Beautiful lightening of hair on the head 2018

Natural lightening of hair is one of the most demanded procedures. Without her, you can’t turn from a brunette into blonde, and also try pastel staining. Make hair can be lighter both in a beauty salon and at home conditions. Lightening black or dark hair is usually carried out in several steps to achieve the best results.

A sharp change in color with the help of perhydrol comes to replace sparing sessions of gentle staining and softening the tone. In this The article provides information on the most effective and safe lightening techniques.


Lightening hair after dyeing

How to make hair lighter after dyeing? In that in case of clarification they mean washing – a way to get rid from paint and gradually return the natural color. Get to natural gamut can be done in several procedures, but all of them can noticeably affect the condition and final color head of hair.

If unsuccessful staining manifested itself almost immediately, then Professional cosmetics are indispensable here. Spend clarification based on your own experience, or get support hairdresser.

Wash your hair often to get rid of loose paint and remove bright pigment. Appeared on a fresh black color the characteristic blue will disappear in about a week by itself, if you wash your hair very often. Use aggressive chemical funds are not recommended at the same time – the active substance of the dye already very much affects the hair and scalp, weakening their.

beautiful lightening of hair on the head 2017

Do not be afraid that badly colored hair will remain forever such. About lightening dyed hair, reviews say that you need to look for different approaches to solving the problem. For example:

  • Means for washing off. Contained in special mixtures the oxidizing agent will remove the coloring pigment in a very short time. Rinse can do at home.
  • Rinse in the cabin and select the right tone for clarification. Quite it’s possible that even the most caustic black or red paint, and conduct a “medical” procedure. Sometimes expensive but calm and productive.
  • Wedge by wedge, or stain over old paint. Well, without a certain degree of luck can not do here! Pick up more high-quality makeup a tone lighter and repeat staining – because there is a chance to achieve the desired result.
  • Folk remedies. A whole cycle of tips, including a decoction of chamomile and lemon water, promises that the strands will not only become brighter, but also will regain their former appearance. Try to make sure on your own experience.

About lightening dark hair, reviews leave much to be desired – the degree of dissatisfaction with such techniques is very high, and what to do with a scorched black shock is not entirely clear. Think with what clothes and makeup can combine very black hair – maybe you shouldn’t panic and spend money on expensive facilities?

With Blondoran, lightening black dyed hair will be substantial and will be distributed evenly if apply the product in a volume slightly less than indicated in instructions or lighten step by step several times.

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Hair lightening process

First you need to choose a paint or brightener (wash) in depending on the picture that you have at the moment. The palette varies from natural black (it is indicated by a number 1) to the classic light blonde. If the color roughly fits under the “six” (classic blond, which is noticeably darker than we used to think) or lighter than it, then use paint ultra-blond.

In the same way, they decide how much oxidant (oxidizer) is needed – from 6 to 12. Thus, the master works with the clarifier so that he went to the good, not to the detriment. For blondes and for brunettes technique lightening hair is different.

hair coloring before and after photos

Depending on the number of tones passed, lightening may be:

  • Soft (1-2 t.);
  • Light (2-4 tons);
  • Classic (5-6 tons);
  • Strong (by 7 tons).

The oxidant process takes a little less than 1.5 hours – head is dyed for 20 minutes depending on densities of hair, and keep the mixture for 50 minutes.

Means for dark and light curls are different, but they can all belong to the same line. It’s easier for a specialist to choose a remedy and mix it with another, based on your experience. Repeat the trick with The first time at home is sometimes harder than it sounds.

To remove the “yellowness” and “red” blonde girls will help tinting along the entire length. Tinted with blue, purple or pink shades emphasizes the virtues of a cold blonde and better total manifests itself, coupled with highlighting strands. Paying attention for complex processing (coloring + lightening + tinting) girls achieve a very cute image.

Note: European color detection system from 1 to 7 says that “blond” and “dark blond” are our fair-haired and dark blond, and actually light brown is already close to the usual brunette. It turns out that it is easy to make a mistake with the choice of a coloring agent, not relying on a card of strands, using illiterate or transferable instruction.

The pigment in the composition of a single hair is contained in the form grains, isolated grains. At first glance, it seems that the task it is difficult to “displace” this component, and it cannot be solved with ointment or cream. On the contrary, even the most inexpensive brands represent a similar assortment whose properties turn out to be very useful.

how to get rid of the yellowness of hair after lightening

Lightening hair protection is countless balms, creams, solutions and preparations based on artificial and natural ingredients. Partial damage when clarification cannot be avoided despite the detrimental effect leveled by both conventional and therapeutic agents.

