The benefits of laser hair removal: key points.Why can be damaged by laser hair removal?

Ср, 25 апр 2018 Автор: Элла Борисюк

Laser hair removal is a painless removal of hair and upper
layers of the dermis using laser beams. Basically the procedure
it happens painlessly, but some women because of their type
the skin can feel some discomfort. Harm from
laser hair removal may be at non-compliance with the rules of technology


The benefits of laser hair removal: key points and concepts

For a long period of time, beauticians offer a service
referred to as laser hair removal. This is a radical way to eliminate
hairline. There are three types of laser:

1. Alexandrite. The duration of the session on the legs
is 45 minutes.

2. Diode. Provides the ability to remove hair on any
color of the epidermis. The duration of the session is about 10 minutes.

3. Neodymium. You can perform the procedure on any skin type, but
the session is quite painful.

The result of laser exposure to the hair follicle
there has been more than six years, but only when some
a series of rules. Between courses it is prohibited to use any
means for depilation, except for the razor.

The benefits of laser hair removal and its benefits are

– the absence of severe pain at the time of the procedure;

– the absence of scars and scars after the sessions;

– lasting effect after the course, and
perfect contrast ear with the dermis – deliverance forever;

– short duration of the procedure.

Preparation for the hair removal procedure is that
a person needs to grow hair at least 4 cm.
this length can be guaranteed maximum performance and
painless procedure.

A small area of ​​the epidermis is laser irradiated for
some period of time. Antennal area should be exposed
processed within 12 minutes, but the bikini area to a quarter
hours The limiting duration of thigh treatment is

In people with a high pain threshold, the procedure can be performed.
without anesthesia. But there are people with a low pain threshold, so
need anesthesia. The area to be epilated,
processed by a special gel with lidocaine.

The newest devices for conducting sessions are equipped with special
nozzles With their help, the dermis cools during the procedure,
due to which sensitivity decreases. At the time of elimination
Eye bulbs should be protected by special glasses.

Damage to laser hair removal: contraindications to the procedure

The procedure has contraindications, so before the session
Be sure to read them and consult with
a doctor. You can not neglect these contraindications, otherwise
If the effect after the procedure is non-lasting.
Contraindications to the procedure are:

– tanning (procedures should be started in the winter time,
to hide areas of the epidermis from the sun);

– diseases of the epidermis in acute and chronic form;

– the presence of moles in the area of ​​exposure to the laser;

– SARS, cold, flu;

– phlebeurysm;

– carrying a child and breastfeeding;

– burns;

– prone to burns;

– Allergy in the active phase;

– scratches and abrasions;

– age before puberty.

There are also absolute contraindications, the code procedure can
be dangerous to human life. These include:

– oncology;

– diabetes;

– Herpes in acute form;

– light and gray hair;

– personal intolerance.

It is important to obtain a specialist opinion in order not to cause harm.

Damage to laser hair removal: possible complications

The hair removal procedure itself is harmless and cannot
нанести вред health. The depth of impact is only 1-4 mm.
It is possible to harm the body if contraindications are not taken into account and
the procedure is performed by an inexperienced master. After the session
Such third-party reactions may occur:

– allergic reactions;

– burns of the epidermis;

– hyperpymentation;

– herpetic rash;

– conjunctivitis;

– folliculitis;

– photophobia;

– loss of vision.

In addition to redness, swelling and bruising may occur. Burns
appear as blisters. There are several reasons for this: inexperience
masters or intense tan. Tanned dermis got bigger
ultraviolet radiation dose. Further procedure may
harm the epidermis. Eye contact may cause loss.

Laser hair removal can trigger folliculitis – this
inflammation of the hair bulb. Most often, such a side reaction
manifested in patients with hyperhidrosis (hyperhidrosis).
But this condition can also trigger a visit to the pool in
intervals between treatments. Must refrain from swimming
during the course.

Allergic reactions are also attributed to early side reactions. They
may manifest as urticaria, dermatitis, livedo, permanent
itching. The most common effect appears when using topical
anesthesia, which is necessary for pain relief. Allergy
patient may occur and on the cooling gas. With such third-party
reactions can be handled fairly quickly. Patients accepted
antihistamines. But do not spontaneously pick them up.
Should consult a doctor.

It is necessary to pay attention to people with high vegetation on
integument, which is provoked by hormonal changes.
In order for the procedure to cope with the vegetation,
need to eliminate the root cause. That is, it is necessary to eliminate
hormonal imbalance. If this is not done, then the hair is all
equal will continue to grow. With the help of a laser you can only achieve
the fact that the hairs will be soft.

The hair bulb is an ideal laser target. Under
the temperature of the follicle is destroyed, and the hair ceases
grow. But the mechanism of hair growth is not fully understood. If the plot
quite extensive, the body can perceive the whole process
wrong. For this reason, hormonal

Taking into account all these possible complications, it is difficult
say about the harmlessness of procedures. Do not take risks.
It is recommended to use standard removal methods.

What not to do so as not to harm the laser

To prevent swelling and bruising, a specialist who
carried out the procedure, causes a special tool that reduces
irritation of the skin. Also for several days on
skin apply lotion or cream to nourish the dermis and its

Even with the occurrence of burns, it is necessary to apply healing
ointment. This may be Bepanten or Panthenol. If you stick
all the rules and recommendations, then getting rid of the consequences is possible
a week later. After the procedure can not perform such actions:

– be in the sun or visit saunas;

– use antibiotics, neuroleptics, hormonal

– peel off the formed burns so as not to appear
burns and foci of hyperpigmentation;

– go out in sunny weather without applying
special sunscreen.

If all the rules are fulfilled, the procedure will be successful.

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