Regular facial massage works wonders. Uniquenew types of facial massage: the recommendations of professionals

Чт, 03 мар 2016 Автор: массажист Людмила

Only a lazy person does not say that without a regular
face and whole body look younger than your age
is impossible.

Everybody knows it, some try to apply some creams, but
comprehensive care to your face is provided by units, usually
women and sometimes men admired by many.

Not everyone gave nature a unique appearance, but to be
well maintained accessible to all.

For unknown reasons or ignorance of the basics of facial massage, many
women attribute this procedure to the category of elite, for special people,
justifying the inability or costly manipulation.

Facial massage is easy to do at home, alone,
enough to know its types and techniques.

Let’s get acquainted with the basics of facial massage.


The main lines on which we do facial massage

All types of facial massage are performed in several zones:

• forehead;

• eyes;

• nose;

• cheekbones;

• cheeks;

• neck.

Remember that the skin of the face is tender, does not like stretching.

The forehead area is massaged from the center to the edges or by rays from a point.
third eye to the scalp.

Around the eyes we work from the inner corner of the eye along the upper
century to the outer edge and return to the starting position
minimally stretching the skin.

Manipulations with the nose do from the center to the periphery, capturing
okolonosovy folds.

We massage the skin of the cheekbones from the nose to the temples, the second line goes to
ear trestles, the third – to the earlobes.

The cheeks are massaged with several lines from the nose, the tips of the mouth and
mid chin to earlobes.

For some reason, during a face massage, people often forget about the neck, although it is this
part of our body first shows age. Facial massage in
neck area starting from the bottom up from the fossa to the chin and
go back down the line from the ears.

Basics of classic facial massage

Before you massage your face, choose a technique or look.
impact, we must determine which problem areas of the skin we
we want to correct.

Most of all we care about:

• wrinkles;

• puffiness;

• skin laxity or loss of tone;

• complexion.

Starting any manipulations, you should cut the nails shortly.
If you have learned how to handle long jewelery
fingers, then be especially careful not to
get hurt.

It is necessary to apply oil to the skin of the face when carrying out any
manipulations. To do this, you can choose a favorite cream or
vegetable oil, whether it be olive, coconut or any

Performing a classic facial massage that perfectly copes
with all the above problems in the complex, we go through
3 – 4 times along the main lines each time, starting from the forehead and
ending chin.

The basis of the classic massage is the use of four
main receptions.

Поглаживание выполняется подушечками пальцев,
Reception answers its name, we gently hold soft
hand movements on the skin of the face in straight lines, circular or
zigzag movements.

Растирание обеспечит приток крови к сосудам
skin of the face, prepare the muscles for a deeper study. This reception
on the face is performed with the index and middle finger. Can
imitate shading as if sketching small strokes
face surface, as well as “draw” curls, gently moving
along the main massage lines. By the end of rubbing the facial skin
becomes warm, pliable. Do not rub the eye area.

Разминание можно отнести к самому главному
reception, which most of all contributes to increased blood flow.
The index or middle fingers, as you prefer, put on a point in
the beginning of the massage line and do the pushing-twisting movement
2 – 3 seconds, release and move 1.0 – 1.5 cm further.
So we work on each area, ending kneading

At the beginning of the course of massage, pain may occur
normally, after 3 – 5 sessions they will disappear.

We do not stretch the skin of the neck.

Вибрация означает похлопывание, в этом случае
for all zones, the “finger shower” would be ideal when
tapping all the fingers on the massage lines from the bottom up and
back, imitating the rain droplets. Cheeks additionally hit
quick movements of the back of the hands on the chin, as if
podbivaya sagging skin, while the lips are the most relaxed.

Заканчиваем классический массаж общим stroking.

Facial massage with its regular performance will give a visible result.
after 2 – 3 days, the session of each course lasts only 10 – 12 minutes,
holding time does not matter, but you should take a break,
for skin becomes addictive to massage.

Why not try the Chinese method

Ideal for toning and good skin color
Chinese facial massage that will relieve swelling. Parallel
the state of the whole organism will improve, the desire to create will appear,
move, smile, leave fatigue and irritability.

Within 5 minutes of intensively performed hand movements in 5 –
6 days will give visible results, and holding this complex
the courses will return youth to the skin of the face, bird legs will disappear.

You can perform a Chinese facial massage while sitting or standing, holding straight
back, stomach pulled in (the correct starting position also plays
greater role for results).

1. We put our hands in fists, sticking out our thumbs and
we put them on top of the trestles of the ears, and the bent index plates are a bit
lift and press under the eyes. Now with quick movements
quickly rub the skin from the inner corners of the eyes to the temples and from
start to the end of the brow line. At once – below, at two – above, and so
15 intense, fast movements on each side.

2. Now we will give warmth to our eyes, pressing warmed
the supporting parts of the palms first for 15 seconds, then for 8, then for 5.
Before each application, we intensively rub these parts of the hands to
hot condition.

