The most effective exercise for weight loss,reduce the abdomen, hips, back and legs. A set of exercises forslimming

WITHр, 25 май 2016 Автор: Анна Онуку

It is no secret that getting rid of excess weight so that
He did not come back, only by doing sports regularly.

Таблетки и чаи для slimming дают временный эффект, ждать
result for a long time from them is not worth it.

How to find a slim figure and keep it?

WITHамые эффективные упражнения для slimming — лучший способ
get in shape.

They will help not only to forget about excess weight, but also positively
will affect health.


Pre-warm up

Any training involves warming up. Muscle need
to prepare. If you do not, the person will feel strong
pain after class and will not be able to continue to exercise the next

1. We become exactly, hands keep on a belt. Slow
Turn left, spreading your arms to the side. Then
return to the starting position. Further, the same turn – only
to the right. The exercise is repeated at least 10 times.

2. Simple pushups are a great way to stretch your muscles. AT
Lying down position position on elevation (can be used
chair or other furniture). ATыполняется 25-30 отжиманий.

3. Warm up with dumbbells. Arms bend in elbows, in each
is a projectile weighing 1.5 kg. Raise your hands up, then we part
to the sides. Exercise needs to be done slowly so that the muscles
warmed up. At least 10 repetitions.

4. Squatting – 15-20 times.

ATыполнив цикл перечисленных упражнений для разминки можно быть
confident that the muscles are warm and ready for the main

Neglect of warm-up leads to such consequences

• injuries;

• torn ligaments;

• slow metabolism.

WITHамые эффективные упражнения для slimming: формирование
beautiful waist

Most often, women face the problem of fatty
interlayer at the waist. Wear beautiful tight-fitting shirts and
dresses you want each. WITHамые эффективные упражнения для slimming в
waist areas are the best way to make your dreams come true

1. A lying position is taken, the legs are important.
to fix. If the exercise is performed at home, their
You can shove under the sofa or chair. Slow поднимается корпус
up, the back remains flat. Then корпус опускается в исходное
position. The first few days of an exercise on the press is performed by
10-15 approaches, then their number can be slightly increased.

2. Starting position – standing, legs are shoulder-width apart. WITH
straight back performed forward bend, trying to left elbow
get the right knee. Then наоборот. Exercise difficult woman
must be flexible. Do not worry if not at first
get it. Regular classes develop flexibility, the main thing –
diligence and desire to find a beautiful figure.

3. Starting position – lying down. Hands on head, legs
bend at the knees. Take a deep breath, then shoulders and head
rise slightly. AT таком положении нужно задержаться на 5-10
секунд, затем вернуться в исходное position. 10 repetitions

ATажно понимать, что красивая талия не появится после первого дня
occupations. To gain a flat stomach, you need to train.
regularly, without missing a single day. It is advisable to perform more than one
exercise, and the whole cycle listed above.

WITHамые эффективные упражнения для slimming области бедер

Hateful cellulite and extra pounds in the hips – this
the second problem that bothers women. I want to legs
looked attractive, were resilient, to be allowed
wear short shorts or skirt.

Get rid of cellulite is not so easy. WITHамые эффективные
упражнения для slimming в области бедер помогут привести ноги в
shape, pump them up, causing the orange

1. WITHамое полезное упражнение для ног и здоровья — это ходьба.
WITHтарайтесь передвигаться пешком при любой возможности. Forget about
lift, because the ladder is a great “trainer” for the hips.

2. Squats. Need to try daily three times during
days to do 10-15 squats, the back must
stay straight.

3. WITHидя на полу ноги вытягиваются вперед, опорной точкой служат
arms. Feet rise up by about 10-15 cm, in such
condition linger a little, then we part them and
bring back. Exercise is very useful. It not only strengthens
thigh muscles, but also improves stretching.

4. If a woman spends the whole day in sedentary work, especially
she does not have time to engage herself. But also from here
you can extract your benefits. AT течение рабочего дня старайтесь
compress the muscles of the hips and buttocks for 20-30 seconds. So repeat 10-15
once a day.

Faster results can be achieved if
The entire exercise cycle will be repeated daily. Having elastic
hip without an orange peel a woman will feel
graceful and attractive, will be able to afford short playful
shorts in the summer.

WITHамые эффективные упражнения для slimming: уменьшение hands in

Пожалуй, сложнее всего привести в нормальное состояние arms. Fat
in this area accumulates very quickly and does not want to
leave. WITHамые эффективные упражнения для slimming рук помогут
tighten the skin, pump up the muscles and get rid of fat

1. Pushups. Of course, the best exercise to do from the floor.
However, not every girl can do pushups, so the first time
can try to do from the chair. So continue for a week.
Then try push-ups from the floor – it will be much easier.

2. Dumbbells are now sold at any sports store at
low price. This inventory is ideal for bringing in
порядок свои arms. To get started dumbbells for 1.5 kg
each, then you can slightly increase the weight. WITHтановимся прямо. Hands with
should be lowered down with the dumbbells. Breathe in, hands
we bend in elbows. On the exhale, return to the original

3. The starting position is the same as in the last exercise. AT
As inventory again dumbbells are taken. WITHпину держим ровной,
straight arms are raised to the level of the chest, we plant them slowly in
hand, then return back.

4. We hold straight arms with dumbbells in front of us at chest level.
The shoulders and back remain straight. Slow заводим руки за голову,
raise them up, linger for a few seconds and
return to the starting position.

WITHтоит отметить, что представленные упражнения для приведения рук
The order is completely uncomplicated. They can be made at home every day and
in a few weeks the first results will be noticeable. Leather
will become not so “flabby”, a beautiful relief will appear.

WITHамые эффективные упражнения для slimming: осознание
the upcoming “struggle”

WITHкапливающийся под кожей жир — главный враг представительниц
beautiful sex. It spoils the look and lowers self-esteem.
However, if you learn to build your day correctly, you can
convert to energy.

WITHовременный ритм жизни оставляет дамам очень мало времени на
yourself Many “hide behind” this very thing when it comes to their
weight. WITHтоит отметить, что не обязательно посещать тренажерный зал
in order to gain the figure of your dreams. Presented above
Exercises can be done at home.

The first thing to realize is the need for training.
WITHпорт положительно сказывается на общем состоянии здоровья. Woman
can diet and get rid of 10 kg, but they come back,
if she will not do elementary exercises.

The duration of one class at home should be at least an hour.
Fatы начинают перерабатываться в энергию только спустя 15 минут

Another nuance – the sport must be combined with the correct diet.
food, otherwise all efforts will be useless. This is not about
fasting In no case can not be categorically refuse
food. It will be more correct to eat 5-6 times a day for small ones.
in portions, focusing on products enriched with minerals and
with vitamins.

Getting rid of extra kilos is a whole cycle of training,
направленный на то, чтобы привести в форму талию, бедра и arms.
Only with an integrated approach and regular classes woman
will find the shape of your dreams and be able to easily put on any
liked clothes.

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