Simple and unusual hairstyles with elastic bands. To whomfit hairstyles with elastic bands, how to make them to yourself?

Сб, 10 фев 2018 Автор: Марина Позднина

Little girls, young fashionable women and young ladies
Strive to look impeccable and fashionable. Panty liners
so diverse that they are suitable for any age.
Daily hairstyles and festive evening compositions are quite
Combined with regular hair bands.


How to make simple hairstyles with elastic bands

Ponytail. The easiest and fastest way to collect hair –
make horse tail. For the daily version of the hair going
on top and overtighten with elastic. For an evening hairstyle
it is necessary to do everything as smoothly and smoothly as possible. This option
styling looks good on long and healthy hair. Can
on the contrary, to give volume to a tail – to wind strands with an iron or
curling iron Curls add playfulness to your image.

Tail flashlight

Easy to do hairstyle is suitable for walking and hiking
shopping, to workout in the gym. Comb your hair and make
tight tail on the back of his head. Back off 7-10 cm and tie a gum.
Spread the gap between the rubber bands, it will turn out
torch. Further on the same principle to the tips.

Spit of gum without weaving

Hairstyle looks like a plait braided, but in fact weave
do not need anything. Collect the tail with a rubber band and divide into two equal
parts. In the upper strand collect hair again with a rubber band, retreating
10 cm. Make a hole through which to pass the lower strand.
completely. Now in this order to collect the tail, retreating 10-15 cm and
skip the bottom of the hair. So do the entire length of the hair. On
end also secure with a rubber band. If you want to do more
volume, then neatly enough with a comb to stretch the flashlights along
sides. The romantic gentle image turns out.

Hairstyles with elastic bands for long hair

Long hair allows you to play fantasy. Masters
hairdressing create new and original hairstyles
constantly. Can экспериментировать дома перед зеркалом и
Be sure to create something new and original.

Volume braid with rubber bands

It will take 1 elastic gum and several silicone gum.
We collect horse tail on the back of the head. Bottom tail highlight a small
strand and wrap her gum. It turns out that the gum is masked.
Hold the tail completely in the palm of your hand and fix it with rubber band, stepping back
10 cm. Thread loose hair into it and relock.
rezinochkoy. Re-divide in the middle and loose your hair.
Depending on the length of the hair, perform similar actions. With
Do not over-tighten your hair too tightly. The volume braid will be
look much more interesting.

Laying of multi-tiered tails. Good combing hair and
делим на две одинаковые parts.

• Take one half in hand and divide it into 6 tiers
horizontal partings.

• The upper part of the hair should be pulled tight with a rubber band. Goes to
the second parting and attach the second strand to it. Also
we fasten with a rubber band.

• It turns out a multi-tiered tail due to such transitions between
parting The last strand should be fixed in the lower part

• The second half of the hair is laid with the same principle.

Openwork Spit

Unusual braid is obtained using ordinary silicone
gum. Openwork braid can be braided on any solemn
Event: wedding, graduation, birthday.

• Comb your hair and straighten it with a flat iron if it’s a bit

• On висках выделите небольшие локоны и соедините их резинкой на
back of the head.

• The tail turned out, through which you need to pass the resulting

• On висках, чуть ниже предыдущего места, отделить две прядки и
making a tail of them to thread into the base of the previous upper
tail. Each turn, fix the rubber band.

• The rest of the hair needs to be consumed completely fine.
strands, separating the side strands and connecting them in the middle.

• At the end we fix the braid with a beautiful hairpin or rubber band,

• Fix the resulting hairstyle with lacquer so that it keeps
its kind of longer.

Creating hairstyles with rubber bands for children

Little girls want to look like princesses from fairy tales.
Withчески для них должны быть красивыми и в то же время практичными,
to keep the whole day. Withчески с резинками прекрасно подходят
for this purpose and keep a neat look on the head to the very

Wreath with elastic bands

We take the brightest rezinochki. To look like a wreath exactly and
beautiful, you need to divide the head first into two parts even
parting Each half is divided into two parts, securing them
clamps. One part we take and divide diagonally into two identical
triangle. Now we make tails from triangles. So need
do with the rest of the hair. It turns out 8 identical
tail in a circle. We take one tail and remove the gum from it.
We connect it with the previous tail, fixing with a common elastic band. So
do with all the tails in a circle. The remaining hair bundle can
gently hide under the first tail, fixing the invisible or
beautiful barrette

Flagella of braids with rubber bands

Делим волосы пополам ровным parting Separate from each side
two more parts – top and bottom. Fix with rubber bands and weave braids
from each tail. Weaved braid and stretch it into the gum,
which is on the opposite side. Turns out
cross braids. So do the rest of the braids and down
закрепить резинкой или barrette Can поделить волосы не на 4, а
on 8 parts, then small flagella are obtained. Depends on the density

Cobweb with rubber bands

Spectacular hairstyle for little girls. Need to cook
много резиночек, так как фиксировать будем каждую dope

• Comb through the hair and split into a horizontal parting, separating
neat narrow line near the bangs.

• Divide the front line by 7 strands and assemble them with rubber bands.

• Separate the second horizontal line, departing 3-5 cm.

• In a staggered order, we divide by 7 strands, which
also fix rubber bands, but so that the tail of the first row
divided into two parts, and the sides of it went into the second tail

• So we make 5-7 rows and fix at the bottom with one rubber band.

Голова получается окутана сеткой или паутиной из gum. If a
make rubber bands in hair color, and put on each compound
hairpin with a bead, it turns out a spectacular solemn hairstyle.
These hairstyles with elastic bands on the photo look really very

Withческа на короткие волосы

Short hair should also look neat, so
There are several options to collect such hairs so as not to
interfered with the child in active games.

Option 1. We divide the head into vertical partings – 5-7 partings,
fix rezinochkami. Turns out 6-7 хвостиков. We collect tails
on the crown in one tail and fix the elastic rubber band.

Option 2. Divide the head into two equal tails on the sides and
we twist from them plaits by a spiral connecting in the basis of an elastic band.
It turns out funny ears or horns.


We collect hair at the crown and tie a rubber tail, dividing
hair on a circle, it turns out a small palm tree. To palm
looked spectacular, should pick up the gum of different colors and one
for one to fasten up. Well pull the tail, then
get a smooth and mischievous palm.

Withчески с резинками подходят на волосы любой длины, главное
skillfully pick the desired styling. Additional decoration such
styling will be beautiful and elegant accessories – satin ribbons,
hairpins, studs.

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