How to protect your hair in the process of changing the tone?

  1. Observe the safety precautions when working with dyes, ointments and drugs.
  2. Use foil and cellophane to hide problematic patches of skin with moles and irritation;
  3. Do not comb colored strands – it’s quite clear that you I want to more accurately distribute the pigment along the entire length. But such an approach can disperse the structure of the hair and make it thin and brittle.
  4. Help your skin recover from ammonia faster using face creams, wash your face often and remove smudges of paint cotton ball;
  5. Do not wash paint stains with alcohol-based products – this makes the skin prone to irritation.

Workers in a beauty salon will give you complete lightening, including number and at the roots. It will turn out very nice – but very harmful. It is useful to pay attention to hairstyles with dark and natural roots, and do not resort to lightening the roots. Follicles being quite open, seriously suffer from such a technique.

What is needed to lighten hair without harm?

  • Argan oil. Organic Argan Oil Product (Fluid) add to a mixture of tube of paint or apply throughout length.
  • Lotions with proteins of cereals, such as wheat, are applied after staining when the substance is already washed off with water and shampoo. Possesses persistent, noticeable firming effect.
  • Keratin protects and lowers the percentage of oxidizing agent even in the most burning mixture. Sold as part of long-term balms and masks.
  • Shampoos with a pronounced effect on the -pH factor. “Stabilizing” shampoos are generally not used daily.

Why do you need to know what pH is? How to find out if my hair?

Our whole body can be described as an acid-base state environment in it. Everywhere it is different and its acidity (pH) can vary within certain limits (from 0 to 14). hair pH – from 4.5 up to 5.5 in normal condition. Oxidizing agents in clarifiers add imbalance to this system so that acidity can off scale. At home, get rid of the negative The effects of poor pH are stabilizing shampoos.

wash hair color

Lightening hair, how much to keep?

For home methods:

  • With a mixture of vinegar and water in a proportion (6: 1), rinse your hair about 15 minutes;
  • Shredded rhubarb in a glass of water is kept up to 10 minutes
  • Best sellers of cosmetology require an exposure of 7 to 15 minutes, but no more.
  • Tonics, balms and shampoos are washed off for several minutes, since it does not take much time to give the desired Effect.

In the cabin

For convenience, beauty salons offer two types of lightening – one full, the other partial. Change your tone completely at home It’s sometimes difficult because you do everything yourself and don’t see the process from the side – it’s easy to skip lower strands and crown. In such a case, going to the salon is practically required. Professional hair lightening in the salon is carried out on any heads.

Partial lightening “plays” with color transitions and variations on the theme of ombre and highlighting. All the secrets of the progress not a single master will share with you, if only because the approach to each client must be individual, and certain stamps there is no. But ask to introduce you and show your past work – in your rights, do not forget once again take an interest in the process, ask about the nuances of the service personally.

hair coloring balayazh photo

Decapage, or clarifying wash – often found in price lists beauty shops. The name of the technology is translated from French as metal refining. Will they make you precious a pebble? Very likely! Masterwork sometimes works miracles when the cleansing of the hair of the unwanted occurs pigment.

Decoupling is an excellent solution for:

  • Getting rid of the accumulation of paint on certain parts of the hairstyle, clots and other oversights;
  • Ugly additional shades that are not planned it should have been;
  • As another lightening method based on return to the “middle link”, i.e. to the natural gamut;
  • In the process of treatment and care of hair that has been exposed coloring, highlighting, curling and the like.

beautiful hair brightening 2017

How to decapage?

  1. Since the procedure is addressed by people with unstable, exposed hair, test the scalp for an allergic reaction;
  2. Ask about what you did before, and based on data. make a decision. For example, neither henna nor basma are displayed when help decapitation.
  3. Very liquid preparations are applied with a sponge and rubbed, powder or ointment – traditionally applied with a brush;
  4. At first they work with the darkest and most prominent areas, then they advance to even and bright;
  5. It happens that the master applies a tonic or additional procedure tinting (tinting), which should give a tone 1 lighter the one that the customer ordered. Over time, the shades are slightly change, reaching your desired spectrum.
  6. Decapage will take a little more time than painting in the first color, plus care. During this time, you get a fully finished result, with detailed correction.
  7. The final effect will appear in no more than 50 minutes.

