Scrub for oily skin at home – likedo no harm. The best recipes for home scrubs for oily skin

Ср, 16 ноя 2016 Автор: Кира Родина

Oily skin of the face can give a woman a lot of trouble and
unrest. Bold shine, manifested during the day, a tendency to
inflammation, noticeable pores – not all troubles of this type
skin. However, there is a definite plus: age changes
occur more slowly and does not age as quickly as dry.

For proper care, an important element is cleansing. For
oily skin this stage is the most responsible, because besides cleansing
from dirt, dust, cosmetics, you must regularly remove
excess secretions of sebaceous and sweat glands. Using scrubs for
oily skin, even at home you can achieve deep
purification, correct deficiencies. The main rule when cleaning
процедурах — do no harm.


Scrub for oily skin at home: from what and for

Scrub – a tool that mechanically cleans the skin,
literally scrubbing dead cells, pollution, debris
cosmetics. It is composed of the following components:

• solid particles (granules), mechanically acting on

• softening base ensures the sliding of the granules;

• various additives (vitamin, moisturizing,

Based on this scheme, you can make a scrub for oily skin,
given personal preference and tracking responses to

As cleaning granules in home scrubs are used
simple foods: salt, sugar, nuts, rice flour (cooked
from cereals in a coffee grinder).

The basis of the scrub can serve as dairy products, clay, honey,
the pulp of fruit.

Additives will serve as oil solutions of vitamins, juice, essential

How to use a scrub for oily skin

Oily luster on the face – the result of intensive work of sebaceous
glands. Excreted fat, mixing with sweat, forms a noticeable
layer. It is from him that we strive to get rid of all available.
in ways. After all, this barrier, performing a protective function,
at the same time is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria,
clogs the pores, makes skin breathing difficult. Shiny nose, forehead,
rashes, floated cosmetics – able to unbalance
any woman.

However, hard and ruthlessly removing excess fat can
provoke his even greater secretion or get inflammation.
Therefore, procedures for cleansing should be carried out carefully, to approach
him with the mind.

A few basic rules on how to use a scrub
for oily skin and do no harm:

1. The procedure should be carried out 1 time per week. If she
is carried out more often, the ingredients are selected sparing.

2. Do not apply scrubbing on inflamed areas, places
where there are sores or spider veins.

3. The abrasive particles should not be injured, the massage is performed
very light pressure.

4. Before the procedure is worth warm steam skin
baths or compresses. Pores expand, easier to give

Important! After deep cleansing, be sure to apply
suitable for you moisturizer. Otherwise naked, dried
the skin will begin to intensively allocate fat.

At home, scrub for oily skin is one of the most effective
methods of treatment, cleansing and nutrition at the same time. Ingredients
are selected individually, each fit their own. Among
variety recipes should be selected those that match
age, season and intended effect.

Homemade Scrub Recipes for Oily Skin

If in adolescence attention is directed more
to clean pores, remove acne and black spots, then with age
should pay attention to nutrition and cell recovery.
Each scrub has its own action, is used in different

Nourishing Oatmeal Scrub

Oatmeal perfectly clean and polish the surface of the face,
nourish with vitamins and microelements. For приготовления средства,
grind flakes in a coffee grinder. Fermented milk serves as a good basis
products: kefir, unsweetened yogurt or just water. To the dining room
a spoonful of oatmeal, add so much liquid base that the mass becomes
thick. Apply in circular motions and massage for 5 minutes.

Such a scrub is useful to leave on the face until completely dry, wash off
warm water and rinse with cold at the end. Remedy well
выравнивает бугристость skin.

Very strong lemon salt scrub

As a base we use the juice of half a lemon, and abrasive
sea ​​salt or ordinary edible salt will serve as particles (1 table

Tip! Mixing ingredients, leave the agent to stand on
несколько minutes Salt crystals will begin to melt and not hurt sharp
facets skin.

Lemon well tones and whitens, salt effectively cleans
pores. Both ingredients have the strongest antiseptic and
drying effect, to soften, you can add to the composition
olive oil (up to 1 tsp.).

