Scrub for dry skin at home – likeachieve the greatest effect. Proven home scrub recipesfor dry skin

Пн, 21 ноя 2016 Автор: Кира Родина

Dry skin requires constant nutrition and protection, otherwise it
quickly loses moisture, and with it elasticity. Network of small
wrinkles, pallor of covers, visible vessels fastest
It appears on this skin. For full care clearly
not enough creams and masks, deep cleansing, peeling
dead cells are required regularly. Скраб for dry skin в
home conditions copes with this task. Should
just pay attention to its composition.


Скраб for dry skin в домашних условиях — нужен или нет

Scrub consists of abrasive solids and base
ensuring their sliding. It mechanically cleans pores, removes
dead horny tissue. Massage provides blood flow
strengthens metabolic processes.

Excretory glands of dry skin do not work as intensively as
in other types of epidermis. The pores are narrowed, almost invisible,
There is no greasy shine, everything looks smooth and smooth. But cleansing
still necessary.

Causes of Dry Skin Problems:

1. Pores are clogged and the development of a natural protective layer
difficult. But it is produced and so is not enough.

2. The blood supply, skin respiration, pale integument and
lethargic. Vessels may become more visible and spider veins appear.

3. Drying, dead skin cells provoke
peeling, the process of cell recovery slows down. Aging
tissue goes faster.

If you figure out how to use the scrub to dry
skin, all these troubles can be avoided. By combining nourishing and
moisturizing ingredients in the composition, really maintain the tone and
healthy complexion. The mechanical action of solid particles is not
only cleans, but also revives all processes in the deep layers

What to look for when selecting recipes scrub for dry

For тонкой, нежной skin требуется деликатное очищение.
Abrasive particles in the scrub should be small, without
hard edges. Good choices are ground particles.
natural products: oatmeal, coffee beans, nuts.
Semolina has a soft effect. Its round particles are not
scratch the skin.

The basis is chosen based on personal reactions to some product.
The response will be best. Base cleanser
can serve:

• vegetable oils (olive, pumpkin, corn,

• dairy food (cottage cheese, milk, sour cream);

• pulp of fruits or vegetables (banana, carrots, grapes).

Additives in the tool can be used a variety of: vitamins, honey,
essential oils. Avoid foods high in acid.
Berries, lemon juice, use in minimum quantities,
necessarily soften their action, for example, with sour cream.

Tip! В скрабах for dry skin используйте
thick from brewed ground coffee, and not just ground beans. The nuts
Soak in water or milk for several hours before chopping.
So the structure of the particles will become elastic, sharp edges.

Лучшие рецепты скрабов for dry skin

For delicate care for dry skin
universal components. One of them is recognized as ordinary oatmeal.
Ordinary oatmeal polishes fine wrinkles, cleans
pores, while not dry, and nourish and moisturize.

The second universal product – dairy and fermented milk
products, but necessarily high fat content. They perfectly moisturize,
придают эластичность клеткам epidermis. Especially likes dry skin
milk and cream. Beauticians even recommend washing milk, and
cream or sour cream is part of any scrub recipe for dry

Moisturizing scrub with oatmeal

The oatmeal crushed in the coffee grinder is diluted with sour cream to
semi-liquid slurry, add 10 ml of olive oil, 3 drops
castor The resulting mixture is massaged for several minutes.
Such a scrub can be left on the face as a mask.

Good to know! Any oil before cooking scrub need
Heat, and warm to add to the mixture. It activates
active ingredients, the procedure will be more effective.

«Клубника со сливками» for dry skin

Such a “treat” will serve as nutrition, hydration and light
safe scrub.


• pulp of 2 strawberries;

• 1 tbsp. l semolina;

• 1 tbsp. l sour cream (cream).

Stretch strawberry pulp, add cream and semolina,
Stir and apply on the face with a slight pressure on the massage lines.
The composition has an instant tonic and refreshing effect.
Used for “emergency” refreshment.

Note! Semolina quickly swells, becomes
too soft to scrub. Therefore, they mix everything first.
components, and it is added just before use.

