Speaking of the use of sunflower oil for hair need to consider the following.
Familiar to everyone and familiar from childhood, the product is produced in mainly in Ukraine and Russia. In fact, it is quite valuable. and healthy oil, which is also highly regarded in other countries. But only those obtained by cold pressed oil, without heating and extraction solvents.
It is recommended for cosmetic purposes, including care. for hair. On refined sunflower oil you can not even look, there will be no sense from him. It is also better to bypass home production “from grandmothers”, most often it is obtained by the method extraction. It’s better to buy factory bottled oil, but carefully study its label on the method of receipt.
Cold pressed product will have a slight odor. (a saturated smell indicates that the oil got hot pressing), and not very intense yellow color. Possible availability draft, which is quite normal.
The main percentage of oil is linoleic and oleic acid, vitamins, minerals, lecithin are also present.
Despite the moisturizing and softening properties of sunflower oil, it helps to reduce greasiness of the scalp and hair, elimination of oily dandruff and itching, which makes it effective application for a more fatty type of curls.
Also, due to the large percentage of vitamin E in the composition of the oil from sunflower seeds helps accelerate hair renewal, which especially true for their poor growth and marked loss.
In fact, sunflower oil is suitable for any type of hair. So, it’s good to use for split ends or for food over-dried strands.
When used regularly, this natural product may even significantly change the structure of the hair – they will become stronger and as if livelier, a beautiful shine will appear.
How to use sunflower oil for hair
Application methods simple enough.
With hair with increased fat content and grease, if any oily dandruff a small amount of slightly warmed oil is actively rubbed into the scalp. It is more convenient to do this if the hair is wet i.e. you need to wet them first, and then squeeze them out well with a towel.
After oil rubbing it is recommended to create a “greenhouse effect “- wrap your head with ordinary cling film (well, or put on plastic bag), and wrap with a warm towel on top. So the effect of the product will be more effective.
Holding time 30-40 minutes, rinse with shampoo.
It is enough to do this procedure 1-2 times a week for for a couple of months.
The method described above is suitable not only for fat curls, but and for better growth, strengthening and improving the structure of any another type of hair.
It is good to use sunflower oil to nourish dry hair along with olive (50 to 50). A slightly warm oil mixture is rubbed into the scalp, and then spread along the entire length of the strands with your hands, or using rare rowing. Keep from half an hour to an hour, then rinse with using shampoo.
You can simply apply sunflower oil to the ends of your hair. To do this, about an hour before washing your hair, the tips are good greased with oil. It is allowed to do so before each wash heads, this will help to reduce the cross section of the ends, their moisturizing.
The recipe for hair loss
Recipe, stopping hair loss, for which you will need liquid tar soap. You can find it in many cosmetic and hardware stores, also in pharmacies. If you suddenly did not find liquid soap in a bottle, buy a bar and melt before use it to a liquid state (first rub a small piece on grater, then put in a water bath, or on the weakest the fire).
So, connect 1 tbsp. l oil from sunflower seeds with the same the amount of tar soap (if the soap is melted, then with 2 tbsp. l soapy water), and squeeze out another 2 tbsp. l onion juice Luke.
Mix all ingredients, carefully rub the composition into the skin head, and soak under a film and a towel for 30-40 minutes. Wash off, Of course, using shampoo.
In this recipe, all three ingredients will contribute. stopping excessive loss of hair and early regrowth new hairs.
Apply 1-2 times a week, at least 2 months.
Moisturizing mask of yolk and sunflower oil for hair dry and normal type
Well, everything is simple here. One raw chicken yolk mixed with 1 tbsp. l oils. The mixture (preferably slightly warmed up) is carried throughout the hair, and lasts 40-60 minutes. Done like everyone masks, before washing your hair.
With poorly growing or falling out oily hair
With poorly growing or falling out oily hair, a mask with sunflower oil is done as follows:
Are needed there will also be ingredients like mustard powder and fresh a tomato.
1 incomplete Art. l dilute mustard powder with a small amount warm water to make mustard as a result of stirring paste. Mix this paste with the pulp of one medium-sized tomato (without peel). Now add 1 tbsp. l main component – oil, and carefully rub everything with a spoon until smooth.
Rub the composition into the scalp and wet hair roots, and soak under a plastic wrap and towel on top of 30-35 minutes. The product is washed off with shampoo.
With a pronounced problem of poor growth and loss of hair do twice a week for 2 months.