Strengthen hair at home: masks withherbs, oils, vitamins. How to strengthen the hair at home:regulations

Вт, 16 май 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Hair can weaken for various reasons. Stress, wrong
diet, permanent blow-drying, mechanical damage hard

Weakened hair constantly climb, become
dull and no longer pleasing smooth and healthy

We urgently need to strengthen hair at home –
it’s easy, cheap and efficient.


General recommendations for strengthening hair

Hair is a reflection of our health. They, as an indicator, say
about malfunctions of the body, illness or depletion of resources.
Therefore, it is necessary to engage in strengthening the hair with an analysis of what
going on in your life. Here are common

• get rid of a source of constant stress, live by
the possibilities are calm;

• spend a lot of time on the street, ideally at least 3-4 hours
per day;

• sleep for 7-8 hours, and only at night,
when the body is naturally restored;

• drink plenty of water, washing the body out of the body, helping it
get rid of toxins;

• abandon diets, especially long, aggressive and

• eat more wholesome food: vegetables, dairy products,
lean meat, cereals, fish;

• forget, at least for 2-3 months, about harmful food and alcohol;

• buy a special shampoo for weak hair, and very
it is desirable that it be free of harmful sulfates;

• make special hair care, including homemade

If you are seriously concerned about how to strengthen hair at home
conditions for the duration of intensive recovery do not dry curls
hair dryer Hot air adversely affects hair shafts, and
styling products spoil hair even more.

Daily brush your hair with a wooden brush, smooth,
unhurried movements. This combing will completely replace
professional head massage will cause the flow of blood to the bulbs and
naturally strengthen the hair.

Homemade masks to strengthen hair

If you start to care for your hair constantly with
available funds then the need to purchase the advertised
expensive cosmetics will be gone. The main thing is not to be lazy, and then
strengthening hair at home is quite real.

For example, homemade masks first need to do a course of 10 treatments.
in 3-4 days. Then keep your hair in good shape with a mask
once in 7-10 days. Apply the composition to the hair roots, wrap
wrap your head and put a warming cap on top. His role
perform wool hat, scarf, shawl. Keep the mask for about an hour,
then rinse without shampoo. Hair rinse broth
chamomile or water with a spoonful of lemon juice.

Here are a few masks to help you quickly regain strength.
hair. They are popular precisely because they do an excellent job with

Sour milk, honey and cinnamon

Dairy products, such as kefir or natural yogurt,
very beneficial to the scalp. But only if the product is fresh, without
preservatives. Therefore, it is better to cook sour milk
on their own, especially since it is easy. Just buy in the market
whole milk of normal fat, pour a glass and leave it in
warm for a day. Use separated serum for
baking, but sour milk mixed with natural
honey and a spoon of cinnamon powder.

Onion Gruel

Very effective mask of fresh onion juice and frayed
onion peel. Acts toning up, causing blood to flow to
bulbs, improves capillary blood circulation. To strengthen
effect add half a teaspoon of fresh juice to a grated onion
lemon and a spoonful of honey. Keep the composition you need at least half an hour,
despite the fact that the head will burn.

Rye bread and kefir

Mash two slices of rye bread, pour with yogurt or
kefir, let stand for 5 minutes and apply to the roots and strands.
Wash off in an hour.

Aloe extract and olive oil

The pharmacy sells cheap homemade aloe vera extract.
The amazing properties of this healer plant need to be used.
required If aloe leaves a lot, take a real flower, if
sorry – buy extract. Mix the juice or extract with the same
amount of olive or castor oil and use as
mask You can keep it for several hours or even all night.

Mask with mummy

�”Tears of the mountains”, “mountain wax” – these poetic names are
mysterious substance. Mimic properties are unique, including
strengthen hair at home. For example, you can cook
This composition: on ten tablets mummy, ground into powder and
divorced to a creamy state, you need to take two dining
spoon of liquid honey or lemon juice. Mask hold the standard – hour
wash and repeat after three days.

Oil masks to strengthen hair

Cosmetic and edible oils are very good in quality.
regular care for curls. How to strengthen hair at home
conditions with oil formulations? Very simple. Choose any

Vegetable oil and fir esters

Fir plants – natural healers. This is why essential oils
their cedar, pine, fir are used for cosmetic purposes, including
числе для оздоровления hair. Olive or flax oil is also valued for
saturation with useful substances. That is why mixing vegetable
and essential oils, you can get the expected effect of strengthening
hair follicles. Take five tablespoons of butter
vegetable, add 10 drops of essential oil and apply the composition
on the hair. Keep it for 1-2 hours, warming your head.

Burdock oil with orange ether

Burdock oil is the best product to restore
health curls. How to strengthen hair at home условиях этим
in a way? Pour in the palm of burdock oil, add a teaspoon
orange or grapefruit ether and keep the mask for about an hour.
Mint oil is more suitable for owners of greasy hair – it is
Do not fat curls.

Almond Oil and Vitamins

A wonderful mask to strengthen hair at home from
almond oil revive curls, give them shine and elasticity.
How to strengthen hair at home условиях этим in a way? To oil
Almond need to add a solution of retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol
(vitamin E). Vitamins are sold at the pharmacy, are inexpensive, and the effect
give in combination with almond oil base wonderful. If a
little almonds could not be found, you can make a mask based
any other base oil by adding one or more ampoules
vitamin A.

Oil masks can make hair fat, weight. Therefore, they are not
It should be applied more than once a week. To achieve persistent
effect of strengthening hair in the home of five to seven treatments
usually enough.

Home care for weak hair

You can continue to care for weak hair with
self-prepared means: deep cleansing skin
head scrubs, decoctions, rinses and even shampoos. Deep
cleansing frees pores from the accumulation of greasy secretions, which means
stimulates the growth of hair rods.

Here’s how to strengthen your hair at home.

1.•Скраб из морской соли нужно втирать в кожу
heads, gently massaging, for a few minutes. Salt
cleanse, heal the skin, relieve dandruff, moisturize and strengthen

2. Скраб из спитого кофе тоже очень хорошо
cleans the skin. You can mix a tablespoon of ground beans with regular
amount of shampoo and gently massage with this compound
head Scrub coffee is not easy to wash off, but it will give tangible

3.•Шампунь для укрепления волос можно
cook from ordinary mustard powder. It must be diluted before
smetannogo consistency, massage the curls and rinse thoroughly.
Mustard not only cleanses the hair, but also stimulates blood flow to
bulbs, while strengthening the hair shafts. Often wash
head such shampoo is impossible, it is too aggressive.

4.•Шампунь на основе косметической глины,
blue or white, will help cleanse the skin, heal the skin. But clay
it will be necessary to wash it off very well, otherwise the hair may appear

5.•Ополаскиватель из настоя заваренных в кипятке
окажет лечебное действие на корни, укрепит hair.
You can brew chamomile, nettle, linden, sage. To use
means it is possible at each washing.

If a подойти к укреплению волос в домашних условиях серьезно, то
very soon, in just 2-3 weeks, the curls will become stronger,
thicker and more beautiful.

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