The benefits of colorless henna for hair: effects onstrands. What is the harm of colorless henna for hair?

Пн, 14 май 2018 Автор: Элла Борисюк

Colorless henna will suit those who have the desire
try on yourself the medicinal properties of lavsonia. This kind of henna is not
has coloring properties and does not give any locks

But thanks to her, you can treat hair, strengthen it, give
shine. Despite all the positives you need to be right
use the composition, otherwise colorless henna will be harmed to


The benefits of colorless henna for hair: a positive effect on

It is impossible to overestimate the value of henna. Colorless henna
has the following properties:

1. • The composition starts the work of hair follicles. Also after
применения стимулируется рост hair.

2. • This tool actively fights dandruff, since
Chrysophanol is included.

3.•Хна не позволяет чешуйкам волос топорщиться, поэтому strands не
split off.

4.•Colorless henna помогает бороться с различного рода
negative impacts. This also applies to aggressive effects.
the sun, sudden changes in temperature.

5. • After application, damaged structure is restored.
hair. The hair becomes more dense, so it becomes
soft, silky, well-groomed.

6.•Colorless henna помогает усилить кровообращение дермы головы,
thereby ensuring healthy hair and scalp.

Colorless henna способна проникать внутрь волоска и эффективно
thicken it significantly strengthen. The tool plays a role
естественного кондиционера для hair. Henna can calm
used as a balm.

Beauticians advise to resort to colorless henna to bring in
норму чрезмерно ломких и тусклых hair. Effective for those hair
that have been permed or stained unsuccessfully.
Such henna can be used both by children and men. But in its
the structure is different with regular henna. Colorless composition washed off
with curls much faster and easier.

The benefits of colorless henna for hair: the treatment of strands

Doctors recommend resorting to treatment by means of
courses, as henna has a cumulative effect. Natural
colorless henna is mainly used to improve quality
shag There is a systematic use of powder, then hair
cease to fall out, will not break and split. Curls will become
thicker, fluffy and gain a healthy glow.

Henna is characterized by local aggressive effects on the dermis.
head and improves blood circulation in small capillaries. Thanks
such action to the bulbs receives more oxygen and
nutrients. These substances begin to act, and the roots

Highly effective against baldness, due to its
composition. Rutin and ceaxanthin protect against alopecia. Thanks этому
can bypass the death of live bulbs and their transition into
sleeping state

If severe hair loss occurs on the background of infectious
ailments of the dermis of the head, then henna is ready to come to the rescue. Chrysophanol in
The composition is characterized by a pronounced activity against a greater
parts of fungi and pathogens. Also henna will help
eliminate oily dandruff and seborrhea.

The benefits of colorless henna for hair: how to apply

Experts recommend only two to use colorless henna.
times a month. With too sensitive hair, it is recommended
use only once every four weeks. More frequent use
may cause loss of moisture in the hair. Too dry
skin needs to use henna with the addition of essential
oils. Colorless henna также используется и для лечения перхоти, так
as it has a rather mild exfoliating effect of peeling.

Colorless henna помогает устранять образовавшиеся чешуйки. For
obtaining the effect of hair biolamination must be done
wraps. Enough to hold a few sessions. For процедуры
mix colorless henna, a tablespoon of butter and chicken
yolk. In the process of exposure to colorless henna, closure is observed
of these scales. A protective layer forms on the hairs. it
стимулирует рост hair.

Colorless henna may be mixed with various herbs. Same
to achieve high effect, you can add a variety of essential
oils, essences, extracts. Nutrient Composition
подбирается в зависимости от типа hair.

For приготовления базовой маски для волос необходимо смешать
colorless henna with boiling water to a mushy state. Leave
weight for a quarter of an hour. Creamy mass applied to the hair
cover and evenly distribute. Leave на волосах минимум на
half an hour. Leave возможно до двух часов. After rinse hair
water at room temperature. But any henna mask
must be very thoroughly washed out as they can remain

A little about the benefits of colorless henna: what you need to have in

When using colorless henna, every woman should

1.•Colorless henna — это абсолютно натуральное природное
means, an environmentally friendly product. That is why they never
causes no allergic reactions as well itching.

2.•Colorless henna хорошего качества не будет придавать волосам
никакого цвета, и даже shade.

3. • If a woman’s hair is not painted, then after a colorless
Henna natural hair color remains the same.

4. • The use of quality colorless henna does not give any
negative effect when dyeing hair with chemical dyes. From
using colorless henna it is recommended to discard a couple
weeks before and after dyeing with chemical dyes. it поможет
избежать неровного окрашивания hair. It is very important to pause
перед окрашиванием hair.

5. • When lightening hair with chemical dyes immediately after
applying henna hair may become yellowish.

6. • If the hair is dry, then use such a tool
necessary with extreme caution. itт состав может вызывать
severe dryness of not only the hair, but also the dermis of the head.

7. • Harm of colorless henna for hair is that when
frequent use may provoke loosening
стержней hair.

With dry hair, it is recommended to drip a couple of droplets.
essential oil. If the hair is normal or oily, then henna
apply as masks once every two weeks. For сухих волос только раз
in Week.

Harm of colorless henna for hair

Colorless henna для волос может быть несколько вредна, так как в
clean version can slightly dry hair. Her frequent
use may slightly impair appearance and so dry
hair. Also colorless henna may be incompatible with chemical
dyes. For this reason, the hair will be colored
uneven. But to a greater degree the product is only beneficial.
It is recommended to apply henna with dry hair only on the roots.

Intensive use of colorless henna for hair is a harm
as coarsening hair shaft. Contains henna
aggressive substances. Under the influence of such acids, even human
the hair begins to be covered with scales. Over time in
the structure of the hairs formed pockets. Hair becomes
ломкими и split off. After washing, they are difficult to comb.

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