Sour cream for the face: inexpensive homemade cosmetics.Cool homemade masks with sour cream for different types of faceskin

Ср, 14 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Fatty homemade or sour store sour cream – perfect
means for the preparation of home cosmetics.

Masks from it turn out simple, but very effective.

They will cost a penny, and the result may be better than
after applying an expensive product from any
famous cosmetic brand.


The benefits of sour cream for the face

Sour cream was successfully used by our grandmothers and
moms. Dairy product successfully replaced the missing
counters cosmetics. Today, problems with cosmetics in
there are no stores, but forget about the wonderful properties of masks with sour cream
for the face is not worth it.

First, a self-made sour cream mask
Contains nothing harmful or potentially dangerous. Secondly,
worth a penny. Third, really effectively solves
проблемы любой skin, то сухой и дряблой до чувствительной и

Adding the necessary components to sour cream basis, you can create
any mask that will work perfectly on your face.
And vice versa. For example, the famous cucumber mask at home
conditions can be supplemented with a spoonful of sour cream. Together with
toning and whitening, it also gives the skin nutrition.

What is the use of sour cream for the face:

• normalizes the processes of cellular metabolism;

• prevents early aging due to antioxidant

• rejuvenates and tightens;

• improves blood circulation due to the content of ascorbic
acid, brightens the face;

• tones and improves regeneration processes;

• whitens, eliminates dark circles under the eyes.

Thanks to organic acids, vitamins and minerals sour cream
perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and refreshes the skin of any type.

How to apply a mask with sour cream for the face

Sour cream due to its acids may be
too aggressive for the face. So as not to cause allergic
reaction, you first need to check the effect of the composition on
незаметном участке нежной skin. Fit the inside of the wrist
or elbow bend. If redness or burning does not appear, you can
apply the composition on the face.

Лучше использовать деревенскую сметану: в ней
guaranteed no starch and other unnatural for
fermented milk product substances. Uses homemade sour cream for face
will bring more. If the skin is oily, sour cream should be with
minimum fat content. In this case, it is still preferable.
store product.

Keep the mask with sour cream for at least 20 minutes.
It is very good to take a horizontal position and relax. If a
clay is used as an additional component,
it is undesirable to talk and use facial expressions in order not to
stretch the skin.

Стандартный курс процедур — это семь-десять
masks that a woman makes in two or three days. After graduation
the course is done a month break, after which you can return to
original mask or try another one.

Универсальная маска со сметаной для любого типа skin

Perfect honey-sweetened gentle mask equally good
работает на молодой и зрелой skin. It nourishes, makes the skin
shine, rejuvenates, smoothes wrinkles, tones and

Composition очень простой: смешивается большая ложка
honey and a spoon of sour cream. If a пчелиный продукт успел загустеть, его
can be melted in a water bath or in the microwave.

After washing the skin becomes soft, very tender, literally.
saturated with moisture. Женщинам с сухим типам skin рекомендуется
Moisturize face cream. If a кожа нормальная или жирная, достаточно
simple cleansing.

Маски со сметаной для нормальной и комбинированной skin

If a кожа нормальная или комбинированная, прекрасный
a creamy and honey mask will have a toning and leveling effect,
made according to the previous recipe, with banana pulp. Quarter
fruit is enough to get the right composition. Banana can be mashed
fork or grate.

Excellent results on normal skin will give a mask with clay,
parsley, flax seeds.

Sour cream and clay

Any cosmetic clay that can be bought at the pharmacy,
able to do a real miracle with the skin. It may be blue,
pink, white clay. Its beauty is that after the course of procedures
face gets dull, gets rid of black dots, small
wrinkles, acne marks and acne. In combination with sour cream effect
is increasing.

To prepare the product, a spoonful of clay must be diluted with sour cream.
to a pleasant consistency. Apply to face, wait for it
time and gently rinse with warm water. Для поддержания skin в тонусе
it is enough to apply such a mask once a week or once in two
of the week.

Sour cream and parsley for eyelids

The eyelid skin must also be maintained in a tidy condition. The most
The best remedy for this delicate area is parsley juice.
It removes puffiness and whitens. Sour cream optional
tones, softens, erases wrinkles.

A few sprigs of parsley need to grind in a mortar,
then combine the resulting mush in equal proportions with sour cream.
It is enough to take a spoonful of the product. Mask applied
on the skin of the lower and upper eyelids middle layer.

Having washed it off, you will see how the skin will shine with what health and beauty.
You can do the procedure in the morning to get rid of swelling and traces
lack of sleep

Sour cream and flax seeds

Another wonderful mask with sour cream suggests
use of flaxseed, popular today. Home
the cosmetic product is literally obtained
чудодейственным: льняное семя выводит из skin токсины, отшелушивает
keratinized particles, heals, eliminates dull gray
налета, отлично moisturizes.

