What do the numbers on hair dye mean?

In the modern world there is not a single girl who at least just did not change their appearance with the help of staining. After all, everyone I want to be in trend and follow the fashion. Natural hair already not a priority for a long time. But are you sure that you will achieve exactly the effect you want? The result of the procedure depends on the composition of the paint, and what the paint number means for hair, the decoding of which indicates your future shade.


Selection tips

Before dyeing, it is important to choose a color that suits exactly you, and pick up such a tool to expose curls least risk. If ammonia or peroxide is included hydrogen, then it is a permanent paint. They penetrate deep inside rod, while ensuring consistent staining. But of course it is not safe, so emollients are also included like balms.

hair dye decoding numbers

Accordingly, if the composition does not contain ammonia or peroxide, then this is a semi-permanent paint. She’s not doing that detrimental effect, but it is less persistent. About gentle paints read here.


Hair dye colors

Choose your new shade wisely. Would you like only emphasize your natural color, slightly change it or completely transformed? If you already have hair dyed, would you like Do you upgrade or radically change color?

Each manufacturer has its own palette where colors are indicated hair dyes, photos and names. Here is an example of such a palette:

hair dye decoding numbers

There are manufacturers who use letters instead of numbers, eg:

hair dye decoding numbers

Be careful, each company uses its own palette of tones. This article provides examples only. Discover detailed information about the paint you are interested in you can at official website of its manufacturer.

Staining tips

Be careful when changing the color of your hair. If earlier you stained them with henna, basma or other natural ingredients, then when using chemical paint the result will be unpredictable. Do not change old habits.

If you are naturally brunette, then you should understand that for one application to brighten them and turn into a blonde is impossible. Shades of a tone lighter are applied gradually, over several sessions, it is best to carry out these manipulations in the cabin. Then go to a lighter shade will pass painlessly and without incidents. Read more about lightening hair here.

Remember that colored strands require more careful care. Do not endlessly experiment with your appearance, forgetting the restorative procedures, it won’t end in good.

Always pay attention to the expiration date. Overdue funds will certainly harm your curls and with large the degree of probability will lead to an unpredictable hue, so that you will have to flush the failed result (or wait until your color will grow independently).

hair dye decoding numbers

For painting gray hair

If you would like to look younger with dyeing, then with When choosing a paint, you should roughly estimate the level of gray hair on to the head:

  • 80-100% – we recommend you dyes up to level 8. Exclude dark and bright shades. The result can be overwhelming.
  • 50 -80% – choose dyes 7-9 levels. Warm shades to you will not do. Oxide take from 6 to 9%. Avoid highlighting.
  • up to 50% – choose ammonia dyes. Level 7 and darker. Oxide not more than 6%. Highlighting would be an ideal option.

You can read more about the choice of paint for gray hair here.

Allergy test

Before proceeding directly to staining, Be sure to take an allergy test. Even if this is your first time using paint that millions are buying women, you may still be allergic to one of components.

Apply a small amount of paint to the elbow, just one drops and wait a few minutes. If after two minutes you don’t itching occurs, and there is no redness either – you can safely proceed to your transformation.


To get the same shade from a photograph, it’s important not only choose the right paint, but also consider your individual features. Not every transformation is possible you can’t do it yourself, sometimes without the help of a master. But if everything is done right, the result in the mirror will justify all your expectations.

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