Strengthening hair folk remedies possible!What a folk remedy to strengthen hair more effectively – masks orinfusions

Чт, 19 ноя 2015 Автор: Анастасия Жарикова

Hair loss, their fragility and lifeless appearance for any
women are a serious problem.

Because appearances for women are important as
air! Therefore, if such a nuisance suddenly happened, you can
immediately use hair strengthening folk remedies –
harmless, but very effective methods.


Why they become thinner and fall out, is there a sense of strengthening
hair folk remedies

On average, a person can lose up to 100 hairs per day, and this
considered normal. If by the end of the day a whole bunch is left on the comb,
and the bulbs are visible on the hair, then urgently need to take action. The main
the task is to determine why the hair has suffered so much.

Which leads to weakening, falling out and dullness

• metabolic disorders (endocrine and instability
hormonal systems);

• unbalanced nutrition (especially iron deficiency and

• lifestyle (smoking, alcohol abuse);

• improper care (frequent dyeing, curling, fixing

• heredity;

• postponed or regular stress;

• substandard water;

• drugs (especially with selenium in the composition).

Before embarking on a fight for strong, brilliant and
healthy hair yourself, you need to consult a doctor to
eliminate serious illness. The fact is that abundant loss
hair can cause, for example, anemia. How much would you not smeared
Masks on the hair, or do not drink vitamins, until the doctor prescribes a course
treatment and blood does not recover, nothing will help.

If the problem with the hair is situational, the state of the body in
normal, and the hair does not look the best way, you can start
to the use of folk remedies for strengthening hair.

Outdoor folk remedies to strengthen hair

Such tools can be used, but only making sure they
safety in terms of an allergic reaction. Before as
apply the remedy on the whole head, you need to try on a small
skin on the back of the head, or on the crook of the elbow.

Mask with cognac and honey

1 tablespoon quality cognac rubbed with yolk
one egg and a teaspoon of honey, applied to the roots of dry hair on
20 minutes. Rinse off with plain water without shampoo and rinse with water.
adding vinegar or lemon juice.

Rinsing with herbs

After each wash, rinse hair should be used.
no tap water from herbs and roots. Keep in excellent
able to nettle hair, St. John’s wort, burdock (root and overhead
parts), sage, chamomile and immortelle. For cooking 4
tablespoons pour a liter of boiling water and insist from 40 minutes to
hours Strain through cheesecloth or tights, use warm and

Honey mask with onions

Heat the honey in a water bath, grind with yolk, add
vegetable oil and onion juice. Before the next wash
heads slightly moisten hair and put a honey mask with onions on
the roots. Leave for an hour. After washing off the mask with shampoo for
getting rid of onion smell you can use colorless henna,
or add your favorite essential oil to rinse your hair
or a drop of perfume.

Бесцветная хна, используемая в борьбе с запахом
onions, further strengthen the hair along the entire length. For this henna
diluted with water to the state of liquid slurry, applied to the hair,
Cover with plastic bag, top – with a warm towel. AT
this state needs to stay one hour.

Use pepper vodka

Pour a pod of red pepper with one glass of vodka and leave in
closed bank in a dark place for two weeks. Ready pepper vodka
lubricate the roots of the head, then massaging walk
over the entire area of ​​the head. Leave the tincture on the head for one hour.
There should be a slight tingling sensation.

Kefir oatmeal mask

One glass of low-fat kefir mix with a spoon of honey, yolk and
ground oatmeal. Add vitamin A. Apply to hair and
cover the entire length of the scalp, cover with a bag or cap, and
tie a towel – let it warm up. Rinse thoroughly with ordinary
shampoo Use on dry hair, not more than twice a time.
a week

Oil Mask

Stir in a non-metallic bowl in equal proportions.
burdock (castor, rosemary or olive) oil, honey,
Onion juice and shampoo, apply on dry hair. Leave a couple
hours Rinse with water and vinegar.

Castor oil in combination with rum in equal parts also gives
Great effect for strengthening hair.

Any of the above oils can be used and how
independent means – to put on each
the entire length of hair, rubbing into the roots, leave for one hour.

Folk herbal remedies to strengthen hair

По столовой ложке шишек хмеля, измельченных
корней и цветков календулы и залить двумя
glasses of boiling water. Insist half an hour and rub into the hair roots twice
в a week

ATзять по столовой ложке корня лопуха и крапивы,
залить стаканом кипятка и настоять около hours ATтирать перед мытьем
hair every time.

Крапива, мать-и-мачеха и зверобой — по три
tablespoons, pour 300 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos
несколько hours AT процеженный настой добавить 200 мл чистой водки.
Before each hair wash rub infusion into the scalp.

ATсе фитосредства требуют длительного применения — не меньше 1
of the month. Only in this case the initial effect will be noticeable.

Strengthening hair with minoxidil is another “resuscitating”

The drug, originally produced to combat elevated
pressure is now commonly used for baldness. He is very
Effectively renews hair growth from scratch, restoring
a head of hair.

Using minoxidil is tritely simple: twice a day
apply the solution on the scalp in problem areas.
Contraindications – pregnancy and lactation. AT остальных случаях
need to monitor the reaction of the skin – possible manifestations of allergies.

It may take several months before the effect is reached.
reaction is not worth waiting.

Укрепление hair folk remedies «изнутри»

The beginning of the epic of strengthening hair in their terrible condition, and
especially, loss, should be at the doctor, because these symptoms
often talk about anemia. If you suffer from hair problems,
то сперва сдайте банальный анализ крови.

When you are sure that everything is good in the body, but the hair is not
improve your diet. AT нем должны преобладать
белковые продукты, пища с повышенным содержанием витаминов (А, AT,
C, E), antioxidants, and minerals.

ATолосы состоят в большей степени из белков и аминокислот. Coming from
from this, food should consist mainly of beef, meat
poultry, seafood, dairy products (especially cottage cheese),
legumes and grains. Protein foods should be at least 30% of
total diet. Especially important is red meat and vegetable oil.
(for the absorption of vitamins).

Издревле женщины постоянно принимали внутрь отвары, соки
или infusions
, стимулирующие рост волос. It is believed that
strengthens hair and stimulates their growth fresh juice from fruits
sea ​​buckthorn and decoction of its twigs. Also well established.
pine bark extract.

Начав использовать выбранное народное means для укрепления
hair, do not expect instant results. Not everyone
All these methods are suitable, you will have to select it experimentally. Need to
work on it regularly and systematically, supporting yourself
inside and out all life.

Refusal of bad habits, chemical effects of various
means, good nutrition and mental health – a pledge
beautiful skin, hair and nails.

With the combination of these rules, the external means of strengthening hair
no longer needed.

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