To brush your teeth with soda – is it possible or not? howto properly brush your teeth with soda, the effects of teeth whiteningsoda

Пт, 02 сен 2016 BUTвтор: Марина Благодарова

One of the most powerful weapons of any person is his
smile. To have white teeth is a natural desire,
However, professional whitening is quite expensive.
procedure. Many are looking for simple ways to whiten tooth enamel in
home conditions. Often in this case comes to the rescue
sodium bicarbonate or, in simple terms, baking soda. But
is it harmless and does soda really give the desired


Можно или нет чистить зубы soda и от чего зависит цвет

According to dentists, the color of the teeth depends on the degree
mineralization. Butрмой может считаться как белый цвет, так и с
yellowish or bluish tint. By the way, members of one family
будут иметь практически одинаковый оттенок зубной enamel, так как он
depends on hereditary predisposition.

It is possible to distinguish healthy teeth from problematic ones by yourself. For
It is enough to look closely at the crown of the tooth. If she
slightly translucent, then the teeth are in perfect order. Even considering
that the teeth can be far from perfectly white. If
the crown is completely transparent and there is no radiant shine, then this
speaks of serious problems.

Цвет зубной enamel может измениться по ряду причин.
The most common are:

• mercury or lead poisoning, removal of the dental nerve
(color turns gray);

• plaque (whitish color);

• mouthwash manganese or use products with
high content of dyes (pinkish tint);

• damage to the teeth with a fungus (shade close to green);

• drink plenty of water containing a lot of iron salts
(bluish tint);

• frequent use of coffee and strong tea (appearance

• smoking, insufficient care of teeth (dark brown
framing teeth);

• частое отбеливание зубов (в том числе и soda), начавшийся
процесс кариеса (покрытие enamel белыми пятнами).

You should know that the easiest way to whiten your yellow teeth, external
the appearance of which has deteriorated due to the abuse of coffee, strong tea or
smoking. If the tooth enamel is gray in color, then
unimportant color change, the result of home bleaching
will be almost invisible.

Можно или нет чистить зубы soda и почему именно она?

Soda has unique properties:

• disinfects: getting in the mouth, soda creates alkaline there
an environment in which bacteria and microbes simply cannot survive
(It is for this reason that soda is used in the treatment of fungal
mucosal lesions);

• cleans: soda is an abrasive substance that is capable of
clean completely any surface; fine particles with soft
the structure does not damage any surfaces, but the tooth enamel
can easily hurt, as it is very thin and delicate.

In cosmetology and in everyday life soda can be used at least every day. BUT
вот стоматологи утверждают, что частая чистка зубов пищевой soda
may lead to poor oral health.

Чистить зубы soda: можно или нет?

You can whiten tooth enamel yourself with the help of soda, but
with great care. Most dentists generally do not
Accept this bleaching method. There are several
good reasons:

• irritable oral mucosa;

• tooth enamel is quickly becoming thin;

• only superficial care of enamel is provided;

• mucosal damage is caused (which is why it is not recommended
отбеливать зубы soda, если во рту есть даже небольшие ранки,
healing in this case will take much longer);

• increases the risk of bleeding gums;

• soda cleans only small stains, with tartar and
it cannot cope with a rich touch;

• a rash may appear around the mouth (this is a manifestation of
allergic reaction);

• increase the sensitivity of the teeth (they will begin to respond with pain
too hot, cold or sour).

Если убрать вышеописанные факты, то отбеливать soda зубы не
It is also recommended because the effect of such a procedure is kept
very little. BUT при подобном частом отбеливании зубы очень быстро
begin to turn black and deteriorate.

Однако, вышеуказанные минусы отбеливания зубов soda, совсем не
mean a total ban on the procedure. If desired, and especially when
you need to achieve maximum effect quickly, soda is very even
will come in handy. In this regard, she has a number

• the result is noticeable immediately after the procedure;

• do not need to spend a lot of money;

• soda eliminates unpleasant smell from the mouth;

• проведение процедуры в home conditions.

how правильно чистить зубы soda?

For отбеливания зубов с помощью соды и достижения
the maximum desired result immediately after the procedure, it is necessary
remember some of the nuances:

• about a month before this bleaching is necessary to start
hard to strengthen the enamel, in the first place – to include in your diet
fluoride and calcium products (dairy products, cucumbers,
apples, nuts, carrots);

• during the procedure, use not clean
soda, but always in combination with toothpaste;

• after the procedure, rinse your mouth well;

• an hour after the procedure, there is nothing cold or hot;

• repeat the procedure no more than once a week;

• between tooth whitening procedures, use toothpaste, in
which is high in mineral content. Help make up
потери enamel могут пасты с содержанием фтора. If suddenly after
teeth whitening procedures have become sensitive
stop using soda and start using special
tooth-strengthening pastes.

Существует много способов, как правильно чистить зубы soda.
Here are the most popular:

1. Moisten a small piece of gauze in warm water, put in it
a pinch of soda and wrap so that it dissolves slightly. After
This wipe your teeth with the received lotion.

2. To moisten a toothbrush, to pour on it a small pinch of soda,
top drop of 3 drops of hot lemon juice. After этого
ordinary tooth brushing is performed.

3. Moisten a toothbrush in water, apply toothpaste on it,
sprinkle a small pinch of soda from above and brush your teeth.

4. It is necessary to prepare such a composition: 0.5 tsp. soda mix with
0.5 tsp lemon juice and two drops of hydrogen peroxide (3%).
Stir the resulting solution, put a finger in it, then a finger
and rub your teeth.

5. Moisten a toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide, sprinkle on top
soda и произвести обычную чистку teeth.

6. There is another way to use baking soda for dental
enamel, который направлен не столько на отбеливание зубов, сколько
on clearing of a small raid. This is done with soda solution,
which is very easy to prepare: 4 tbsp. soda stir in a glass
warm water. This tool should be rinsed as often as possible.

Можно или нет чистить зубы soda и конкурирует ли она с
pharmacy tools?

The only point in which soda is like tooth whitener
wins – its cheapness. When compared with the purchase
whitening agents, the difference is significant. But во всем
the rest of the soda earns only minuses, since instant and
short-term bleaching can seriously harm health

Equally effective, but safer and more expensive are
pharmacy tools. These are gels, strips, pencils and caps. Their main
advantage is safety. Even so, before
choose one or another product of a certain brand should be visited
a dentist. He will look at the condition of your teeth and say whether

The safest teeth whitening home remedies
are whitening toothpastes. They are represented almost at
each brand of pasta. It also includes abrasive
substance, but it does not cause such harm as soda, just because
which is heavily crushed. The effect, however, will not be momentary, only
after some time with regular use of whitening
pasta. Зато это не навредит enamel.

From the above, we can conclude that whiten teeth
soda можно, однако, это не лучшее средство для подобной процедуры.
But иногда чего только не сделаешь ради красоты. If you want
shine right now and subdue everyone with his snow-white smile, then
you can take a little risk. Worth knowing to brush your teeth
soda противопоказано беременным и кормящим мамам, а также людям,
in the postoperative period or having diseases
gastrointestinal tract.

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