Rejuvenating, moisturizing almond honey scrub

Composition for the preparation of cosmetics:

• natural liquid honey – 1 tbsp. l .;

• finely ground (but not in powder) almonds – 30-40 g;

• a few drops of lemon juice.

Almond is best pre-soak in water for a few
hours and mince. So bits of nuts will be more
elastic, will not leave microscratches. By combining with honey and adding
lemon juice, gently massage the composition of the face, neck. Reserve at 5-10
minutes, wash off.

Honey as a part of means clears and feeds. Almond moisturizes
gently whitens, gives a velvety and smoothness. If the action
scrub will seem too gentle, increase the amount of lemon juice.
With regular use, the scrub visibly rejuvenates and improves

Scrub from black spots for every day

One of the cosmetic defects in fatty skin types are
black spots (comedones), affecting mainly the T-zone (forehead, nose,
chin). The most affordable homemade scrub recipe for fat
skin, eliminating black spots:

• 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;

• 1 egg white.

Mix these simple ingredients and divide the mixture into two.
parts. Use one as a scrub, and apply the second after
as a mask and leave to dry. Flush mask required
rinse your face with cold water to narrow pores. If the face was
pre-cleaned and steamed thoroughly, the effect will manifest
after the first procedure.

This compound is quite soft and can be applied several times.
in Week. There is a more radical means to combat
oily sheen and comedones.

Scrub with soda for oily skin

Soda is a powerful agent for “uncorking”, disinfecting and
cleansing clogged pores. The ratio of basics to soda is 1: 1. As basis
You can take:

• fermented milk products to which the skin responds best
(yogurt, kefir, sour cream);

• water-diluted cosmetic clay (blue, green,

• to enhance the effect add the same amount of salt and lemon
juice, but such a strong composition is not for everyone.

For успеха процедуры достаточно нескольких минут воздействия,
then be sure to close the pores with a cool wash. Means
treats acne, removes comedones, can be used
point on problem areas. Do this cleaning no more than twice
per month.

Note! Any cosmetic, especially
containing potent ingredients should be checked for
portability. For этого наносят немного средства на сгиб локтя,
Massage and track the reaction. If there is a strong
redness or burning sensation, it is better to choose another scrub.

Features of the use of scrubs at different times of the year

Oily skin can be very vulnerable and capricious, caring for it
has seasonal differences. To bring the greatest benefit, you should
know how to use a scrub for oily skin in different

Winter is the time of the greatest challenges for our face. On the street
frost and humidity, and the rooms are warm, the air is too dry. With
such loads expose strong cleansing is not worth even oily
skin Means used in winter should be as gentle as possible.
and nutritious. Over-drying is not allowed, it weakens
natural protection.

Note! Regardless of the season, cleansing costs
hold long before going out. The best time for the procedure –
evening. During the night, the skin will be restored, possible

The most gentle cucumber scrub

Cleansing is enough to reduce sebaceous secretions.
with the help of coarsely grated cucumber. Withменяя такое простое средство
for a long time, you can significantly reduce the shine, narrow
крупные pores. Cucumber juice soothes inflamed areas,
moisturizes and whitens.

Good to know! In any recipe for homemade scrub for oily skin
You can add a few drops of tea tree oil. It is essential
масло идеально подходит для решения проблем жирной skin.

Fresh Fruit Scrubs

Such cleaning products are ideal in summer when seasonal
fruits and berries on hand. The best choice for cosmetic procedures –
Strawberry. As abrasive particles can be used
rice, oatmeal, sugar. Instead of strawberries fit any berries,
in the winter they are used frozen. It gives a good effect in this recipe.
kiwi pulp. Composition:

1. Mashed pulp of berries or fruits – 3 tbsp. l

2. Rice flour – 3 tbsp. l

3. Миндальное масло — 0,5 ч. l You can take jojoba oil.

Natural fruit acids perfectly tone up and clean,
A high content of vitamins nourishes and rejuvenates. Result from
Scrub is visible immediately after the procedure. In the summer scrubs better not
add essential oils, under the influence of sunlight
cause the appearance of age spots.

Knowing the principles of home scrubs for the care of oily
skin, you can pick up, improve or even invent
A recipe that is perfect for you. Impeccable appearance
worth such works and give confidence in any situation.

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