The secret of face masks from protein: whiten andrejuvenate! How to achieve maximum effect using masks fromsquirrel

Пн, 29 янв 2018 Автор: Наталья Овченко

Egg is a natural nutrient that can
work wonders with skin when applied externally. Scientifically proven
что маски из squirrel для лица очищают и суживают поры, в результате
skin becomes noticeably taut.


AT чем is польза маски из squirrel для кожи лица

The secret of these masks lies in the action of the active substances and
vitamins contained in protein. They are not so much, but the concentration
Enough to work wonders with each procedure.
After these substances penetrate deep into the epidermis, they take
active participation in all processes. Regular use of masks from
squirrel для лица изменяет состояние кожи, способно бороться со
many problems. Consider these components contained in

1. Protein. Due to the fact that it is natural, protein will help
restore any skin microdamages. Besides this, his
the application will allow you to bring the skin tone, regulate the work
sebaceous glands.

2. Fats. Их польза в составе squirrel is в том, что они
over the epidermis create a kind of film that protects against
pollution, heat and cold and the like.

3. Carbohydrates. Thanks to them, the skin of the face is filled with energy,
comes to tone, fatigue disappears.

4. Glucose. The benefit is that it is
conductor, transporting energy to the cells.

5. Enzymes. At the cellular level, they are able to replenish such
processes as rejuvenating and restoring. Thanks to them
minor lesions on the face quickly heal, as do acne
and acne.

6. Biotin or Vitamin N. Its amount in egg white
small but enough to settle the work
sebaceous glands.

7. Niacin acid or vitamin PP. Thanks to him, the skin
acquires a beautiful natural color. With a deficiency of this substance
pallor and yellowness appear.

Regular use of masks on egg white allows
achieve the following results:

– will create a strong antibacterial effect;

– deeply cleanse the skin;

– will relieve small wrinkles;

– tones the skin;

– eliminate black spots, acne, acne, freckles, pigmentation;

– whiten the skin and give it a natural color;

– will help in the fight against fatty secretions.

Experts advise for maximum effect sessions
с применением яичного squirrel проводить не реже трех раз в неделю.
At the same time combine them with a massage and a shilling.

Основные правила применения масок из squirrel для лица

Protein as a mask can be used for the entire surface of the skin (for
except for the areas around the eyes, because otherwise
such masks can cause “crow’s feet”), and
also on specific problem areas. This is especially convenient for
owners of problem skin, because fatty areas can
process, but do not damage the dry areas.

Given that protein masks are among the simplest,
sometimes you can hear about the futility of their use. it
happens for the reason that before you apply a mask, you need to
familiarize yourself with the rules of its preparation and use.

1. When should a protein mask be used?

Egg protein can have the following effect on the skin:

– eliminates fine wrinkles;

– dries;

– helps in the fight against acne and acne, and also eliminates
greasy shine;

– smoothes the skin;

– helps fight hyperpigmentation;

– makes skin color beautiful.

Even with the appearance of a second chin adjustment can
try to hold at home using egg
the yolk.

2. When is the use of a mask contraindicated?

Маски из squirrel для лица противопоказаны в случае аллергии,
skin inflammation, for application to dry skin, since similar
the substance removes greasiness, and in this case it is on the skin
will only work negatively.

3. Which eggs will fit?

It is best to use homework for this purpose, rather than shopping.
the eggs. In this case, the concentration of nutrients in them will be
much higher, and hence the result.

4. How to separate the white from the yolk?

Белок для маски должен быть тщательно отделен от the yolk. itт
the question poses no difficulties for those who have come across it all the time,
тогда навыки по отделению squirrel от желтка вырабатываются сами по
to myself. In fact, there are many such ways. One of them
is that in the shell should make a small
hole through it to carve the protein. You can also do this through
funnel. But if this is very problematic, you can already purchase
ready protein.

5. How to beat?

Before starting the preparation of the mask, the proteins must be cooled. To
to achieve a homogeneous consistency, the protein can be whipped with a whisk on
over 5 minutes. Делают это до тех пор, пока из squirrel не
foam is formed. Beat better manually, but to mix with others
components already using a blender to avoid education

6. What is the preparatory stage regarding

The skin of the face must be pre-prepared that
is in her cleaning. The fact is that this kind of mask is not
just pores, but also clog them. That is why the skin
must be thoroughly cleaned.

First, it must be cleaned of cosmetics. And to achieve
the maximum result from the mask, it is desirable to make a steam
bath. It will help to expand the pores and enhance the result. In water
it is good to add decoctions of herbs with anti-inflammatory and
wound-healing effect. The next step is to clean the pores when
help scrub. And now you can safely apply the mask.

7. What are the tricks of applying a mask?

Равномерно и без комков нанести маску для лица из squirrel поможет
special cosmetic brush. But if this is not available,
the application procedure can be done with the help of fingertips,
at the same time making self-massage for the face. But first you need to
learn the movements that put a mask on your face. Otherwise
You can disrupt the processes of subcutaneous microcirculation and achieve
negative result.

8. How long does it take to sustain a mask?

Keep the mask on the face for a long time can not, because drying out, she
form a crust. And if she is carelessly pulled off, it can damage
skin Especially dangerous if the face with acne. therefore
to withstand the protein mask should be no more than 15 minutes. In this mimic
persons must remain immovable.

9. How best to remove the mask from the face?

Method one. We weave the skin with a piece of cotton wool, gauze or towels,
roll the mass.

The second way. Wash off the mask with slightly warm water.
The case is not hot. Mineral water or milk will do.

After removal of residues on the skin is recommended to apply
nutritious cream.

10. How long do you need to do such

After ten protein masks, a short break is recommended,
чтобы не сбить работу sebaceous glands. After a month of the procedure you can

Compliance with these simple rules will result in excellent skin

Лучшие маски из squirrel для лица

Chicken egg masks were used by our ancestors back in
antiquities, because they helped women acquire beauty,
bring back youth Below are examples of masks based on chicken.

Masks with fruits and berries

Masks with the addition of natural self-squeezed juices
able to rid the oily skin from the shine, as well as lighten it. AT
the period of avitaminosis is especially useful to add fruit pulp and

1. Mask of juice. Берем пену squirrel одного яйца и добавляем 5
milliliters of lemon juice or sour apples, or currants, or

2. Mask of fruit and berry pulp. ATзбитый в пену белок одного
eggs are mixed with sweet types of berries and fruits, previously
cooked mashed potatoes. ATзять надо 17 грамм.

Egg mask with honey

Маски из squirrel с медом полезны для тех, кто имеет проблемы с
acne, make the skin smooth, relieves peeling and removes

To prepare the mask using 1 protein, beat with 40
grams of honey. For oily skin, you can enhance the drying effect
adding 1 teaspoon flour (whole wheat or oatmeal).

Маски для лица из squirrel с добавлением крахмала

To tighten and dry the skin, remove fine wrinkles and double
chin capable next mask. Protein one egg must be whipped,
Slowly pour a teaspoon of potato starch. If the mixture
get thick, you can add another protein.

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