TOP 12 favorite items and accessoriescelebrities

Mon, Sep 19, 2016

Each of us has things in his wardrobe that he loves
combine with different ensembles. Hollywood celebrity – not
an exception. They also have favorite items and accessories. one.
Дженнифер Анистон славится своей любовью к удобной
shoes. One example is the platform from Pedro García. Their approximate
cost 450 dollars.

2. Селена Гомес приобрела эти узкие джинсы с
gaps back in 2010. But these American Eagle are not gathering dust in her
closet Selena dresses them on the stage and just for a walk.

3. Гвен Стефани любит яркие акценты и в
scenic, and in everyday images. Hot Pink Sunscreen
Quay Eyeware eyewear is her favorite accessory this summer.

4. Всегда улыбающаяся Камерон Диаз часто
wears the same sunny satchel from Reed Krakoff. The same
fans can buy for 990 dollars.

5. Топ-модель Миранда Керр практически не
breaks up with a LOUIS VUITTON bag. Red accessory worth
4650 dollars, made of calfskin.

6. Кейт Миддлтон обладает утонченным стилем и в
combining clothes. Her navy jacket blends in perfectly with
She is wearing simple dresses and tight jeans.

7. Дженнифер Лопес обожает драгоценности. Her
a bracelet of gold and diamonds accompanies her on many
events. Sometimes to a bracelet, worth 55,000 dollars, she
adds a few more threads.

8. Сара-Джессика Паркер, если она не собирается
on the red carpet, likes to put on cozy soft things free
cut An example is a gray-colored jumper.

9. Кэти Холмс может испытывать изменения в
personal life, but there is a thing in her wardrobe, which she is true. it
denim shirt from Gap for $ 45.

10. На пальце Кристен Стюарт часто видно кольцо
with a dramatic dark-colored stone in the form of RDX. Highly
well suited to the mood of the actress. Ring from Melinda Maria.

1one. Мила Кунис также имеет любимые джинсы. Her
the choice is Adriano Goldschmied “Stilt” brand. The actress puts on them
and shoes with heels, and stylish shoes.

12. Sandals from Manolo Blahnik have seen quite a few red
дорожек, ведь Рианна любит ими дополнять свои,
even different in style ensembles.

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