Sea buckthorn oil для волос – плюсы и минусы.How to apply sea buckthorn oil for health and beautyyour hair.

Сб, 25 июл 2015 Автор: Натали Аржанова

Incredibly healthy and aromatic elixir, yellow-orange
shade, like a reminder of the last warm days of summer, and how
once in this period, and collected sea buckthorn, will support immunity
throughout the autumn-winter period.

You можете заваривать вкуснейший чай с облепихой, варить из нее
jam or jam, as well as create unique desserts with this
berry for their kids. And sea buckthorn can be squeezed in order
get the healthiest oil that will be the perfect ingredient
для домашних маthe juice, ухаживающих за кожей лица, рук, ног и волосами.
Sea buckthorn oil добавляли в различные средства еще наши бабушки.
How right they were, because the benefits of this product are many dozens
times more than any expensive shampoo or mask with
infamous ingredients like salicylic acid or
keratin Let’s talk about how sea buckthorn hair oil
will help to cope with their problems, and also find out how necessary
correctly apply it.


Declassify “agent”: useful properties of sea buckthorn

Вне зависимости от того, захотите ли You самостоятельно сделать
sea ​​buckthorn oil or purchase it at the pharmacy, the first thing you need
изучить — это его properties. Of course, if this product is for you
prescribed a doctor, then follow his recommendations. Вот, что You
must know about the sea buckthorn berry:

1. First, it perfectly strengthens the immune system. No matter how
именно You будете принимать облепиху: add варенье из ягод в
чай или принимать несколько раз в день ложечку облепихового oils,
The benefits will be noticeable after the first course. Sea buckthorn can be given
even for children, with only one caveat: if not allergic

2. Secondly, sea buckthorn oil perfectly heals wounds. Whether
a cut on the hand or knocked down your baby’s knees, daily lubricating
место повреждения маслом облепихи, You существенно ускорите процесс
healing. Similarly, the oil affects dermatological
problems, contributing to the tightening of wounds, pustular lesions and
even eczema.

3. Thirdly, this berry is used for the treatment of ailments.
gastrointestinal, pancreas and
duodenal ulcer. Eating 3-4 times a day just one
чайную ложку oils, пациенты смогут облегчить и устранить симптомы

4. Fourth, sea buckthorn fruit oil is successfully exploited.
cosmetologists and trichologists in order to cope with problems of the skin of the face and
hairline. It is added to all sorts of masks, scrubs and
gommazh, poured into shampoos, conditioners and conditioners and
air conditioners.

Among other things, sea buckthorn oil is useful for the treatment of
tonsillitis, stomatitis and gum disease. And for men, sea buckthorn will be
excellent help to improve the functioning of the reproductive system and
enhance libido.

When to say “no”: contraindications to use
oils облепихи

Remember that a bright orange berry can be dangerous.
an allergen. And this is the first reason why it is not worth it.
eat, smear the skin and apply to the scalp.
Even after one such mask you will have to treat the consequences for a long time.
allergies with an experienced doctor. So is it worth risking your
здоровьем, если хоть раз в жизни You наблюдали у себя неадекватный
immune system response to this product?

Также следует отказаться от использования облепихового oils в
If you have a radiation skin lesion or
erosive and ulcerative damage to the cover with weeping wounds. But here
scars after such ailments will help to cure just sea buckthorn

It is also undesirable to use sea buckthorn oil if
place a malignant tumor or immunodeficiency.

Если You собираетесь использовать масло для hair, то должны
remember that with a strong loss and some balding
plots, it is better to consult a doctor. Self-treatment can
simply do not bring the proper results.

Medical mask with sea buckthorn oil

This mask will help even women who are desperate to see
Your hair is strong, shiny and silky. This is peculiar
home “doctor”, able to stop for several sessions
prolapse, improve blood circulation in the epidermis of the head, protect and
strengthen the roots. Just refer to the preparation of tools with a special
respect, because in its composition will be present chemical
the element is dimexide.

Dimexide – a substance that acts on the skin,
as if “revealing” all his pores. It is often used to treat
bronchitis or pneumonia in the composition of the compress, since
dimexide is a true conductor of medicines in
deep layers of the skin. Complementing dimexidom mask composition
для hair, You обеспечиваете облепиховому маслу прохождение прямо к
hair follicles. Thus, the structure of the hairs
is restored, and the mask has the best therapeutic effect. Be
attentive: dimexide can not under any circumstances add
in its pure form, only diluted in equal proportions with boiled

You can make a mask like this:

1. Pour into capacity 3-4 st. l sea ​​buckthorn oil for

2. Add a mixture of dimexide and water in a ratio of one to one
(measured in teaspoons),

3. Complete the composition with chicken egg yolk and freshly squeezed
lemon juice.

Thoroughly mix the mask, cover it first.
roots, and then stretch to the ends of the hair. Put on
transparent cap made of polyethylene and wait 35-40 minutes. After
Rinse your head well with these shampoos.

