Smoothing masks for the face and their conditionsefficiency. Components and recipes home smoothing masksfor face skin

Сб, 06 янв 2018 Автор: Светлаon Ветрякова

Masks that smooth the skin of the face can be prepared with
using affordable, natural products: this way
Get a quality tool with proven components. Can
choose the optimal composition for different skin types and your
discretion to choose the composition.


How to make and use smoothing masks

Smoothing homemade masks effectively
operate in several directions:

– align the upper layer of the epidermis;

– moisturize and nourish the skin, relieve puffiness;

– improves blood microcirculation and capillary supply
oxygen, nutrients;

– tighten the oval face, if you add a mask
massage movements.

For the preparation of smoothing masks use different
components that moisturize and nourish the skin:

– vitamin supplements – retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (vitamin

– Components for the base (petrolatum, glycerin);

– base and essential vegetable oils;

– dairy and fermented milk products (cream, sour cream, kefir,
cottage cheese, butter);

– bee products;

– chicken eggs;

– cereals, flakes;

– starch;

– gelatin;

– greens, vegetables and fruits in the form of mashed potatoes or fresh juices;

– Phytopreparations, herbal decoctions;

– various spices;

– baking soda;

– cooking or sea salt.

For cooking, usually use 2-3 components in an amount
sufficient for one application to the face and neck. Oily
indelible masks are applied to the neckline where needed
care for thin and delicate skin. Can проводить интенсивный
anti-aging course 5-7 for days, if you use specific
components (eggs, starch, gelatin, soda, salt, spices). Or
apply as a daily care product if
use fat-containing components that can not be flushed
(for example, leave the mask with vegetable oil for 10-15 minutes before
full absorption and then apply decorative cosmetics).

Before applying the smoothing mask on the skin, it is necessary
thoroughly clean and dry face. The mask is applied to a certain
time, but no longer than 25-30 minutes, wash off with soft massage
movements with water at room temperature. After that it is recommended
do not use immediately conventional care products and decorative
cosmetics, let your skin “breathe” at least half an hour, while continuing
metabolic processes and the absorption of useful substances.

Smoothing Face Mask Recipes

Glycerin mask with fruit

Take any fruit or seasonal berries (strawberries, bananas, apples
fresh, not frozen). Grate or stretch with a fork, on 1
a spoonful of fruit pulp add 1/2 spoon of glycerin, put on
prepared skin. Action time up to 20 minutes, wash off, not
stretching the skin.

Gelatin mask with vitamins

Take 1 spoonful of gelatin, pour 100 ml of water, after half an hour
warm up in a “water bath”, stirring slowly to dissolve
gelatinous crystals that did not remain lumps. Add by
one capsule of vitamin A and E (from the pharmacy). Wash in 10-15

Mask with starch, egg white and juice

1 spoon of starch, 1 egg white, half a spoon of fresh juice
parsley, взбить белок и добавить все части, onнести примерно on 15
minutes The combination of starch and protein is excellent for the skin, such
The composition tightens the contour, but when dry, the mask delivers
restless sensations of extraneous film on the face. For addictive
You can first apply a mask for 5-6 minutes, gradually increasing
interval so that by the end of the weekly course the mask was on
коже до 15 minutes

Mask with starch, sour cream and carrot

1 spoon of starch, 1 spoon of sour cream fatter, 1 spoon of fresh
carrot juice, mix the starch and sour cream until smooth
консистенции, добавить морковный сок, onложить on лицо до 20 minutes
Smoothing mask with starch visibly tightens the skin, but its
should be applied for a course of not more than one week, since carrot
the juice may slightly pigment the skin.

Mask со сливками, лимонным juice и солью

1 spoon of cream of normal fat content, 1 spoon of cook or
finely ground sea salt, 3-4 drops of fresh lemon juice,
mix cream and salt, add lemon juice. Exposure time
Masks 10-15 minutes, clean carefully, without rubbing the skin. Mask
perfectly cleanses and strengthens the skin, removes dark spots,
tones the muscle layer and smoothes mimic wrinkles.

