Shugaring of hands, legs, bikini at home -do the right thing. How to make shugaring pasta at home andthe procedure itself.

Вт, 04 авг 2015 Автор: Ольга Шестакова

The unimaginable beauty of eastern women is admired by people from all
corners of our vast planet. Their whole secret, in fact,
is that they have no knowledge of anyone about
beauty that is passed from one generation to another.

Only girls of the east can seduce only with their eyes,
only they can pass so gracefully that no man
can resist, only their skin is so smooth and velvety on
touch that you can not admire. This article will open up before
you have a veil and you will learn about one of the most effective ways
hair removal – shugaring, which came to us from countries
far and mysterious east.


What is shugaring

Shugaring is a procedure for removing excess vegetation on
body using syrup that is made from sugar and a few more
components. This type of hair removal is so simple and safe that
any woman will cope with it effortlessly by preparing
sugar mixture at home.

Nefertiti herself preferred shugaring. In ancient Egypt
considered the highest shame if the body has at least some
vegetation, because the body of animals is covered with hair and
barbarians. Not only men, but women even shaved their heads to
get rid of evil spirits (that is how hair was called). Unsuitable
it was decent for the Egyptians to have hairs at least somewhere.

There is some evidence that this is the way
removed hair from a body of the woman and in the territory of Ancient Russia. And in
Tunisia, the shugaring has become a real ritual that
every girl must pass before they get married. Local
residents call this process sugar purification, and it is believed that
if you neglect such a seemingly ridiculous ritual, then the woman
life will not be happy, because her husband will not take it
sexy and never want to touch her.

Types of shugaring

Shugaring has a huge variety of features. Exists
There are many ways how to prepare a sugar mixture for this
procedures, therefore, there are several techniques of shugaring, which in
something similar, but also have a number of differences. Better, of course, if you
will be able to experience each of the following
technician to understand which one is right for you.

Мануальная техника шугаринга представляет собой
applying a small lump of paste on the skin and removing it along with
unnecessary hairs with just hands. Take the lump
sugar mixture and smear on the area on the body that you want
to epilate Before applying a lump on the skin surface
should be slightly kneaded so that it becomes warm, soft and smear
pasta was not so difficult.

Мануальная техника с аппликацией не отличается
practically nothing from simple manual techniques. Difference
there is only one thing – the sugar paste will need to be left on
body for a few minutes to dry, and it was more convenient
rip off. Manual shugaring with application is already being done by several
lumps of hot sugar mixture. Can be used from two pieces and
to six.

Бандажная техника предусматривает удаление
unwanted vegetation from the body using tissue strips,
that lay on top of the sugar paste and stick to it. This
shugaring technique is most used, because the paste is much more convenient
tear off the skin.

Is it possible to make shugaring at home?

Yes, of course, you can conduct this procedure at home.
But it will be a big plus if you still at least once
shugaring will make a professional. In this case, you can
follow carefully all the steps of the procedure and you will already be
Know exactly what is being done and how. While you read
instructions on how to properly shugaring you
it seems that everything is clear and in practice it is easy to repeat. But,
it’s not like that at all. That is why it will be good if all
details of the procedure and preparation for it will tell you
the person who has already done this.

Preparing for shugaring at home

If you have carefully weighed all the pros and cons and
decided that you want to try to make a shugaring at home, then
some tips that will help you to prepare properly
to the procedure:

• certainly follow the recipe, because if your sugar paste
if it turns out to be too liquid, or vice versa – it is too thick, then you
you just won’t be able to work with her normally, and she either will
freeze every half minute, or do not want to roll into lumps and
it will just flow along your hands, making it impossible
continuation of the procedure;

• make sure that the room where you are gathered
conduct shugaring, the optimum air temperature, because if there
it will be too cold or too hot, then the consistency of the paste
change, because it is very dependent on it;

• in order to make a shugaring, it is not necessary to wait until
hairs will become too long, on the contrary, if their length is
more than 5 mm, it will bring you inconvenience and additional
pain when tearing sugar from the skin,
so if you want to avoid this, then trim a little hair
with scissors;

• if at one time you want to remove excess hair from all
of the body, then be sure to ensure that the place to which you
are going to go, did not have time to sweat or become wet because of
excessive skin secretion of fat, so it is better not far from yourself
put a dry towel and wipe their skin from time to time;

• before tearing off a strip of sugar paste from the skin
should be tight, because then significantly decrease
pain and will be minimized to the risk that after
procedures will remain traces and hematomas will appear;

• in no case can not leave the finished sugar mixture in
a fridge or any other cool place because pasta
sugared, and you just can not work with her, but if it is
happen, do not despair, because in the end you get
sugar scrub that positively affects cells
skin, if applied and left for a few minutes;

• if you decide to use home shugaring
when you choose it, pay attention not to
only on the manufacturer, but also on some features, because one
paste requires periodic heating before applying to the skin, and
the other is not, so read the information on the label before,
how to use the paste;

• there are a lot of recipes for shugaring pastes, therefore
Before you give preference to one of them, find out which
density paste you get as a result, because for different places
need to use a sugar mixture of different density, if you want to
achieve a really good result;

• before the procedure it is better to take a shower and wash the skin with gel, but, not
use a sponge, because if you rub too hard,
redness and microscopic cracks will appear on the skin, making
the already painful procedure is even more painful;

• if you know that you do not tolerate pain,
before shugaring it is better to take a pain pill so that the pain
did not seem so sharp to you;

• it is undesirable that the hairs are too long, but if
they will be very short, it is also bad, because then they
it will be impossible to capture and in a few days the shugaring will have
redo anew.

