The effectiveness of homemade wraps for weight loss- proven! Basics of home weight loss wraps

Пн, 29 фев 2016 Автор: Катерина Кравченко

Women who want to remove fat in problem areas,
often do it wrong.

They buy expensive creams, exercise and do not see
effect. That’s because problem areas are problematic, because
fat in them goes to the last turn.

It takes a lot of effort to make the belly, legs and hips
lost weight

These parts of the case need additional help. And one of
The most effective way is wrapping.

There are many recipes for effective home wraps.
for weight loss, and they are all designed to provide local
fat splitting action.


Homemade slimming wraps: do or not do

Start doing body wraps is worth it, if the decision to lose weight
taken resolutely and responsibly. Wrapping acts as
auxiliary procedure, which must necessarily
accompany charging, healthy diet and proper
schedule. Without these components, wraps will not
productive. The principle of wraps is to deduce
body fluids, toxins and slags, warming the skin,
subcutaneous fat and muscle. If the procedure is not supported
exercise and eating right can only improve
The superficial condition of the skin, but centimeters of fat will not go away. But in
combined with charging, wrapping helps the body better
succumb to the exercises, and a slim silhouette is formed faster.

The most common problems that are indications for
carrying out wrapping sessions is excess body fat,
cellulite of any degree, skin lethargy, stretch marks after childbirth or
sharp weight gains, age-related skin changes.

Effective homemade slimming wraps are carried out as
usually with natural products of natural origin.
Therefore, if there is no desire to spend money on expensive and risky
procedures – wraps worth doing.

But despite the naturalness of the components and the relative
the harmlessness of the procedure, yet there are contraindications. It is impossible
hold wraps:

• during pregnancy;

• during breastfeeding;

• during menstruation;

• in the presence of tumors;

• if you are allergic to the components of the wrapping agent;

• if there is a disease in the female line;

• in violation of the integrity of the skin on problem areas;

• with hypertension;

• in diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

The most common contraindications for
wrappings is varicose and other venous diseases.
The main types of wraps are aimed at creating high heat
effect, which is contraindicated for diseased veins. In this case, the output
there is – you need to find alternative recipes, that is, cold
effective home wrap for weight loss.

Effective weight loss home wraps: preparation

Wrapping includes certain stages of preparation.
Components or remedy for effective home wraps for
weight loss prepared or mixed in advance. This is due to
the fact that the wraps are carried out on clean skin after a shower, the body is not
should cool while the mixture is being prepared.

Taking a shower before the procedure is necessary to carry out the process.
skin preparation. It necessarily includes steaming and
skin cleansing with a massage sponge and body scrub. Scrub can be
both purchased and own production. The main thing is that he
could remove dead skin and wash off dirt. Scrub base
homemade cooking is usually sea salt in
with essential oils. You can use ordinary salt,
If sea is not available. The skin should be perfect
prepared before the procedure.

Hot shower and simultaneous skin scrubbing contribute to
the process of cleansing the skin from the stratum corneum, open access to
renewed skin and open pores. In the process of taking a shower and
scrubbing focuses on those areas that will be
apply the mixture for wrapping. This is a zone of buttocks, abdomen, thighs,
feet. To enhance blood flow to these areas in the shower can
use a massage brush.

Homemade slimming wraps: consistency

After a shower, steamed and clean skin should be gently.
blot dry with a towel. Soft is perfect for this.
terry towel. The prepared composition is applied to the skin on
problem areas. Movement during application should be
smooth and neat, better circular. The tool is as if rubbed
into the skin, but not aggressively.

Effective homemade slimming wraps are carried out with
using food film that covers applied on problem
compound zones. Food film enhances waste fluid, which
creates aesthetic reliefs on the body. Film wrapped by
spiral path from the bottom up. Draws enough
tight so as not to slip, but not too tight so as not to constrain
movements or impede normal blood circulation. Layers
it is better do more, it will enhance the effect.

You can reduce body heat by wearing warm clothes and about 40
minutes to lie under a warm blanket. Out of clothes are great
tights or warm pants, thermal shorts, bathrobe. Eat and drink before and after.
procedures can not be within an hour, but natural hot is allowed
drink, for example on herbs. Warmth of the drink also contributes
the process of losing weight.

During the exposure wraps you can completely relax and
get distracted by watching a movie or a book. It is important that well-being
was really good. After all, if there is a feeling of discomfort,
жжения или головокружения, процедуру it is better прервать. Not necessary
endure unpleasant symptoms as they can only

After about an hour with good health you can
stop the procedure. It is worth noting that making the wrap first
раз, it is better не затягивать со временем. The body is not used to this
procedure, it is important to do everything gradually. The first time you can apply
mix for half an hour or a little more. Then sessions can last for about
hours In the future, even a two-hour session is allowed, provided
that everything goes comfortably and efficiently.

