Training for weight loss at home -really help! How to train at home tolose weight

Пн, 14 мар 2016 Автор: фитнес-тренер Сергей

Slim figure speaks not only about the beauty of man, but also about his

A large number of sores are not caused by any external
factors, and problems of excess weight.

Weight gain can cause a huge amount
various diseases, not to mention the fact that it looks

And now, when spring came, and before the summer remained
In a matter of days, many people run to the gyms, hoping as best they can
faster to get rid of accumulated fat.

But a subscription to the most prestigious gymnasium will not be able to do
you are slimmer – only your great desire can cope with it. therefore
no matter where you will be engaged – in the gym, on
street or at home. The only difference is that the halls have a large
variety of exercises.

But do not despair, because there are special training for
weight loss at home, which is no worse. Exists
a huge variety of video tutorials that are taught
professional trainers. They are used around the world as
men and women. In this article we will take a closer look at the aspect.
home workouts.


Training for weight loss at home: how much is needed
time and effort?

This question torments many newbies, because those who are somehow
being engaged in fitness, they understand that the answer to
it is impossible. It’s not even about the amount of stored fat,
although of course it also depends on it.

If you theoretically imagine two people with visually the same
figure, and let them engage in an absolutely identical program with
the same diet, the results may differ dramatically. AND
the point here is that everything depends on genetics. Someone more prone to
fullness, someone managed even with a very fast metabolism
To gain weight. therefore первым фактором в ответе на этот вопрос будет
генетика. If you are dominated by the full
people, it means you have to spend a little more time
than others. But do not despair, this is only the first condition
which affects progress.

На втором месте можно выделить правильный образ
. Будет очень сложно lose weight, если неделю вы
eat right, diet and keep an active image
life, and spend the weekend with alcohol and fast food. therefore,
constant observance of certain rules should be for you
the primary task. Remember that one day when you give
will of your desires, may result for you in a couple of weeks extra

Далее, идет физическая нагрузка. Can
engage in once a week, and you can every day. The result will be
accordingly. The more you force yourself to move, the
the more you burn calories, which means you can progress
see faster. If you take the average person, then
proper diet, regular exercise and lack of
bad habits, it is realistic to lose about 10kg per month. But
again, it all depends on you personally and on your body.

Training for weight loss at home: contraindications
and cautions

Like any other physical activity, homework
for weight loss at home have a number of contraindications.
However, he is quite modest and does not affect most

Contraindications include:

• Pregnancy from the second stage;

• Acute inflammations of the joints of the arms, legs, and diseases

• Also, training may be contraindicated for those
heart problems or asthmatics.

If we talk in general, there are no special complaints on this issue.
Every person who is not affected by a serious illness.
may well be engaged at home. Of course you should not
overload yourself and practice better in moderation for you

Training for weight loss at home: a review of video courses
(Leslie, Sean, Michaels, domestic coaches – overview)

Training with Leslie

Aerobic workouts with Lesley Sanson are based on fast walking and
set of simple exercises. Unlike the tedious cardio loads,
like a bike or a run, this program is served in an interesting
the manner that makes you want to do it. Classes with this
a girl is an affordable, but quite effective load. With her
помощью вы сможете lose weight и избавиться от лишних объемов. how
The complex typically lasts about 45 minutes.

It mainly involves cardio exercises, thanks to
which burns fat and strengthens the muscular corset. Basis
makes up energetic walking, so master and cope with this
the program can even beginners. Alternates during class
intense exercise and smoother, so you
will be able to do longer, and the interval principle is better suited
for burning fat. No need for this workout.
additional simulators and shells, so all you need is
this is only your desire and perseverance!

Workout with Sean Ti

Slimming Training in home conditions with shawn ti are
almost classics of homework, and decorate the shelves of many
housewives. This trainer knows not only motivation, but also
masterfully teaches his stuff. Its key feature is
non-standard approach that inevitably forces you to engage with
double zeal. Usually, workouts last about an hour, or a little
less. Sean Ti invites his charges to train on his
The program is only 25 minutes. However, this means that they are much
more intense than regular activities.