Refreshing mask with kefir and honey

Kefir – 2 spoons (homemade), honey – 1 spoon,
mix until honey is completely dissolved, hold on skin for 10-15 minutes
and wash with water. Kefir moisturizes, smoothes the skin, honey contains
active substances and has a mild cleansing effect.

Cheesecake Mask with Oatmeal

1 spoon of sea buckthorn oil, 1 spoon of cottage cheese, 1 spoon boiled
oat flakes (buckwheat, rice). Connect and knead carefully
all components up to uniform state, evenly distribute
on face, after 10-15 minutes, gently rinse. If used dry
flakes, the mask can be used as a peeling, wash off
плавными massage movements. Mask интенсивно onсыщает кожу и
gently cleans the surface layer.

Mask с горчичным порошком и куркумой

1 spoon of flaxseed oil, 1/2 spoon of mustard powder, 1/2 spoon
куркумы, соединить все части, onнести on 10-15 minutes Mask с
mustard shows a pronounced warming result. In mustard
семеonх содержатся гликозид синигрин, азотистые вещества и пектины,
carboxylic acids, essential oils, which activate exchange

Mask с помидорной мякотью и красным перцем

1 spoon of olive oil, 1 spoon of tomato pulp (chop
в блендере или on тёрке), красного перца on кончике ложки, держать
on лице до 15 minutes At emergence of uneasy feelings at once
wash off. Mask увлажняет кожу и onсыщает витамиonми, перец оказывает
warming effect, increases the flow of capillary blood. Muscle
are heated, stagnation is removed and all are activated
обменные processes.

Mask с тыквой и рисовой кашей

Отварить рисовую крупу без масла и соли, свежую тыкву onтереть
on тёрке, взять 1 ложку каши и 1 ложку тыквенной мякоти, через 20
minutes, rinse with warm water or rice water. Mask благотворно
влияет on кожу, оon становится бархатистой и эластичной.

Mask с картофелем и льняной мукой

Натереть сырой картофель on мелкой тёрке, взять 1 ложку
potato gruel, 1 spoonful of flax flour and 1 spoonful of any
vegetable oil, stir until smooth. After 10-15
минут смыть обычным образом водой комonтной температуры. Mask
cleans and tightens pores, smoothes the skin, buckwheat can be added
flour, which also contains many beneficial minerals and
пищевые волокon.

Mask с косметическим маслом и семеonми

1 ложку семян льon залить 0,5 стакаon воды и варить после
закипания on медленном огне примерно 15 минут, остудить, процедить.
Take any cosmetic oil (sea buckthorn, rosehip, from
зародышей пшеницы), смешать 1 ложку отвара и 1ложку масла, onнести
on лицо, можно не смывать. Mask обладает заметным омолаживающим
property and with regular use eliminates swelling,
swelling and vascular spots. Broth can be stored in a closed
ёмкости (on дверце холодильника) до 3-х суток.

Mask с огурцами и зеленью

Экспресс-средство для омоложения кожи увядающей кожи, onтереть
огурец on тёрке, мелко onрезать зелень или измельчить в блендере
(basil, parsley, dill, sorrel and any other). Mix 1
spoon cucumbers and greens, if the skin is dry, you can add half a spoon
vegetable oil, soak for 15 minutes, gently rinse with water.

Fruit mask for tired skin

This vitamin cocktail will literally transform your condition.
skin will make it smooth and delicate. Need to take 1 spoon
измельчённой мякоти аononса, апельсиon и киви, подержать 15 minutes
После смывания следует воздержаться от onнесения базовых и
decorative cosmetics for half an hour. Mask
contains deep penetration fruit acids, therefore
рекомендуется для интенсивного курса on несколько дней.

Contraindications to the use of smoothing masks

It is better to postpone the preparation and use of homemade recipes.
омоложения, если on коже имеются воспалённые высыпания и
traumatic injuries. Так же нужно тщательно onблюдать за
реакцией кожи on различные компоненты: если возникло жжение,
redness, in no case can not be tolerated, you need to immediately wash
Cosmetic tool and stop further use.
Keep ready-made masks are not recommended because crushed
products very quickly lose useful properties.

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