We keep the perfect color: sea buckthorn hair oil and
colorless henna

Initially, this mask may seem a bit strange: henna
is primarily a dye used by women
not willing to buy ammonia hair dyes. but
существует и colorless henna, которая считается средством номер один
для восстановления структуры hair, борьбы с выпадением и
brittleness, and also helps in the battle for perfect color and shine.
Maintain hair coat after dyeing and gently protect against
external impact will allow just such a combination: colorless
henna plus sea buckthorn hair oil.

Gathered to make their own hands mask? Nothing is easier

• Colorless henna packaging

• 100 ml of hot water

• 2 tbsp. l sea ​​buckthorn oil

• Yolk,

• 1 ч. l natural honey.

Henna pour into a heat-resistant plate, pour hot water and
leave no more than 10 minutes. Then supplement it with oil,
chicken egg yolk and honey. Hair smear the resulting mass,
wrap with plastic wrap, towel and rest around
half an hour. If you are making a mask for the first time, then 30 minutes is
sufficient time for exposure, and subsequently temporary
the gap can be increased to 1 hour. After ухаживающей процедуры
wash your head with your daily shampoo, just remember: what
the more thoroughly you wash your hair, the more useful the mask will be. Henna can
drain moisture from the surface of the hair and skin that does not work
for the benefit of your hairstyle. That is why it is recommended to flush
completely, without leaving even the smallest particles.

Sea buckthorn oil for dry hair

Usually scaly scalp, dandruff and itching indicate
that you have a dry and sensitive coat that requires
specific care. Do not be surprised if the specialist trichologist
will tell you that simple shampoos, balms and rinses
for this type of skin is very small. Try to do it yourself
nourishing mask at home to moisturize well
skin cover and permanently get rid of annoying itching and

Here are the ingredients that make up the mask:

• Sea buckthorn oil – 2 tbsp. l

• Castor oil – 1 tbsp. l

• Pulp of ripe avocado,

• 1 tbsp. l colorless henna filled with hot water.

Henna steamed with boiling water and mash the avocado with a fork or
Beat in a blender until the consistency of thick gruel. Connect two
kind of oil and add to avocado. In the same capacity you need to put 1
tablespoon steamed henna. By tradition, the mixture is necessary
put on your hair, put on a transparent shower cap and wrap
head thick towel. Now you just have to wait.
allowed time (about 40 minutes) and rinse hair thoroughly
running water and shampoo.

How to cook sea buckthorn oil at home

Surely after reading this article you will have a desire
try the effectiveness of sea buckthorn hair masks. You
Want to go to the nearest pharmacy and buy it? Do not rush.
Sea buckthorn oil is a unique tool that is not useful
only as one of the ingredients of the masks, but also as a product for
home use. It can be taken from constipation, lubricated.
dry skin of hands and treat cracks, wounds and abrasions. Sea buckthorn oil
will help adults and small children with frequent nasal
bleeding as it reduces the permeability of the walls
capillaries and small vessels, softens and nourishes the mucous membrane
the nose. You can talk for a long time about how useful this oil is for
human body. That is why sea buckthorn oil is quite
allowed to do at home for the future and keep it in a dark place, sometimes
spoiling yourself with useful masks.

It is prepared quite simply:

• We pick berries of sea buckthorn, thoroughly wash and squeeze
the juice,

• You can make fragrant and tasty jelly from this juice or
add it to your face mask,

• For oil, we need only oilcake – the skins of the fruit, we
dried in the sun. Make sure that these shells of berries are not
mold has formed

• Next, the cake will need to grind, for example, in a blender,

• Fall asleep in a deep jar and fill with heated sunflower
oil Be careful: the oil level should be higher than the cake
only 1-2 cm,

• Put the container with oil in a dark cabinet for 7-8 days, after
filter and pour into a bottle of dark glass, not
forgetting to close the lid tightly.

Sea buckthorn oil лучше хранить в месте, куда не проникают
Sun rays. So it is much longer keep their useful
properties. Приготовив масло по нашему рецепту, You получите слабо
concentrated solution. If you need a denser
concentration, then, having passed all the points described above, you need
heat the filtered oil again, pour the cake back into it and
defend another 7-8 days.

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