Scientists have determined who most often becomeshead

Mon, Nov 10, 2014

It is no secret that most people dream of becoming a boss.
However, leading people is a rather difficult task, requiring
not only effort, but also the presence of certain personal qualities.
Scientists have tried to determine what a “typical
head. ” During the experiment, its participants seemed
photos of people from a pair of which it was necessary to choose the one who, in the opinion
добровольца, является head вымышленной компании.
Curious, but in the photo one of the couple was healthy, and
the second is sick.

As a result, it turned out that in 100% of cases the volunteers chose
as the leader of the man who looked not only
healthy, but also had an impeccable appearance. Apparently, the participants
Experiment considered that untidiness in an image and unhealthy color
Persons cannot accompany a successful person. In this way,
In addition to a flexible mind and essential character traits, the boss must
have a gorgeous look.

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