After the session you need to remove the film or cut it
scissors for easier removal. Then applied composition
wash off with water. You can continue in two ways – take a bath with
a large amount of salt to enhance the anti-cellulite effect.
Ten minutes is enough. Or you can apply a moisturizer on
body – cream, massage oil, milk. If the problem is cellulite
topical – anti-cellulite cream is applied. Its action is especially
effectively after wraps and a hot bath.

The effectiveness of homemade wraps for weight loss: советы

The performance of the wrappings is due to those unique
effects that have heat and natural components.
Wrapping is an analogue of a bath or sauna, only local
impact. These procedures are also carried out in salons, but
effective home wrap for weight loss is not inferior
professional services. The main thing is to know how to prepare
body, how much time to keep the tool, how often to conduct sessions
and how to prepare the mixture.

The effectiveness of the procedure is achieved by:

• cleansing the skin and enhancing regeneration processes;

• removing toxins and excess fluid from the body;

• acceleration of metabolism;

• уit is betterнию кровообращения;

• rejuvenating and toning effect;

• saturating the skin with beneficial elements – vitamins and

• increase the elasticity of the skin and its elasticity;

• the destruction of “orange peel”;

• calming, calming effect.

It is noted that already after the first correctly conducted session,
skin condition is noticeably improving. This means that the subcutaneous
fat burning processes have also entered the work. Course needed
be based on the degree of neglect of cellulite and fullness,
возраста желаемого effect. Conduct effective homework
weight loss wraps should be every other day, the entire session should
быть около 14. It is impossible проводить обертывания беспрерывно в течение
a long time. Therefore, between the courses you need to pause
about one and a half to two months, in order to lose weight
passed without harm to health.

The subtlety of the wrapping procedure is a well-chosen
recipe. Mixtures for this procedure can be based on
the most different means. Effective home wraps for
slimming is done with honey, coffee, clay, mustard,
chocolate, oils, pepper, vinegar, seaweed, tea, wine and herbs.

All recipes with these products are fairly simple and
are effective.

Wraps with essential oils are carried out as follows. Need to
prepare base oil. This may be, for example, olive or
almond oil. Two tablespoons (about 20 ml) of base
oil must be diluted with 8-10 drops of essential. Essential oil usually
selected that has anti-cellulite effect, often
Whole citrus oil. Very effective are lemon,
juniper and lavender. You can use some kind of one oil,
And you can add several in equal proportions. Ready mix
heated to 40 degrees in a water bath and then applied to the body.
Instead of essential oils, even ground red can be added to the base oil.
and black pepper, cinnamon.

For effective homemade slimming wraps with honey take
two or three tablespoons of honey, add a few drops of essential
orange or lemon oil. The mixture is applied in the form of heat, for this
it must be preheated in a water bath.

Coffee wraps have a very high efficiency and
well visible result due to caffeine content. it
The substance has the ability to break down fats. In warm milk
add a few tablespoons of coffee (it should not be
boiled), and stirred to a state of gruel. Can add
essential oil or honey.

The following two types of wraps are cold wraps.
They are intended for those who are diagnosed varicose veins
varicose veins. But also for those for whom this problem is not relevant,
cold wraps will also be effective for losing weight.

For the procedure of vinegar wraps can be purchased at the store
or make your own apple cider vinegar. If vinegar is bought in
store, you need to be as natural as possible. Begins
procedure with moistening the tissue with vinegar. itй тканью оборачивают
problem areas and fix the film. Since the fabric should not flow,
therefore, they are wrung out before wrapping. Уксус it is better разводить водой
in the ratio of 1: 1. After you need to wrap yourself in heat. In the first minutes
the cold will be felt, which is gradually replaced by heat. After
procedures need to rinse the body with water and apply moisturizing, and
it is better лечебный крем.

Blue clay allows for cold and effective
homemade body wraps for weight loss, besides with benefit for veins.
Need to всего лишь размешать глину в воде до консистенции сметаны, и
Apply to the problem area, securing with food film. Water should
to be not ordinary from the tap, but clean. You can mineral or from
filter. Herbal decoction can also serve as a base. Temperature
mixes – room. It is important to prepare the mixture in glass or earthenware.
dishes, but not in metal.

Wraps at home – very effective if their
supplement with massage, exercise and proper nutrition.

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