Technique 3 D staining

3D hair coloring technique is used very often in various salons. Such staining helps transform your hair, give it volume and shine, will make them more healthy. However, an inexperienced master can make a colorful bunch of your curls. How to avoid a similar result and secure yourself? We advise you to perform 3D painting by masters only high class.


Technique 3D hair coloring

Please note that there are several stages of staining in 3D technique:

  • If your primary hair color suits you, but you decide revive it a little, then you need to choose the appropriate few shades. This is easily done by an experienced specialist.
  • Next, the master divides the strands along the back of your hair and stains them in the darkest of the selected shades;
  • After that, the master applies paint to the remaining hair at the roots same shade. Towards the forehead from the back of the head, he selects partings along horizontally.
  • The master chooses the width of the strand individually and it depends on the density of your hair. Then, on the selected strands, he alternately applies the remaining colors of the paint along the entire length.
  • Along the border of the strands, he shades the paint, applying one color to other. This provides a smooth color transition between the main hair tone and shades of colored strands.

3d hair coloring technique

The technique of 3D staining has advantages. We list their:

  1. Very low risk during painting and minimum side effects effects;
  2. Doubles the shine of your hair;
  3. The natural components of the paint occupy about 85%
  4. The amount of spent components is half as much;
  5. Restores the structure of the hair thanks to the presence of special components;
  6. Visually increases the volume of your hairstyle;
  7. Due to the obtained light highlighting effect, refreshment of the image;
  8. A very common range of colors and shades;
  9. This color will tone your face and make you look younger
  10. No need to tint the roots often, especially if the technology used to refresh the natural color.

Video clip


3d hair dye for coloring or ionic hair dye, thank you for the appearance of this cosmetic product the Japanese. It was they who discovered the possibility of this technology beauty.

How did this happen? About 6% of oxidizing agents are banned in Japan, used now. Specialists faced the tasks of the development of more natural paints, such as ionic oxidizing agents.

They not only change the shade, but also fill the damaged hair structure. Due to this, the color change by ionic paints 3D is often called recovery. The novelty of this coloring lies in the technology itself. Part of the hair is exposed to coloring, but not the whole mass, as the master chooses certain strands.

Starting to stain, you need to choose several suitable for your primary color shades. Among them, you need to choose several minor and main color. It is necessary that all selected tones harmoniously combined with each other.

Your hairstyle will change depending on the lighting and angle of view. Curls can play in different colors and shades, tones and midtones. You will look completely different in different weather. Cloudy outside or sunny, natural or artificial lighting – everything will bring its play of light to your form.

3d hair coloring technique

Popular 3D staining technology will make you proud the volume of your hairstyle, as well as its brilliance. 3D painting hair technology, if you have all the necessary tools, can be carried out at home.


Have you noticed that by nature brunettes hair looks completely differently than girls dyed their hair in the usual way? it occurs because the new color does not give bulk. Hairstyles after staining, it often seems not real or flat. 3D dyeing on dark hair is made possible by the introduction of innovative technology. Such a 3D hair dye photo, which shown below, suitable not only for brunettes, but also for girls blondes.

3d hair coloring technique


If you want to make pleasant changes to your image, then we will tell you We advise you to pay attention to the 3D hair dyeing technique. She is very popular among women of any age, with any natural a shade. Your hairstyle will appear more voluminous, brilliant and healthy.

Thanks to the development of this technique, they have now changed significantly our concepts of color, and now monophonic methods of coloring are a thing of the past. Run 3d coloring so that you are sure were satisfied, maybe only a master who is capable to predict the future result, make a choice of colors for you for the correct 3D staining and selection of the width of the strands.

We hope that our tips for 3D painting and care of your curls will help you become even more attractive!

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