The easiest scrub of coffee grounds

Coffee has stimulating properties not only in the form
drink. The skin under the influence of such a scrub except cleansing
gets a lot of nutrients, refreshed and toned.

To cook enough to dissolve several spoons of coffee
thick milk and the product is ready for use.

Coffee particles under friction emit coffee oil. After rinsing
scrub with warm water on the surface of the face remains its light
the protective layer reducing moisture loss. Skin becomes
velvety, no feeling of “tightness” after the procedure, appears
healthy bronze shade.

Питательный скраб с творогом for dry skin

Cool 1 tbsp. l the thick, left after brewing coffee. If a
the drink was made with milk or sugar, it is also excellent
will do. Add 50 g of fat cottage cheese, carefully rub. For
enhance moisturizing and nourishing effects, well enrich
composition of almond oil.

This is a scrub mask, so after a few minutes of massage, you can
leave it on the face for up to 15 minutes.

Banana Rejuvenating Scrub

В домашних условиях полезный скраб for dry skin можно
cook from the pulp of different fruits: banana, mango, sweet
apples, grapes. The leader in anti-aging action is
it is a banana. Thanks to its rich in vitamins and minerals,
composition and comfortable consistency it is often used in home
cosmetic procedures.

Components for scrub:

• mashed (whipped blender) banana pulp – 1 tbsp. l;

• мёд (натуральный, жидкий) — 1 ч. l;

• сметана или сливки — 1 ч. l;

• semolina – 1 tbsp. l

Honey enhances rejuvenating and regenerating effects, and
dairy products perfectly moisturize. Like other scrub recipes
for dry skin, банановый состав применим для шеи и зоны

Massage your skin in a few minutes. After,
can be left on the face until dry. Wash off the scrub warm

Carrot scrub with oatmeal

Carrots are a natural source of minerals and vitamins, especially
it is rich in vitamin A. It perfectly moisturizes and feeds the fading
skin It is easy to prepare and use the product, without being distracted from
kitchen concerns:

1. Chop a small carrot on a fine grater.

2. Add a tablespoon of finely ground oatmeal.

3. Sour cream to bring the mass to a creamy state.

4. Влить 1 ч. l heated butter. Carefully

Scrub cleansed skin with a light pressure, leave
thick layer for better action. After rinsing массы, лицо
will delight in healthy color and velvety.

Sugar scrub on sour cream

Do not use salt and soda in scrubs for dry,
чувствительного типа skin. Their particles can damage the layer.
the epidermis, and the chemical effect is very dry. Dry
skin likes sweet. All scrubs and masks resemble the composition
balanced delicious breakfast. Try to use
sugar to exfoliate and remove dead cells. The main thing,
so that the sugar was not very large.

A tablespoon of sugar mix with 2 tbsp. l sour cream
mix it up. Give the grains a little “melt”. So sharp will disappear
the edges damaging a gentle epithelium. Keep long before
using such a mixture is impossible – grains of sugar just dissolve
and the effect will not work.

For сахарного скраба можно вместо сметаны взять в том же
the amount of favorite oils of plant origin. Good
suitable: olive, apricot, castor. You can replace them
melted butter.

Как правильно использовать скраб for dry skin

The use of exfoliating agents can significantly improve
complexion, prolong youth. Но for dry skin это
fair only subject to certain rules:

1. Clean every 15 days. Frequent use dries out and
tires the skin, such zeal can only harm.

2. After scrub, it is good to apply a nourishing, moisturizing mask.
The mask will work harder, and the skin will recover faster.

3. Do not go out into the cold or under the scorching sunlight for
several hours after the procedure. And before leaving, put a protective

4. Do not use the scrub if the skin is inflamed, there is

Periodic use of scrub is acceptable when urgently needed.
cheer up tired skin and refresh your complexion.

Do not forget to check the ingredients for
Even if the product is beautiful
absorbed when taken inside, its external action can strongly
differ. Зная, как правильно использовать скраб for dry skin,
it’s impossible to hurt yourself.

Individually composed scrub made from fresh
products at home can argue in efficiency with the purchase
products of the best brands. After all, your skin does not know better than you
no one.

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