Skin care after 30 years: how to properlymake a care program. Skin care after 30years old

Чт, 04 авг 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Once in a woman’s life a great time comes
тридцатиyears oldия. This is the most beautiful age: youthful mistakes in
the past has matured far. The skin remains young, but, alas,
irreversible processes already affect the first wrinkles, dryness,
sagging. Каким должен быть уход за кожей после 30 years old?


Skin problems after 30

Кожа тридцатиyears oldней женщины постепенно утрачивает способность
retain moisture, which leads to gradual drying. She is already
cannot produce enough collagen proteins and
elastin, and therefore along with dehydration begins the loss
turgor – elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

On dry skin, skin wrinkles form faster – wrinkles. AT
тридцатиyears oldнем возрасте с ними еще можно успешно справляться при
proper care. Worried woman appearance pronounced
folds in the nasolabial triangle area, as well as morning edema
under the lower eyelid. Constant stretching of the skin also leads to
wrinkle formation.

If the process is not controlled, then very soon you can
really say goodbye to youth. That is why big
значение следует уделять уходу за кожей после 30 years old.

Общие рекомендации по уходу за кожей после 30 years old

The condition of the skin is influenced not only by cosmetics.
Nutrition and lifestyle – this is what you need to emphasize.
From the diet it is better to remove all unhealthy and frankly harmful:
smoked meat, salted foods, fatty cakes and mayonnaise. No
fast food, less coffee and very little alcohol. We give preference
fresh vegetables and fruits, greens, lean meat and fish.

Woman to extend the beauty is simply obliged to fully
relax. The body becomes more capricious and needs healthy
night rest. The body requires movement, otherwise muscular
tissue is replaced by fat.

As for the skin of the face, the care of it should now be
regular, more thorough. What do you need

• put into the habit of contrasting washing (you can wipe the face
diced frozen herbal decoction or simple clean

• защищать кожу от ультрафиоyears oldа и компьютерного излучения,
selecting the appropriate cream;

• master the techniques of massage or go to a masseuse courses 2-3
once a year or regularly, for the purpose of prevention;

• necessarily along with the cream to use masks and

• Take good vitamin-mineral courses twice a year.
complexes, preferably from the beauty series (skin-hair-nails).

Skin care after 30 should still be directed to
the implementation of the necessary programs: cleansing, toning, care
skin type. In the morning, apply day cream, for the night –
night. The main thing is to know how to choose the right cream.

ATажное замечание: ночной крем нужно
apply on face at least 40 minutes before bedtime. Never
go to bed without giving the cream a good soak and not removing the excess
a napkin. AT противном случае утренних отеков избежать не удастся.
It is especially important to observe this rule when applying cream under the eyes.
and on the upper eyelid.

Skin cream after 30: what to choose

Beauticians advise you not to pay attention to age
marking “25+”, “30+”, “45+”, etc. This is a marketing ploy.
which has a very indirect relation to problem solving
skin care after 30. What matters is skin type and
a set of active ingredients that are contained in the

With the type of skin is more or less clear. ATо всяком случае, к
тридцатиyears oldнему возрасту женщина должна изучить свое лицо и точно
know what her skin is: thin and dry, dense and oily,
sensitive, problematic, normal, combined, prone to

Cream for the morning and evening should be different. Cannot use
one tool, because the task of the day cream is to moisturize and protect
from the sun, and the night – to give deep nourishment, to provide
recovery and regeneration.

What components should be present in

• hyaluronic acid;

• glycerin;

• panthenol;

• ANA-acid;

• retinoids;

• elastins;

• peptides.

Miraculous hyaluronic acid nourishes the skin with moisture,
preventing wrinkles and stimulating the production of your own
protein compounds – collagen and elastin. In this way
восстанавливается кyears oldочный каркас, который не позволяет коже
sag. Hyaluronic acid, combining with water molecules,
turns into a gel-like substance that can fill wrinkles
from the inside.

Glycerin perfectly moisturizes the skin, but products containing
this substance should not be applied in rooms with overdried
by air. Glycerin molecules take moisture from the environment, and
если в воздухе ее мало, начинают притягивать влагу из кyears oldок кожи,
drying it more.

The content of panthenol in the cream ensures excellent regeneration,
alignment. АНА-кислоты снимают мертвый слой ороговевших кyears oldочек
from the skin, lighten it, make wrinkles less deep. But
retinoids, despite effectiveness, for тридцатиyears oldних женщин
too strong active ingredient. If your cream contains retinol,
it can only be used in courses of no more than three weeks.

If the skin is prone to allergies, you can pick up a cream with ceramides,
а для защиты от агрессивного ультрафиоyears oldа — с оксидом цинка,
titanium dioxide, mexoril, avobenzone.

Elastins are able to slightly tighten the shape of the face, and peptides
normalize the synthesis of amino acids. However, it is also very smart
products that can only be used if
visible signs of aging. If the face looks just a little tired,
but without sagging, you should not use peptide complexes.

Special means

Для эффективного ухода за кожей после 30 years old требуется
necessarily include in the program of sera, masks, peels.

Сыворотки следует подбирать также по skin type. AT этом возрасте
emphasis should be placed on active hydration. Serums are special
cosmetic products that contain a higher concentration
some kind of active ingredient. It is necessary to apply them under the main
cream on the recommendation of the manufacturer.

Masks — отдельная история в жизни каждой тридцатиyears oldней женщины.
It doesn’t matter if you use your own home remedies.
cooking or using the product of the cosmetic industry, but
Two or three times a week to use a mask is a must. Masks
should also be directed to solving current problems – loss
нормального уровня влажности и снижение скорости кyears oldочного обмена.
You can use the following types of masks:

• moisturizing;

• cleansing;

• bleaching;

• tonic.

According to the condition of the epidermis for skin care after 30 you can
apply masks against dryness, irritation, nutrition, facial
wrinkles. Be sure to put out not only on the face, but also on the neck. Not
accidentally say that the age of a woman is given out by her neck and arms.

Masks обязательно сочетать с глубокими пилингами. Most
effective peels are acidic. They can be done in salons, however
if you can find a home-use acid peel (with
minimum percentage of acid, about 6–9%), this will be

Salon peels are done in the season of the inactive sun (from February to
March, then in October-November). Acid pretty strong
concentration (approximately 30%) removes the top layer of the epidermis,
smoothes and refreshes the skin. AT более зрелом возрасте проводится
median peeling, when the acid concentration can reach 70%.
After the course of procedures (usually ten is enough) visually
можно помолодеть years old на пять.

As for the massage, it is a very effective way to care for
skin of the face. Thanks to the massage, the lymph flow is restored,
the muscular frame is strengthened, the skin is tightened. Today can
find a lot of video tutorials to the independent use of various
massage techniques. This is the famous massage of Asahi, and honey massage
(also attributed to non-aging Japanese women for a long time).

However, do not forget that the wrong technique can not tighten
face, but rather cause stretching of the skin.

If the skin shows signs of sagging, especially in the lower part
individuals should be included in the program of care exercises from the popular
today, face-building (face-lift using face pumping
muscle). With proper use of this technique you can really
tighten facial contours, smooth nasolabial folds, remove the second
chin and return the face youthful features.

Уход за кожей после 30 years old должен быть постоянным и более
интенсивным, чем 5-10 years old назад. If you are not lazy, engage
to choose the right care products, and
normalize food and lifestyle, you can still for many years
look much younger than your passport age.

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