The correct form of eyebrows for different typesfaces

Tue, Apr 12, 2016

Today, again, as in past centuries, at the peak of popularity
naturalness Эффект «умытого» faces лучше всего могут подчеркнуть

The correct form of eyebrows for different types лиц будет отличаться —
and this is one of the most important secrets of beauty. Can call it
a whole science, but it is easy to learn and at home. The main thing,
understand that the shape and size of the eyebrows need to be selected to a certain
форме faces, чтобы подчеркнуть его достоинства и сделать менее
noticeable flaws.

The shape of the eyebrows is also taken into account in physiognomy – a science in which
чертам faces определяется характер человека. So noticed that if
a person prefers an arcuate shape – his character is open,
You can say – good nature. Adventurers most often have
клиновидную бровь, а сильные духом люди – прямые широкие eyebrows.

So, how is the correction? First you need to turn
внимания на тип faces. Затем подобрать толщину eyebrows. On the face with
small features wide eyebrows will look too massive to
крупным чертам подходят широкие eyebrows. For shaping
необходимы следующие инструменты
: – щёточка, – прибор по
removal of excess hairs (tweezers of good quality) .- contour
eyebrow pencil of a suitable color, – antiseptic (to
process probable sores), – gel for the shape of eyebrows. It is not worth
hurry, and pluck everything. Accurately and accurately take
for the cause, and don’t be discouraged if an extra hair is removed and
an empty space is formed. The hairs will grow very quickly, but for now
You can shade it with a pencil.


How to choose the size of eyebrows

The most important thing that needs to be understood for the choice of the form – it is necessary
учитывать всевозможные пропорции faces. There is a peculiar
The calculation method is actually quite a simple scheme. To
define the inner boundary, attach a cosmetic pencil to
wing of the nose, so that he looked to the inner corner of the eye.
Mark the intersection with the superciliary arch. Place of the highest
lift as follows: attach a pencil to the wing of the nose,
so that it passes through the point of the pupil upwards. At intersection
at the top, put the second point. Next, determine the external angle –
apply a pencil from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye. We put
third point. To get the circuit just connect all the connections continuously.
three dots.

Формы бровей по типу faces

Основных типов faces всего несколько, и если вспомнить геометрию,
It can be noted oval, round, triangular and square shape.
You can add here and sweet girlish face “heart.” For example,
a broken eyebrow will look great on a round face, but not
worth doing them like real peaks. But the girls with wide
cheekbones such models will look inorganic.

Specialists – makeup artists believe that there is one, “correct”
the form. Подходящая ко всем типам faces — это классический вариант,
when the straight line is slightly bent towards the end. Highlights when
choosing: – if you need to visually expand the face – with this
they cope with straight, not too thick eyebrows; – eyes are set too much
close – widen the distance between the eyebrows; – eyes too close
far – to act on the contrary, as close as possible, but in no way
the case without connecting on the nose; – visually do already –
round out the shape, but without excessive bending, so as not to give the face
arrogant or surprised expression.

Форма бровей для разных типов faces

Eyebrows for круглого faces

chubby girls consider this form a disadvantage, and struggle with
them in all possible ways. The main step in giving a face
продолговатой формы – правильно подобрать eyebrows. Perfect option
– Easy break classic eyebrows. Face is transformed just
magically. But remember the traps that can change the face
not for the better: do not make eyebrows too high or
low, otherwise you risk looking surprised or tragic.
Round shapes are also contraindicated so as not to turn a face into
perfect ball. The wide face should be given a soft, gentle look when
relief triangular eyebrow, advantageously emphasizing the eyes. Pencil
raise the top point, the most “peak” can balance the width
faces, если он будет располагаться выше конечной точки eyebrows.
Eyebrows for овального faces

type is considered the most correct. But for him also need
select options according to all the rules of geometry. You can soften the oval,
if the face is made less elongated. For this you need to achieve a smooth
fracture lines on the rounded eyebrows. On narrow face look better
straight eyebrows, but not very thin, so as not to resemble the French
mime. Smooth brow line gives long face a pleasant
roundness. An elongated face may have features. If a
the chin is rather large, and the jaws and cheekbones are proportional, then
лучше с помощью карандаша удлинить краешек eyebrows. Better to leave
wide line to make the face appear rounder. Eyebrows for
треугольного и квадратного faces

owners of a triangular shape, the advice is simple – uniform
beautiful bend, not very long. Long straight lines can
visually disturb the proportions. But it can’t hurt square
форме faces. It will look good long eyebrows with high
surprised bend. If a вы не можете определиться с формой, можно
try stencils. The stores sell whole sets
eyebrow stencils, which can be selected options for
most unusual faces. Even eyebrow stencils are sold in the West.
celebrities – you can try on. For example, брови Шарон Стоун или
Madonna. Вообще, в квадратной форме faces важно, чтобы бровь была
graceful to soften hard lines as much as possible and shift the focus
on the eyes.

Eyebrows for faces в форме сердечка

Такие faces, обычно широкие вверху и сужающиеся к подбородку,
have rounded shapes and cannot be called triangular. Narrow
the chin can be balanced by rounding the top point.
Use a pencil and give your eyebrows naturalness – they should not
be thin or fat.

How to prepare for the procedure of eyebrow plucking

Only a small part of women goes to beauty salons for this,
the rest do it themselves. At first, the procedure
may be painful to reduce these sensations, fume
face. The steam bath expands the pores and the hairs are pulled out.
much easier. Anesthetize the place best with ice cubes.
Dermatologists urge to be very careful with abrupt change.
temperature Since the probability of occurrence of vascular
�”Stars”. But alternative moisturizer application is also
not always justified – although pulling out hairs will be wrong
painful, hairs become slippery, and you can make a mistake when they
choosing. The easiest way is to rub the correction site so that it loses
sensitivity. There are special painkiller sprays and
cosmetic wipes for hair removal. Correction is carried out at least
than once a month.

Fashion eyebrows

At first glance it may seem that the shape of the eyebrows cannot
have fashion trends, but it is not. You can verify this if
look at the photo of the stars, for example, twenty years ago. Eyebrows then
wore shaggy, now it looks somewhat funny. And 30 years
back you could see thin strings instead of the brow line –
what can you do, every woman aspires to look fashionable and stylishly.
Women who want to draw attention to themselves can give a face
a bit of a predatory expression of a slight kink. Lately and
the stars are trying to give the eyebrows a fashionable shape with a break, elegant,
slightly curved, but without sharp corners.

Rounded lines that emphasize the eyes are also popular. Saved
classical width, but necessarily thinned density, without
excesses Color varies from black to light brown,
the main thing is maximum naturalness. To избавиться от торчащих
hairs, use gel-fixer to give the desired shape
and secure it in the perfect version. If a вы хоть раз
откорректируете брови по типу faces, в дальнейшем отказаться от
this will be almost impossible.

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