. Manufacturers of many
cosmetic lines are trying to fully saturate the cream with these
substances to help women all over the world to be younger.
There are three types of antioxidants with their individual

  • Elimination of free radicals is vitamin E and C, coenzyme Q10
    and alpha lipoic acid.
  • Engaged in the disposal of eliminated radicals – lycopene and
    alpha lipoic acid.
  • Blocking the emergence of new free radicals – idebenone,
    alpha lipoic acid.

One of the most powerful antioxidants is alpha lipoic.
acid that fights skin aging at all stages of appearance
free radicals.

Summarizing, it is safe to say that the more
antioxidants in the cream, the better, then the statement

Now we’ll dwell on the moments in which women make mistakes.
regarding the properties or effects of creams.

Penetration of lifting creams deep into the skin

This is a false statement. According to scientists, regenerating
supplements that are contained in face care products are capable of
�“Smooth out” only the top layer of the skin. Deep penetration
these funds are impossible, especially the impact on internal processes,
occurring deep in the dermis.

Vitamin creams are ineffective

This is also a fallacy. Vitamins are able to work not only
inside the body, but also on the skin. Elements such as vitamins B3, E and
A can significantly improve the condition of the skin and reduce external
signs of aging. All these substances can help the skin in
collagen production, protect it from UV light and help not
prevent the appearance (or help in the fight) pigment spots.

Skin addiction to creams and a reduction due to this their
of efficiency

This is not true. Facial skin care is selected on the basis of
existing problems or in order to achieve any effect. If a
the market for cosmetic products has been replenished with new products that
cope better with impaired skin changing means
you can, but you can purchase two creams from different companies for the purpose of using
alternately there is no point – the skin does not get used to the cosmetic

As a conclusion, it is worth recalling that to choose a cream by
face care is necessary based on your age and the effect
need to reach. This is the only way to get the desired result.

Text: Ksenia Alexandrovna

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