3. We describe with the pupils large circles from left to right and, on the contrary,
5 times in each direction.

4. We stop looking at the far point ahead of ourselves and look
10 Seconds.

5. We put our hands in the starting position, thumbs
are located in the area of ​​the trestles, and folded index phalanxes
make intense rubbing along the main lines of the cheekbones and cheeks on top
down and vice versa, going through the entire face area 5 times there and

6. Heat the lower pads of the palms and rub them.
the surface of the forehead from the eyebrows to the hair of the main lines in
for 10-15 seconds.

7. Put the index fingers on the outer corners of the nostrils and
делаем надавливание в течение 10 Seconds. Followed by the average
with phalanges of the same fingers intensively rub the area of ​​the face along
носа, также 10 Seconds.

8. Heat the entire surface of both palms with intense
rubbing and do 7 times the movement, imitating washing,
clasping cheeks, cheekbones, joining hands on forehead, each adding warmth
in the palm of your hand.

9. Fold your hand into a fist and make her knuckles thrice 5 times.
quick, scraping movements from the earlobe along the cheekbone to the middle
chin, first with one hand, then the same number of times with

10. We warm our hands and “wash our face”.

With proper execution of all techniques at the end of the session, Chinese
facial massage should leave a feeling of warmth.

Stone therapy returns youth

Amazing discrepancy between internal age and external
skin condition makes women look for newer and newer types
massage, able to remove a couple of completely extra years from the face and body,
while you want to be inexpensive, affordable, and better
independently and at home. All these wishes are answered
stone – massage.

Stone translates as stones. Agree stone massage
It sounds rough, but Stone is more interesting. Impact force at
the help of special stones is based on thermal radiation,
relaxing facial muscles and thereby relieving puffiness and
expression of fatigue.

For a unique treatment of facial skin should be purchased
basalt pebbles, of course, in this case, small

Before the beginning of the session, the stones are heated in hot water up to 40 -45
degrees, the temperature of which depends on the portability of your

Be sure to check if the stones are hot, for this
hold them for a couple of seconds under your chin. You should feel
pleasant warmth, but not burning.

Apply the right facial area.

• lavender;

• rosemary;

• pink;

• sandalwood;

• basil.

In extreme cases, you can use olive or
sunflower oil. Pre-perform 2 classic tricks
– stroking and rubbing, thereby preparing the skin of the face to
further exposed stones.

Before the start of the manipulation put 4 stones on the forehead, cheeks and
chin. Facial massage is carried out on the main areas and lines
above, in circular motions, starting from the forehead, taking off
a stone lying there. Massaging on each line of the forehead 3 – 4 times,
send the stone into hot water, and in its place we put warm and
proceed to study the cheekbones and cheeks, each time changing the stones.

It is advisable to have several stones to massage each time.
warm, and cooled put on heating. Watch carefully to
water temperature did not rise above 45 degrees.

Stroking the face with open hot palms that are in front
this is intensively rubbed, from the bottom up we end the stone massage

Schiatsu helps relieve fatigue from the face

Japanese cosmetologists have proven that the cause of puffiness and
fatigue facial expression is lactic acid, which
You can bring a point massage.

The founder of this method is Dr. Tokiro Namikoshi,
enshrined in Shiatsu attitude to official medicine.

A large amount of lactic acid is produced by stress
situations, inability to relax and contribute to the rapid
skin aging.

Pressing on will help to return youth and a fresh look to the person
active points.

After cleansing the skin with tonic and warm water, apply
A very small amount of cream or vegetable oil and do
stroking, relaxing all the muscles.

Getting shiatsu, check how accurate your nails are,
чтобы не повредить нежную кожу faces.

Desired the point will be found correctly if you click on it
there is a slight pain. Pressing done for 3 seconds 3

1. Put the index or middle fingers in the center of the temporal
areas do pressure spinning movement for 3
seconds, then keep only the same time and release.

2. The same manipulations and only the same time we execute on
inner tips of the eyes, the expression of which will then become
brighter, with a special shine.

3. We put our hands in the fists, and knuckles and index
middle finger click on the point in the middle of the eyebrows, 3 seconds
We strengthen the pressure, but just hold and retract to the temples, tightly
pressed to the skin.

4. Place palms one on top of the other neck and begin to rub
top down, one way or the other.

5. Having thrown back a head, and we press points in corners of lips. After 3
approaches do stroking from the middle of the upper lips to the lower,
will help to reduce the labial folds.

It is important to pay attention to the intensity of pressure during
Shiatsu light pain will accompany the entire massage and can
be felt for the first 2 to 3 times. This is normal, as
mild, fast passing headache from a rush of blood.

Regularly performing acupressure twice a week will result
in order the condition of the vessels of the skin of the face, which will give anti-aging

Be careful!

Starting any type of massage in the presence of chronic
diseases, both common and skin, should be carefully read
with all contraindications, and if necessary
consult a doctor.

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