His workouts are divided into three difficulty levels, which
need to choose based on their capabilities. If you too
hard to perform some program, try to choose a level
easier. His workouts include dance complexes.
movements that are quite good cardiovascular exercise. There is like
programs of general orientation, to raise the tone of the body, so
and targeted to specific muscle groups.

Workout with Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels is a popular coach in America who
became famous mainly because of their own training course for
weight loss at home. She has released a large number
a variety of video courses that have become a real sensation. Her
coaching received a leading position in the list of home programs
sport A good coach is also a good psychologist, therefore
Jillian Michaels perfectly knows how to motivate his listeners, and you have
the desire to engage with her does not disappear even after a long time.

In her course you can find a suitable program for you – there is
both for raising the general physical tone, and for individual
target groups. You can start with the most simple classes, gradually
increasing the level of difficulty. In all workouts used
just one shell – your own body. therefore вам не нужно
will be spent on any simulators and other trinkets. Basis
All her courses are interval training of high intensity.
If you decide to engage in its programs, you will not need
independently invent a training session – the plan has already been drawn up and
presented in detail in her courses.

In Russia there are many channels on which the trainer on
fitness offer their programs. However, in the format in which
foreign lessons are presented, it is rather difficult to find them, and they are not
are very popular.

Workout for weight loss at home: the most simple
daily plan

Basis любой тренировки для похудения в домашних условиях
является достаточное количество кардионагрузки. AND
it doesn’t have to be jogging or swimming – any physical
activity committed a sufficient amount of time can
considered cardio. The best option for home
тренировок может быть степ-аэробика. To do
in a similar way it is possible not just with health benefits, but also with
interest for yourself. Add some music, dilute the lesson
dance moves, and you will be much nicer

In principle, for step aerobics, you can even use
a small stool, or some other elevation. It is important that
the support was strong and you did not lose your balance when advancing
on her.

For daily activities you can also use
различные вариации приседаний, и других подобных
exercise. For example, you can do a comprehensive workout.
of the following type:

1. Squats – classic, or Plié squats; Squat
Plias are distinguished by a wider arrangement of legs and deeper
squatting Butски при этом немного повернуты в стороны.

2. For more intense training, you can use lunges.
Take a deep, alternate step, first with one foot, then
second. When lunge out, the knee should bend at a right angle.

3. Pushups with different hands. Since the goal is
losing weight, you need to perform in a multi-repetitive style. That is not
you need to try push-ups with jumps or wide grip –
so you get tired quickly.

4. Additionally, you can perform a set of exercises on

5. One of the easiest options for how to remove volume
the abdomen, is the exercise of the plank and vacuum.

6. Exercise climber. Stand upright, then quickly.
pull one leg up towards the chest. Then return it to the original
position and pull the second. In doing this exercise, you should not
sag in the lower back and buttocks. This should be done in an accelerated
Mode is a great cardio load that will force you
sweat well.

Can сочетать some упражнений в одно.
For example, do one pushup, then pull your legs up to your chest, and
jump up with clap. Thus, in one repetition
you can make most of your muscles work. Similar
exercise will burn significantly more calories
rather than performing each exercise separately.

Training for weight loss at home: conditions
of efficiency

To exercise for weight loss at home was
effective, it is not enough to perform the exercises. there is some
conditions of success that you must meet. First of all,
eat right on an ongoing basis. If you ate a week
normal food, and then began to eat fast food, then the sense of
this will not be enough. Помимо этого, постоянно пейте чистую
. how можно меньше чаев, кофе, лимонадов и
other things.

Во-вторых, нужен хороший сон. Lack of sleep is bad
affects the body’s metabolism, slowing it down and slowing down
fat burning. therefore пытайтесь спать не менее 8 часов в день, а
better still more.

AND в-третьих, заниматься нужно постоянно. It is desirable that you
every day they allocated half an hour-hour to their classes. Only so
way you can see the results.

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