The best homemade whitening face mask:recipes. Rules for the effective use of home whiteningface masks

Чт, 07 июл 2016 Автор: Анна Лисица

Any girl’s natural desire is to have a healthy
young and beautiful skin on the face. Unfortunately, not every
the fair sex boasts perfect
the color of the epidermis. The best helper with skin hyperpigmentation and
uneven complexion are whitening masks, holding
which is permissible at home.


Эффективность лучших домашних отбеливающих face masks

The purpose of whitening masks is not in the cardinal
brighten the skin of the face, and in the alignment tone. For achievement
the maximum effect is necessary to conduct a full course of this
cosmetological procedure. Single use whitening
mixtures is unproductive and can trigger development
allergic reaction.

When used at home whitening masks
with the right components you can get the following
positive effect:

• Brighten dark spots in several shades.

• Elimination of pigmentation of a different type of origin.

• Improved skin color.

• Neutralization of redness of the epidermis, caused by different

• Make traces less visible as a result.
eliminate acne after squeezing acne.

• Brightening tan tone.

• Restoration of the skin after
Cosmetic manipulations, which resulted in
small scars and formations of red.

Due to the large spectrum of action, the best home
whitening facial masks for a minimum period
of time, not only to even out the skin tone, but also to improve its overall
condition, and also increase the tone.

According to the recommendations of cosmetologists long-term use
whitening masks are not acceptable. This is due to the fact that their composition
acids that can damage the integrity and structure

Duration of the course of this cosmetic procedure
set individually depending on the state
skin. It is allowed to use bleaching agents
more than 10 times. If necessary, re-course should
take a break of 15-20 days.

The best homemade whitening face mask: основные показания
and contraindications

In modern cosmetology there is a wide variety.
components, on the basis of which whitening masks are made for
persons at home. When choosing any major
ingredient for this cosmetic procedure
It is recommended to initially establish the reason why the skin on
face loses its healthy and beautiful color. Correct selection
ingredients in the manufacture of masks will allow
complex effect on the skin of the face.

Masks with a whitening effect are recommended for use in
following cases:

• The presence of age pigmentation.

• Color irregularities on the face.

• Hyperpigmentation.

• As a result of the development of complications after
cosmetology manipulations.

• The skin of the face is dull and tired.

• Development of the wilting process.

• Reduced tone.

The main active ingredient of such masks are
aggressive substances. Therefore, beauticians emit a number
contraindications to their use:

• Dermatological diseases.

• Наличие чувствительной либо пересушенной skin.

• If there are inflammatory lesions on the skin large

• After cosmetic surgery or procedures.

• If wounds are present.

The best homemade whitening face mask is not the one that
perfectly evened skin tone, and that, after the application of which is not
manifest side effects. Despite the fact that the use of
masks with a whitening effect at home seems to be widely available and
safe, should be treated with care and
only if there is evidence. In the case of uncontrolled and
their systematic use can significantly worsen
skin condition on the face.

The best homemade whitening face mask: основные правила
of application

Due to the fact that the skin on the face is quite tender, before
applying bleaching mixtures on it is worth getting acquainted with the main
правилами of application и мерами предосторожности.

In most cases, whitening results are noticeable immediately.
after the first use of the mask. But in order to
the effect was extremely positive should be strictly observed
The basic rules of this cosmetic procedure:

• Before applying the mixture to the entire surface of the face,
check this composition for an allergic reaction.

• It is recommended to carry out this cosmetology procedure.
in the evening. This will protect sensitive skin from UV

• During the full course of whitening masks should
protect your skin from ultraviolet rays. For this at
leaving the house must be applied to the face protective cream.

• To nourish the skin after conducting cosmetology data
manipulations worth using a regenerating cream that does not
contains acids and aggressive ingredients.

• One of the properties of whitening masks is drying
skin. Therefore, when selecting components for the mask and their mode
application should take into account the type of skin. For oily skin
It is recommended to use the mask three times a week, for normal
twice, with dry skin no more than once in seven days.

• It is strictly prohibited before applying a mask
use scrubs and other cosmetic tools that can
повредить верхний слой skin.

• Состав маски подбирается согласно типу skin. With the wrong
selection of ingredients there is a high probability of absence
positive outcome and the emergence of side effects.

Before preparing blends for whitening masks worth
учитывать состояние и тип skin. Only with this right approach.
you’ll have the best homemade whitening face mask
эффективность которой будет заметна сразу после ее of application.

The best homemade whitening facials: recipes

Some of the main advantages of homemade whitening masks.
is the availability of all the components that are used for their

Перекись водорода является одним из
the most effective skin whitening products

For the preparation of masks, it is recommended to combine the peroxide with
various oils or egg yolk. In cosmetology allowed
use only peroxide solution of 3% concentration. Mask
on the basis of hydrogen peroxide is retained on the face no more than 10-12

Рецепт: 75 грамм отварной овсяной каши
Combine with 50 ml of warm milk and 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide. Everything
mix well and apply a thin layer on the skin of the face and line
neckline. Данная маска подходит для всех типов skin.

Петрушка является королевой домашнего
whitening facial skin. In cosmetology, there are lots of recipes
масок на основе данного компонента для любого типа skin. For
making whitening masks can be used not only
fresh shoots of plants allowed the use of dried and
frozen parsley.

Рецепт: For oily skin необходимо смешать 35
ml of skimmed yogurt and 25 ml of parsley juice.

For сухой кожи следует соединить 50 мл жирной простокваши либо
sour cream with 30 ml of parsley juice.

If necessary, shade dark circles under the eyes
you need 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley leaves together
with 5 ml of strong black tea. Well mix the mixture lay out
на ватные диски и прикладываем к глазам на 10 minutes

Аспирин очень удачно справляется со
many cosmetic problems when applied externally, and
whitening of the skin of the face is no exception. It is worth noting that for
There are several contraindications to this component.
application. This is damage to the skin, pregnancy,
bronchial asthma, drug allergy, lactation, dilation
blood vessels. In all other cases, use
aspirin-based whitening masks allowed.

Рецепт: 6 таблеток ацетилсалициловой кислоты
mix with 15 ml of dark dark honey and 10 ml of freshly squeezed
lemon juice. Thoroughly mixing all the components put a mask
тонким слое на кожу лица и выдерживаем на протяжении 12 minutes
Next, massage movements remove the mixture with warm water.
After cleansing the skin, reapply the gruel from
baking soda. Withstand the specified time carefully clean the skin
and apply a nourishing cream on it.

In modern folk cosmetology there are lots of recipes
для приготовления лучших домашних отбеливающих face masks. By
efficiency, they are not inferior to professional means. But
their main difference is accessibility. Byэтому можно с легкостью и
without beautiful material costs to maintain a beautiful and healthy

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