The use of flax flour in cosmetology. Recipescleansing and rejuvenating masks from flax flour for the face

WITHр, 29 ноя 2017 Автор: Елена Хмель

Lyon is an amazing plant containing fatty
oils that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, neck and decollete. WITH
antiquities, beauties used flax seeds to preserve
skin young and healthy.

WITHуществует много масок из данного вида муки, которые можно
do it yourself to maintain the beauty of the skin.


What is flax flour?

Flax flour belongs to the category of natural products.

It is made by grinding flax seeds and powder.
degreasing the resulting mass.

The flour contains many vitamins (F, A, the whole group B, K, E,
PP, folic acid), minerals (copper, phosphorus, potassium, zinc,
iron), vegetable proteins, carbohydrates,
antioxidants, fiber, amino acids and polyunsaturated acids
(omega 3 and 6).

Advantages of flax flour masks for face

The main advantage of flax flour is suitable for different skin, and
masks with her help to prepare the skin for different effects
weather It is inexpensive and easy to find in any pharmacy or
the store

Advantages of flax masks:

• presence in the composition: fatty acids, vitamins, minerals give
youthful skin, moisturize, nourish and improve its elasticity;

• accelerate the healing of wounds;

• lifting effect and stimulation of collagen synthesis allows
smooth even small wrinkles;

• help to reduce pores and normalize the work of sebaceous
glands, thereby helping to get rid of oily shine;

• struggling with acne.

The use of such masks constantly, will support the skin in
excellent condition and will delay the aging process.

But, despite all its advantages, flax flour can give not
the desired reaction and therefore, it is necessary to conduct a test test
a small patch of skin. Half an hour is enough to determine
portability of mask components

How to use flax flour as masks

When buying flour, you should pay attention to its quality,
it should be labeled – eco product. In addition, she does not
must be in transparent packaging, the arrival of light leads to
rapid deterioration of the product. It is better to keep flour in the refrigerator so that
she did not spoil. Ideal – cooking flour
self grind flax grain on a coffee grinder in front
cooking mask.

To achieve the maximum effect of the procedure,
apply mask correctly:

• before applying it is necessary to clean the skin and it is better to steam
pores over the bath;

• the procedure is recommended to do before bedtime or in the evening;

• the mixture should be infused before application, so that it

• all components must be mixed well, the mass should be
no lumps;

• masks from flax flour, in rare cases, lead to sticking
therefore it is recommended to apply nutrients or moisturizers.
creams after the procedure;

• skin will be excellent if this mask is made 1 time in 3-4 days,
but more often it is impossible.

Restorative mask from flax flour for the face with dry

The perfect effect can be achieved by making the following mask when
the presence of dry skin.

Cooking process:

1. • One spoonful of flour and three water – mixed, should be
mass in composition, like thick sour cream.

2.•WITHмесь должна постоять — до набухания муки.

3. • Add 0.5 teaspoons honey.

4. • Next, 0.5 tsp of olive oil.

5. • Everything is thoroughly stirred.

6. • Superimposed on face, neck and cover for 15 minutes.
a napkin.

7.•WITHмывается тёплой водой.

The mask is recommended to impose 1-2 times a week. Result
visible from the first time, the skin glows with health, becomes
more elastic and fit.

Problem skin – linen flour face mask

WITHуществует ряд простых масок для такой кожи, они чудесно решают
her problems. With their regular use (2 times in 10 days), you can
quickly heal the skin.

1. • Remarkable opportunity to remove irritation on the skin and remove
exfoliated particles – a procedure from a mixture of flax flour with chamomile.
Chamomile (10 g) pour half a glass of boiling water for half an hour. AT
This infusion is added to the flour to make a pancake.
consistency. WITHостав наносится на чистую кожу минут на 15, пока не
start to dry slightly. WITHмывается в меру тёплой водой и наносится
nutritious cream.

2. • On a spoonful of flax flour and sour cream – mixed and infused
for 5 minutes. If desired, sour cream is replaced by milk.
Apply on face and lasts 20 minutes. WITHмывается теплым ромашковым
decoction. The procedure will help remove acne and rashes.

Mask from flax flour for the face with a cleansing effect

For cleansing and scrub procedures, flax flour
perfect solution. There are several recipes with different additives.

10 – 15 grams of flour steamed with boiling water, should be
gruel, and infused for 15 minutes. AT получившуюся массу добавляется
teaspoon of cosmetic clay:

• dry skin and irritable – pink or red clay

• normal – white, blue, green;

• mature and withering – yellow or terracotta.

Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes.

Another way is to connect flax flour and oatmeal (in
equal fractions), pour hot milk, and insist 10 minutes.
Apply the mixture with massaging movements for 3 minutes.
Then a second layer is applied and held for 20 minutes.

Another recipe – a spoonful of flour, whey and 3 drops
Lavender oil whip in the foam. Massaging for 5 minutes
apply on face and hold for 20 minutes.

Linen flour face mask

The recipe for a wonderful mask that perfectly nourishes and moisturizes,
would need:

• egg;

• spoon of honey;

• A spoon of butter (almond);

• half a banana;

• 1/2 cup flax flour.

WITHмешиваются компоненты и наносятся на лицо на 10 minutes Effect
noticeable from the first procedure.

Masks for rejuvenation

The mask has a wonderful rejuvenating effect.
which includes: a spoon of flour, yolk, 1/2 tsp of honey, a spoon
vegetable oil, it is better to take olive oil. Apply the mixture in 2, 3
layer and lie down for 20 minutes. After this mask, the skin becomes
radiant and young.

Another recipe – 3 tablespoons of flour poured cream high
fat content to the state of the paste and slightly heated in a water bath.
AT полученную массу добавляются 2 капли витаминов А и Е. Делается
the procedure is warm, it lasts 25 minutes. WITHмывается комнатной водой.
The mask smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin more elastic and

Mask from pigment spots

A great way to get rid of facial pigmentation is a mask from
flour flax, lemon juice and sour milk. WITHмесь необходимо настоять
and on the face for 20 minutes.

Another recipe is a mixture of flax and oatmeal (2 tbsp each)
poured kefir to the state of liquid porridge and infused 15
minutes It is applied for 20 minutes and rinsed with cold water.

Mask for oily skin

A great recipe for removing oily sheen – take flaxseed
and oatmeal, in a ratio of 2: 1 (in spoons) and poured mineral
water to obtain slurry. The mass is brought to a boil and removed with
fire, infused within half an hour.

Маска наносится на чистое лицо с распаренной skin. After 20
минут смывается тёплой водой и ополаскивается ромашковым decoction.
After it, the pores are cleaned, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized and
skin becomes elastic.

ATарианты применения муки из льна в косметологии

Заменить средства для снятия макияжа купленные в the store легко,
by making their own hands from flax flour. For the manufacture should
take the flour and mineral water, they mix to get
porridge mass.

This mousse should be applied sponge, skin should be dry.
When removing makeup, movements are done along the massage lines. Besides
cleansing effect, the mousse acts as a scrub. After makeup removal
you need to wash and repeat the procedure, the remains of mousse are washed away
mineral water. The use of such a mousse leads to a narrowing
since then

Для скраба would need: льняная мука (1 ст.
spoon), honey (1 tbsp. spoon) and salt (0.5 tsp.). Procedure done
in circular motions for 3 minutes, after which the mixture
washed off with water. Frequency – once a week. With
portability of baking soda, salt can be replaced by it.

Flax flour is recommended for use as masks in
any age and for any skin. The ideal effect is achieved when
using regular masks. Easy recipes and the ability
doing them yourself at home will allow you to look young and

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