Shugaring paste – buy or make yourself?

This question cannot be answered if only because all
people are different and each of us has our own view on this or that
the situation. If you have no special problems with money, you can’t
waste precious time and boldly go to the store to
purchase ready-made pasta that is immediately ready for
use. Only here, there is one “but” – at home you do it yourself.
paste and can say with certainty what exactly is included in its
composition, but with the store paste so no longer work. Carefully
Read all label data and application rules. If all of you
satisfied and do not slip in doubts about something, then
feel free to buy.

But, к великому сожалению, не каждый может позволить себе поход к
specialist or purchase of paste for shugaring. If so, then not
worth the frustration. For the first time with the preparation of the mixture can
There are some problems, but this is absolutely normal. Than
the more you practice this, the better you will be
get it. One tip: the saucepan in which you prepared the mixture for
shugaring, it is better to wash immediately, and not to leave for later, because in
Otherwise, you simply will not be able to clean it, no matter how hard
did not try.

What is better – wax or shugaring?

On this issue, women’s opinions differ. It all depends only
on your personal requirements, preferences and what result
you want to win in the end.

Epilation wax everyone has known for many years, but this method
removing unwanted vegetation as a shugaring became known in
Our lands are not so long ago. So it turned out that many
waxing experts have switched to shugaring and all
his customers began to praise him. In fact, it is impossible
say with accuracy that shugaring is better, but, most of those
who tried both ways of getting rid of hairs, argues that
more they liked it shugaring.

Sugar hair removal is good because almost never
do not grow under the skin hairs, as it happens constantly after
wax epilation. Shugaring excludes cases of breaking.
hairs and incomplete removal. Sugar paste penetrates right into
hair follicle and captures every hair, even the most

During waxing on the most sensitive parts of the body
sometimes small burns appear. After the procedure shugaring you
and there will be no trace if you do it right. Sugar paste
only warms up to 37 degrees, so when applied you can
feel only the pleasant warmth that will not cause
unpleasant sensations.

Regarding which way more painful can be said
only that it depends on your individual characteristics. Alone
people tolerate pain, others are not very good, so you should
try both methods of hair removal to determine which you

Shugaring with citric acid

Before giving preference to a shugaring paste recipe
with citric acid, it is worth making sure that you will not have to
her allergies. Just test the pasta in a small area.

To make a paste you need 2 tablespoons of water, 4
tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of citric acid. All these
Mix ingredients and put on a small fire. When the mixture
boil well, start stirring it and make sure not to
burned. Pasta is ready when it can be rolled into a ball, and
it does not spread at the same time.

Shugaring of legs and hands at home

Take some pasta in your hand and roll it into a ball. Remember him
a bit to warm up. Now spread it over that part of your leg or
hands that you will first be epilated. Required
apply paste against the growth of hairs, and it is worth tearing
the opposite side.

Remove the paste from the skin in one sharp motion. To not be
too painful, better to pull a little skin with your free hand. One
lump of pasta can be used many times until it is all in

The epilation process on your feet will not be very painful, but on your arms
skin is more sensitive, so if you endure the pain badly,
it is better to take a pain pill before shugaring.

Shugaring bikini and deep bikini at home

For reference: shugaring a bikini is hair removal where
they would be visible from under the clothes, and shugaring a deep bikini –
removal of pubic hair and on the inside of the thighs.

It is worth noting that in these places the skin is most sensitive,
so the procedure will be accompanied by some unpleasant and
painful sensations. Shugaring bikini zone takes about 20 minutes,
whereas shugaring deep bikini will have, unfortunately,
spend more time. In general, the procedure is not very different from
shugaringa legs.

Shugaring underarms at home

In order to make shugaring on the armpits, take
very small lumps of pasta and epilate of small zones in stages,
to reduce pain. Do not forget that armpit
hair grows up, so a lump of paste should be rolled to
bottom and tear to the top.

If you are doing this procedure for the first time, then tune in immediately to
that it will be painful and take a lot of time, because
hair follicles are still very strong and to destroy them will have
to try. Than чаще вы будете делать шугаринг подмышек, тем легче
he will pass.

After shugaring

After the procedure is over, it is necessary to wash the skin.
warm water and wipe dry. If after shugaring you have left
redness, then apply the usual shaving cream on the skin. is he
relieve inflammation and after a few minutes the redness disappears.

Shugaring is a great effective way to say goodbye to
unwanted vegetation on the body. Try to do everything
as correctly as possible and, definitely, you will be satisfied
the result.

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