Starch face masks: cleansing, nourishment anda suspender Indications and recipes for starch face masks at homeconditions

Вт, 04 окт 2016 Автор: Елена Токарева

The skin condition is the main indicator of a girl’s grooming,
therefore, many are enthusiastically struggling with irregularities and dull
color and with age wrinkles, winning millimeter for
a millimeter, and it is skillfully used by cosmetic companies.

You are lucky if for the huge money that representatives
fair sex give them annually, the client will receive a decent
the result: often purchased funds either do not have the proper
effect, or harm, even worse.

The perfect way out of this situation will be his own
cooked masks.


All about face masks from starch: how starch acts
face masks?

The most effective and budgetary option is homemade masks for
faces. They have many advantages: they are hypoallergenic, easy
prepare, do not take as much time as salon procedures,
do not contain artificial components that can harm
skin, as well as they contain useful ingredients in those
concentrations in which the skin can absorb them.

There are many types of home masks:
mustard, gelatin, oat, honey, etc. However, the most
Starch is a convenient and versatile option.
маска для faces. It has a positive effect on those factors
most women care about: complexion, wrinkles and dryness

The basis of its successful impact are the components included in
the composition of the starch. Each in its own way affects the skin, precisely because
this it acts on the skin in a complex.

The components that are part and their

• Vitamin C. Her positive action is
that it regenerates the skin, protects it from the sun’s rays and
damage, and also destroys free radicals;

• Niacin. Excellent effect on oxidative skin processes,
thanks to which all the cells that make up the epidermis,
are activated and constantly divided, which helps in updating

• Choline. Normalizes sebum secretion due to inhibitory
effects on the glands;

• Iron. Takes part in blood circulation and additionally
enriches skin cells with oxygen;

• Potassium. This metal prevents excessive evaporation of water from
skin and supports water exchange processes in cells within

• Vitamin PP. Activates “asleep” cells, releasing
reserves of facial skin;

• Vitamins of group B. Beneficial effect on regeneration processes
and cell renewal;

• Carbohydrates. Nourish and moisturize the skin, giving it a healthy color and
eliminating dryness;

• Calcium. As well as potassium, it participates in water exchange.

It’s amazing how many nutrients are in the most ordinary
and habitual starch.

For the skin, this gift of nature is a storehouse of essential vitamins and
antioxidants. Every girl at least once in their life must
please your skin with this mask. But when this mask brings
benefit and when will it be to the detriment?

Indications for the use of face masks from starch, and in which
In cases of starch mask will become a panacea

The starch face mask is in most cases
universal, however there are a number of cases where the use of
This mask can turn into failure. To prevent this from happening
be sure to read the list of indications and

Indications for the use of masks from starch:

• The mask is suitable for all skin types, even for

• It is necessary for faded, tired and weary skin;

• Suitable as a remedy against aging, because starch –
great alternative to salon botox;

• Helps as a moisturizing and nourishing mask;

• Relieves irritation, therefore this mask is especially effective for
problem skin;

• The starch mask will solve the problem of sebum secretion:
if the skin is too dry, it nourishes it, and if you are disturbed by fat
shine, then by reducing the production of fat mask will eliminate it.

The advantage of this mask is that it rarely causes
allergic reaction and almost never does harm.

The worst thing that can happen is that she just doesn’t
will bring the desired result, but most reviews about this
The mask is exclusively positive. To mask
produced a beneficial effect, you need to know about
contraindications and do not apply it in these cases.

Contraindications to the use of starch

• The presence of major cuts on the face, scars or not healed

• Individual intolerance to the components;

• Severe inflammatory processes.

The list of contraindications is quite short, so this mask
quite popular. If it suits you, feel free to
use it to achieve a salon effect at home
conditions, не тратя на это ни своих денег, ни своего времени.

How to cook homemade starch masks? The basis of natural
facial starch masks

To mask из крахмала подействовала, необходимо соблюдать ряд
the rules. First, you need to decide what kind of starch you
for it you will use: purchase or personally
cooked. Of course, purchase starch will save your time,
however, cooked alone is much more useful.

Чтобы приготовить крахмал в домашних conditions
need to:

• Buy the most common potato: the main thing is that it is not
rotten. Preference is needed to the old potato, because it has more
total starch;

• Peel it and grate;

• Cut the skin and grated potatoes into gauze;

• Tightly tie the gauze in a knot;

• Prepare a glass jar and fill it with cold

• Place the gauze knot in the jar and start squeezing it to
squeeze starch into the water;

• At the end, decant the water and dry the white precipitate. Him and
use in masks.

Of course, starch is found in many foods, but
potato his most. To find out where it is still contained
You can do an iodine test. If there is starch in the product, then
iodine applied to the product will change its color to purple. For
starch can also be used for cereal, bread and
some fruits and vegetables, but from the potato it is easier to select

In addition, there is an algorithm in accordance with
who need to use starch masks, because that’s when they
will give the maximum result:

• The mask solution must be mixed on the day of application. In that
In case all useful substances are saved;

• Face skin must be steamed out before use. For этого
You can steam your face for 5 minutes over a saucepan or basin. For
steaming can be used as a regular boiling water, and decoctions
herbs, for example, decoctions of chamomile or calendula;

• When using the mask, the face should be as
relaxed. It is impossible at this time to eat, drink or talk.
Just set aside 20 minutes a day, apply a mask and just
relax while listening to music and moisturizing your skin;

• The mixture should be kept on the face until it is completely dry and only
then flush;

• The starch mask must be washed off first with warm water and then
it is worth washing cold. For завершения процедуры можно протереть
face with ice cube from frozen chamomile, calendula or
other herbs;

• To get a visible effect, you must not mask
single, but by course. For example, 10-15 masks at intervals of once per
2-3 days.

If you follow all these rules, then you cooked
the mask will surely change your face, and your skin will thank you for

Рецепты крахмальных масок для лица в домашних conditions —
alternative to salon masks

The starch face mask is an alternative to salon botox, but
unlike him, she is completely natural. In the basis of masks with
the lifting effect can lie both potato and corn

There are a lot of recipes for such masks, there are also classic options,
and masks with the addition of oils, honey, etc. It is worth starting with
classic, because in this case you can understand whether you are
general starch based masks.

The classic version of the mask with starch and lemon


1 tablespoon potato starch

1 tablespoon lemon juice

Cooking method and

You need to cut the lemon and squeeze fresh juice out of it. Juice should
be clean, seedless and pieces of pulp. In a special dish
mix lemon juice and starch, let the mixture stand. At that time
just can steam the face. Next you need to put a mask on your face and
keep until dry.

To fear the effects on the skin of lemon juice is not necessary, because
starch neutralizes its aggressiveness.

If this recipe suits you, you can try to combine
starch with peach butter, honey, kefir and egg white. Such
masks are universal, so they fit almost everyone.

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