Spoon flaxseed to grind in a blender until smooth
condition and leave for 15 minutes alone. During this time, active
substances contained in flax seeds will start working. Mucous membrane
flax gruel will remain mixed with an equal amount of sour cream and
apply on face.

Маски со сметаной для жирной skin

Обладательницам жирной skin не стоит отказывать себе в праве
use all the useful cosmetic properties of sour cream. Despite
on the fat content of this product, masks can and should be done.

Sour cream, lemon, egg white

Lemon juice cleanses, brightens, tightens pores. Chicken protein
eggs dries the skin, helping it get rid of seborrheic radiance.
To prepare the mask, mix one slightly beaten protein with
big spoon of low-fat sour cream and the same amount
freshly squeezed lemon juice.

After a sour-protein mask with lemon, your skin will become fresh,
tender, the dull bloom will disappear. Cell exchange processes
will be restored, and the face will shine with beauty.

Sour cream, cucumber, aloe and rolled oats

Для жирной skin очень важной правильное питание и увлажнение.
Excellent result will give a cucumber mask at home,
if vegetable pulp mixed with aloe juice, sour cream and ground

How does the mask work? Fresh cucumber pulp
moisturizes and tones. Aloe heals, has a beneficial effect on
sebaceous glands. Sour cream nourishes and tones. Ground in a blender
oat-flakes (oatmeal) cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin
at the same time. Composition: 1/2 Art. l геркулеса, 1/2 ч.l aloe juice (or
pharmaceutical extract of aloe), 1 tbsp. l sour cream, 1 tbsp. l cucumber
mashed potatoes.

If a делать такую чудо-маску ежедневно, то уде через две недели
face will look amazingly young, fresh.

Маски со сметаной для дряблой skin

The recipe for the previous mask can be adopted by mature ladies.
However, for them there are other equally effective home remedies.

Sour cream and badyaga

Pharmaceutical powder freshwater sponge, or badyagi – powerful
средство в арсенале борьбы за молодость и красоту skin лица.
The quality of the dermis after the first procedure will significantly improve:
wrinkles will disappear, a healthy glow will appear, color will improve.

However, badyaga refers to potent natural substances.
Caused on the skin, it causes quite sensitive
tingling This is normal, and a strange feeling will remain on
skin for several hours after rinsing. The main thing is not
use a mask on the skin of the eyelids and be sure to test on
subject of individual reaction.

There are other rules:

• after the mask with sour cream and badagoy go out in the sun and
sunbathing in the solarium can not be within a day, otherwise it may appear
dark spots;

• for the next five days, be sure to use a cream with high
SPF filter;

• do not use any cosmetics after washing the mask;

• you can repeat the mask only in a month.

The ideal time for the procedure – the evening. Composition
it is prepared simply: the powder is diluted with sour cream to the consistency
ordinary cosmetic mask. As a result, the skin will even out, gain
tone. Spider veins, pigment spots and bruises will disappear,
исчезнут морщины, подтянется оваl

Sour cream, coffee, honey and protein

A beautiful mask based on sour cream will help tighten the skin.
coffee. It is necessary to mix one teaspoon of ground coffee,
sour cream and heated liquid honey with chicken egg protein.

Mask must be applied with stroking movements to
use all the beneficial properties of coffee grounds, including
scrub effect The composition is applied not only on the face, but also
on the neck and neckline. After washing off the mask, any woman will receive a charge.
excellent mood: the skin will be toned, soft, velvety,
strikingly young.

Маски со сметаной для сухой skin

Обладательницам сухой skin требуется активное питание. Sour cream
provides it. However, to enhance the effect, you can add
additional ingredients.

Sour cream и желток

The simplest mask recipe with sour cream includes a generous
tablespoon of fermented milk product and one chicken yolk.
Moisturizing, toning and even beautiful color after the procedure

Sour cream и алоэ

Composition идеален для сухой и чувствительной skin лица. If a дома
flower grows doctor, you will need to cut off the fleshy leaf and with
Use the knife to select from it all the healthy flesh. Then mix it up
с большой ложкой домашней сметаны и apply on face. After washing
it is desirable to put on the skin moisturizing cream.

Sour cream и огурец

Another recipe for a cucumber face mask at home,
which can be mixed with fat sour cream and used on dry
facial skin. The powerful moisturizing effect is complemented by nutrition.
The duration of the procedure is not more than fifteen minutes.

Cucumber gruel mixed with sour cream in the same proportions and
apply to the face with the exception of the eyelid area. To strengthen
beneficial effect, wash off the mask with warm water. After that the skin
always rinse with cold (cool) water.

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