Top 3 Facial Cream Substitutes

Sat, Oct 11, 2014

Despite the fact that the word “cosmetics” has not yet turned and 150
years, mankind for thousands of years enjoyed all that today
we mean by cosmetics. And as easy
guess, they included neither odious parabens, nor
suspicious dyes, not at all unexpected
anti-corrosion additives.

Modern beauties, having tried kilograms of expensive and not
very creams, began to increasingly recall vintage cosmetic
tricks. But there is something to remember. Ancient romanes skillfully
got rid of wrinkles with knitting vegetable mixtures, skin
bleached sour milk, and protected with oils and animal fats.
The women of ancient Russia took care of the skin of their faces no less reverently than
their contemporaries in other parts of the world. In the course were the usual products
power supply:

  • all dairy products;
  • honey;
  • animal fat;
  • eggs (mostly yolks);
  • vegetables (carrots, cabbage, beets, cucumbers).

From freckles get rid of a decoction of parsley and cucumber juice,
porous and oily skin were put in order infusion of cornflower.

Of course, compared to modern, the arsenal of beauty was
little bit poor, but it consisted solely of natural and
sufficiently effective means. So, which of them today can
replace face cream.


Fine milk fat contains lecithin, unsaturated
fatty acids, rich set of vitamins, enzymes, mineral
substances, sugars. Due to the great fragmentation and extremely
small particle size (this is a high dispersion), milk fat
well absorbed by the skin, which means all these nutrients
freely have their healing effect.

Regular washing with milk literally brightens the skin before our eyes,
restores its elasticity and freshness, smoothes wrinkles.


  • Fresh milk dries due to its high content.
  • Lactic acid products are milder: they nourish and well
    clean while bleaching.
  • You can wash with lactic acid products all the time, and with what
    the fatter the skin, the more acidic they should be.

Coconut oil

This is a real panacea for problem and sensitive skin.
Possessing a balanced chemical composition with a vitamin complex
B (thiamine, pantothenic and folic acids, pyridoxine),
ascorbic acid, niacin (PP), coconut oil is active and
at the same time delicately fights shallow wrinkles, helps
get rid of acne, heals wounds.

Like all oils, coconut oil is not used in pure form,
and as part of the masks.

What not to do:

  • Instead of eye contour cream, apply castor or eyelids to the eyelids.
    almond oil – there will be swelling.


Perfectly cleanses and moisturizes the skin, providing a pronounced
lifting effect. It can be used not only as
mask ingredient, but also as the basis for a homemade moisturizer
manufacturing. Unlike the rest of home based cosmetics
dairy products, eggs or herbal decoctions, it can be long

Beeswax is especially invaluable in winter when skin needs to be protected.
from dehydration.

Pharmacy Vaseline and glycerin should not be present at all.
cream, especially homemade. Vaseline creates on the skin
airtight film, and glycerin with a lack of moisture in
air begins to absorb water contained in the skin.

No creams – neither expensive branded, nor cooked at home –
will not make the skin beautiful if there are problems with internal
organs. So the best replacement for face cream is taking care of your
health and good mood.

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