Review of quick hairstyles for medium hair. howto make a hairstyle for medium hair fast and beautiful?

Вт, 23 авг 2016 Автор: Ольга Маковская

Many girls are afraid to mow precious centimeters of hair,
even if their condition leaves much to be desired.

Believe me, medium-length healthy hair is better than lifeless

Especially because there are many beautiful and fast hairstyles
on medium hair.


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Perhaps the very first option worth trying is
hairstyle in the Greek style.

This hairstyle is very good due to the fact that the hair does not interfere.
In addition, the hairstyle allows you to feel the goddess of Olympus.
I want to emphasize that on the hair of medium length such hairstyles
look neater than long. And make them much

You will need a bandage for a Greek hairstyle (can be bought in
store, and you can just twist the harness between themselves beautiful

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Differently, depending on that, hair is twisted or not. If you
in the evening they twirled their hair with curlers or in the morning a little curling,
an equally performed hairstyle will look more

And now the mechanism for creating hairstyles in the Greek

• Put a prepared dressing on your head

• Separate a small strand and twist it with a cord (turn inside,
and not outside).

• Twist the strand several times along the bandage

• We begin to weave flagella from the forehead to the back of the head.

• Repeat the process, leaving only the tips that
will be collected on the back of your head.

• Then pick up the tips and twist around the bandages on
nape, secure with black studs.

After a couple on this hairstyle spent 10 minutes.

Summer light and fast hairstyles for medium

All women will probably agree that hairstyles are shorter and
easier will always be relevant in the summer! Here are a couple of ideas for the summer

French twist photo

The undoubted advantage of this hairstyle is its simplicity; and better off
just looks on the hair of medium length. She does

• Зачешите hair назад.

• Collect a tail on the back of the head (preferably a thin rubber band to match the color

• Pull the elastic slightly back along the tail.

• Разделите hair между затылком и резинкой на две части и
From the top, stick the tips into the hole between the hair.

If you twist on the curling ends, the hairstyle will look
tender. А если еще раз подвернуть hair внутрь и подколоть близко
to the roots of the invisible crosswise, then the back of the head will be open, and you
will not be hot.

A win-win is have hairstyles using
various weaving. Weaving in the style of “Waterfall” and fit
girls and women.

If you train, you can make a quick and beautiful
hair on the hair of medium length. Now there are many
options for this weaving. I propose to consider the standard
the scheme. It is best to make a side parting, although someone goes straight –
can and with direct. Then take a small strand of hair near the face and
we divide it into three parts. Bangs can be woven, and you can leave
потом beautiful уложить.

  • We first weave a braid, passing the upper and lower strands of hair along
    queue through the middle.

  • So dock to the area of ​​the ears.

  • And all the subsequent strands weave without touching the bottom (i.e.
    always leave the bottom, do not weave, and constantly weave

  • We continue weaving to the end.

  • Tighten the ends with a thin rubber band and leave free.

  • For more charm, you can slightly stretch the hair chain by pulling
    beyond the outer edge. Pull only the outer few hairs.
    Then just get the effect of the heart.

Длядевочек и девушек можно оставить hair распущенные. But
women will look more elegant if they begin to weave a waterfall with
side parting and continue to weave to the end. To obtain
Evening hairstyle or vice versa give it a slightly casual look,
strands do not tighten too much.

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And now some of the most common and win-win
fancy hairstyles.

Retro style with a dress and accessories “in the subject” will allow
Feel like a stylish little thing!

  • First we do the fleece along the entire length of the hair.

  • Затем аккуратно собрать hair в высокий хвост и поднять кончики

  • Начинаем с концов скручивать hair внутрь, к лицу. As a result
    should get a roller.

  • Fasten the roller with stealth. Need to pin up with two
    crosswise (one invisible crosswise on each side)

  • Be sure to fix the hair with lacquer!

If you have a big bang, it would be great to do on it
curl that can either be left hanging loose or neat
pin up the invisible for the edge of the side. Summer is very impressive to decorate
hair at the side of a hairpin – a flower. Plus a bright make-up, and you –
style queen!

But parties are different! At least you’ll be weird
Look at previous hairstyles at a rock band concert or in
the bar. Hair style in glam rock on the hair of medium length is always
It looks trendy, and done quickly.

There are many varied options glam rock, but, the main thing –
follow the basic requirements of the style: strong hairs at the top of the hair
and smooth “licked” whiskey. To create a hairstyle you will need a lot
few items: flat comb for pile, lacquer strong hold,

• Сначала откиньте hair вперед и, начиная от корней, сильно
nazhite central part of the neck to the forehead.

• Дальше откиньте hair назад и сделайте небольшой начес по

• Using a comb-brush, slightly correct the hairstyle.
Secure a little hairstyle with lacquer.

• Then take a comb with frequent teeth and strong
smooth the temporal part of the hair (to the place “behind the ears”). Width
The stripes vary, but it is advisable to make it wider (10 cm).

• At the time when you have pulled the side parts off
back (“licked” them), fix the effect with varnish and give it
dry up

• To prevent the side parts from falling apart, kill them with invisible

Chelku must also comb and gently pin on top. But
если вам неbeautiful без челки, то обязательно её выпрямите. By the way
if your hair is wrinkled, you will need to flatten it with an iron. This
hairstyle is very strict and does not tolerate romantic curls.

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For example, a strict “tail” with small variations is very good.
it looks.

Most of all, this hairstyle is suitable for women with smooth, smooth
hair But тем, у кого hair пушистые или подвиваются,
will have to use the iron. So sequence

• Моем голову и сушим hair, вытягивая их круглой щеткой.

• If necessary, the ironing strands necessarily ironing with
thermal protection.

• Separate a wide strand at the forehead (10-15 cm) and leave it until

• Остальные hair собираем в «конский хвост» (желательно

• Place the loose strand along the ear and pin up or
we wrap around the base of the tail (depending on the length of the hair). Strand
should cover well forehead like oblique bangs.

• Separate the four small strands at the base of the tail. Every
twist into a bundle and wrap around the base.

• Fix the studs.

The main problem of the modern woman is not enough time for herself, but
I want to look different. But as you can see, little tricky
women’s tricks – and you can all have time!

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