Sweet life preserves beauty: face maskswith honey. Masks with honey for the face at home: recipes andsubtleties of application

Пт, 29 дек 2017 Автор: Мария Тыщенко

The unique properties of honey were noticed even in
times of antiquity. One of Cleopatra’s beauty secrets was
honey body wraps.

In the modern world, the use of this product in industrial
cosmetology is not widespread, since
Conservation breaks down most of the useful elements. But in
at home, face masks with honey are able to give the entire skin
palette of useful properties.


Cosmetic effect of face masks with honey

Питание. Honey contains more than 300 useful
chemical compounds and minerals. Especially prized iron, boron,
aluminum, magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamins A, group B, C, K, PP,
N. Many substances are able to penetrate into the cell membrane and
absorbed by the body without losing energy. This causes
high nutritional value of this beekeeping product.

Очищение. Sugars in honey
are able, like a sponge, to pull out contamination from the skin. Effect
light acid peeling is achieved by the presence of
malic acid, citric acid. For the treatment of acne
It is necessary to make honey masks regularly.

Тонизирование. Honey penetrates deep into the skin
pores, has a toning, tightening effect. Thanks
astringent pores noticeably narrowed.

•Усиление метаболизма. Biological
activity of honey, masters metabolic processes in cells, improves
cellular respiration, normalizes the work of all layers of the dermis.

Регенерация. The use of honey significantly
reduces the healing time of wounds and abrasions. Used in medicine
honey-based ointment for the treatment of burns of different origin.

Увлажнение. With each passing year
the natural moisture content of the skin is reduced. This one
of the main causes of aging. Fructose and sucrose contained in
Honey, well bind and retain moisture in the skin. With regular
using honey masks, the natural lipid layer is strengthened,
preventing moisture loss.

Омоложение. Honey deeply nourishes the skin
useful substances, smoothes fine lines, has
lifting effect, refreshing complexion.

Антисептическое воздействие. Honey contains
substances responsible for the production of hydrogen peroxide. On this
The antibacterial effect of honey masks is based. Established
some types of antibiotic resistant bacteria die
under the influence of honey. However, there are varieties of medicinal honey, for example,
from tea tree flowers that do not contain peroxides. Scientists
still puzzled over the mysterious components of this honey,
which are able to effectively defeat bacteria.

Антиоксидантные свойства. Peptides,
organic acids and enzymes in the composition of honey – powerful natural
antioxidants. Regular use protects the skin from
negative UV exposure. Flavonoids are capable
to break down carcinogens and remove them from the body.

It is important! The darker the honey, the more it is
antioxidants. The undisputed leader in the speed of enzymes
considered buckwheat honey.

Contraindications to the use of honey face masks

Unfortunately, honey masks are not suitable for everyone. In which cases
better to stop using them?

• If you are allergic to bee products.

• If you have diabetes or asthma.

• If there are skin diseases, for example: fungus and

• If small vessels are too close to the surface.
skin, there is a tendency to rosacea (telangiectasia).

• If there is pustular inflammation.

• If unwanted vegetation is present on the face.

An allergic reaction may be caused by a honey mask for
faces. At home it will be easy before
use the product to conduct a test. Put on hand a small
number of masks. If after 5 – 10 minutes did not appear
irritation, you can put honey mixture on your face.

How to get the maximum benefit from a face mask with honey
home conditions

• The most important thing is to choose a quality product. Avoid
surrogates, fakes, dyes, specific additives.
Buy honey from proven vendors.

Совет: с помощью простого эксперимента
You can verify the quality of the product. In a small amount of honey
add a drop of iodine. When released into a quality product, iodine does not
should change its color.

• Honey can not be whipped and strongly heated. Under influence
high temperature its antibacterial properties are fading.
It is best to use a water bath for heating. Temperature
honey should not exceed 70ºС.

• Apply the mask to the pre-cleansed skin.

• The maximum cleansing effect of the honey mask can be
reach, if you do it in the bath or sauna. В home conditions
It will be useful to pre-steam the face so that it is good
opened up.

• If it is necessary to achieve a scrub effect, honey
no need to heat. Crystals are destroyed by

• You need to complete the procedure by washing with cool water and
applying a nourishing cream.

Лучшие рецепты масок с медом для лица в home conditions

• Masks for dry and dry skin

What you need: 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of olive

How to use: mix honey and butter, heat with
using a water bath, apply on face rubbing
movements. The mask should be washed off after 10 – 20 minutes.

• Mask for oily skin

What you need: honey, natural lemon juice, soda.

How to use: mix all ingredients in equal proportions.
Cook gruel homogeneous consistency. Apply mask to 10

• Mask for combination skin

What you need: honey, egg yolk, small apple.

How to use: boil an apple in water until it becomes
soft, then wipe through a sieve. Add honey and egg yolk.
Stir until a uniform product is obtained. Hold
смесь на лице 15 minutes

• Mask for sensitive skin

What you need: honey, potato medium size – 1 piece.

How to use: boil potatoes, mash in mashed potatoes, it should
be warm but not hot. Add honey and mix well. Mask
держать на лице 20 ‒ 25 minutes

• Mask for problem skin

What you need: oatmeal – 1 tablespoon, a little
natural honey.

How to use: grind oatmeal flakes in a coffee grinder,
add honey and mix well. The mixture does not need to be heated.
Нанести маску на лицо на 10 ‒ 20 minutes

• Mask to remove black spots and treat acne

What you need: honey, medium potato, essential oil
an orange

How to use: grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, then
you need to squeeze the juice, add liquid honey and 2 – 3 drops of orange
эфирного oils. Apply a mask only on problem areas of skin on
15 minutes Then wipe with a cotton pad or cloth. Flush this
mask is optional.

• Mask for cleansing and pores

What you need: egg white, honey – 2 teaspoons, 1 dessert spoon
any flour.

How to use: beat egg white to steady peaks,
add honey and flour: wheat or rye. Stronger cleansing
coarse flour will give effect. Mask держать на лице 15

• Mask for good complexion

What you need: 1 tablespoon of linden honey, 1 fresh carrot.

How to use: grate carrots using small
graters. Squeezed carrot juice mixed with honey. Keep the mixture on face
10 minutes

• Mask with lifting effect (tightening and improving
facial contour)

What you need: egg white, 1 dessert spoon of honey, 1 dessert
spoon of lemon juice.

How to use: mix egg white liquid with honey and juice
lemon. There should be a mass of homogeneous consistency. Keep
маску на лице 25 minutes

• Toning mask for aged skin

What you need: buckwheat honey – 2 teaspoons, 1 dessert spoon
Sea buckthorn oil, pear or plum.

How to use: rub the plum or pear into a puree, mix with
honey and sea buckthorn oil. Use the water bath to heat
mixes. Keep маску на лице 15 minutes

• Anti-aging mask

What you need: 3 aspirin tablets, liquid honey and warm water – 1 each

How to use: mix honey with water and crushed aspirin.
To achieve a uniform consistency. Нанести на лицо на 15 minutes

• Moisturizing mask

What you need: fat natural cheese, honey

How to use: from honey and cottage cheese to cook homogeneous
mass of Products taken in equal proportions. Face 10 –
20 minutes

Now your arsenal of women’s secrets is replenished with universal and
effective recipes of beauty. Take care of yourself shine and
наслаждайтесь медовыми масками для лица в home conditions.

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