Another option – lightening with blondes – will allow look more natural, as if you didn’t visit the salon at all beauty. The result is blond hair with a light tint, on which are almost invisible traces of dark paint, or it fits into hairstyle.

beautiful hair brightening 2017

So, blonding is a technique for sufficiently powerful lightening, in which the roots or tips may be darker, creating especially Attractive texture. Intentionally uneven blond Looks stylish on ashen blondes, a platinum blonde.

There are options with complete blonding when the surface of the head completely passed the “fill” with a light shade. Strands can also lighten in parts. Dia technology opens up wide space for experimentation.

How much will it cost me: lightening the hair cost, options and chances to save

The pricing policy of salons and entire networks of beauty centers is rare is different, it is believed that the main gradation exists on the basis of the “elitism” of the salon, its location in a major retail point, experience and eminence of the masters.

The purchase of a professional cosmetic base is an important part of the entrepreneur’s expenses, and in terms of quality cosmetics salons are not stingy – what home craftsmen cannot boast of. The client expects paints, creams, balms and conditioners including foreign brands – all this is bought up in batches, and no one will regret on you consumables.

But the work itself and the time spent on it take most of the check if we saw the whole estimate. Wash your hair offer even if you did it recently – to “prepare” her. Professional advice and advice too may be placed in separate services provided, but it’s even convenient, for example, if you do not have the opportunity to visit cosmetologist-dermatologist.

  • The average price for clarifying one of the ways is 5000 rubles. Below this amount you get cheap work in the salon region, in a small room, trusting in one hand of the master.
  • Everything above 7000 rubles – work with additional services, model, for a wedding and so on.
  • In order to represent prices a class higher, multiply the price by coefficient 2-3, luxury prices are ten times higher than usual size.

Can I somehow save?

  • It is possible that the master at home will make the clarification exactly the same same as in the cabin, and correct even a difficult case – the cost services in this case are somewhere around 20-30% lower.
  • A popular way to get a free haircut or dye paying a purely symbolic amount – sign up as a model in School of beauty, hairdressers, stylists, makeup artists. At certain work days require girls and women of a certain age, hair length, with some typical or not so facial features. Thing amusing!
  • Having chosen a salon, refuse to buy cosmetics for care, Try to get by with home remedies. Get analogues professional cosmetics in stores.
  • Visit the newly opened salons to get into the first ten customers. For first visitors often make discounts;
  • Communicate with masters, often girls are recorded to someone certain, because they trust a specialist thanks to past work.

Lightening Results

There is nothing better than a successful change in appearance. Image we do – and the image makes us. However, rarely in nature there is something ideal – everything changes, transforms, and, of course, has its flaws. In order to completely from them to get rid, it takes a long and painstaking work, over the hair – in features.

beautiful hair brightening 2017

Communication between the client and the master brings good results, this and mutual understanding, and confidence in the result. In order to advance say what exactly do you want by the end, how do you see yourself – read reviews and comments about staining or rinsing techniques, find hair bleaching before and after photos, videos. Know what to expect from lightening in advance – and outline steps work.

Not always lucky red-haired girls. It’s not known why the process of clarification on red curls is problematic – here and yellowness, and unpleasant greenish shades, and just porridge from different shades. Hair lightening reviews, photos before and after show that a thorough approach to staining excludes such troubles.

Platinum blondes are only born, with age people notice how their hair darkens, and even fair-haired handsome men and beauties become light brown. That’s why the desire to have chic golden or platinum blonde defeats millions around the world. The result is a second wind of youth and beauty!

Interesting fact: it is likely that the market will soon will cover a wave of irons for instant lightening of hair. Work an iron reminiscent of a straightener has already been tried by many famous models. In order to make your hair a few tones lighter, it is necessary to apply an oxidizing agent, wrap the strands with foil and draw along him ironing. Isn’t it a miracle? I hope that soon such devices will be available to everyone.


The result of brightening a brunette in a blonde looks spectacular, and for acquaintances and friends – even shockingly. Today, among an abundance of safe and effective techniques, there is nothing to fear – with all the necessary information and a small amount in pocket really transform beyond recognition. Find yourself in rich spectrum of light tones, change the emphasis of individual image and show the world a dazzling result.

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