Red dress’s best friends: what to wearso bright outfit?


  • With what to wear a red dress case with sleeves and without
  • Long dress to the floor or short?
  • Red leather dress
  • Lace and guipure
  • Business style

Red along with white and black is considered the most ancient color.
It is therefore not surprising that men who do not suffer from maiden
genetic memory, so greedy precisely on this color. Consequently,
If you have a red dress, wear it very boldly. And if
in your wardrobe nothing glows with this bright passion, then
Be sure to get a piece of red energy for yourself.

So, if with all two other prehistoric colors
more or less clear, to understand the nature of red is not so simple. WITH
what to wear a red dress is another question! After all, the wrong
color combination can nullify the strong attraction of red
or eclipse other colors of accessories. If the dress is enough
concise, then you can pick up a bright decoration: flower brooch,
Cape, fishnet stockings. General choice of jewelry for a red dress
It is best to do right in it, otherwise you can sit in a large puddle.
The dress itself will pull exactly what you need.

WITHтандартно, следуя изначальному триединству, к красному платью
suitable decorative elements of white and black colors, and how
separately, and in a dual combination. Red dress with
a belt, shoes and a hat, the color “under the zebra” looks more than
original and appropriate. Red outfit with white accessories will
symbolize the purity of thoughts, openness and a certain innocence,
whereas the combination of red and black is recognized by psychologists as
expression of sexual aggression.


Red dress with рукавами и без

If you bought a dress – a case of fiery colors, which
prepared a place in your wardrobe among the autumn and winter things, then
it, of course, must be with sleeves – at least to the elbow. It
requires a minimum of jewelry and accessories. You can even limit
only earrings-carnations (especially if this dress you are planning
put on the office) – it will be enough.

Dress-case for working days should be made of thick
�”Noble” materials. To him pick up black or
dark brown mid-calf boots or ankle boots
(treads will look in such an ensemble too flashy). Having come
to work, you change them to plain black pumps (without
jewelry, buckles and bows and, of course, not lacquered).
Tights, too, let them be black – transparent or tight.

Летом платье-футляр красного цвета без sleeves – идеальная
a find for the basis of a working wardrobe. This time of year you can
afford the brightest dress ever dreamed of. AT
in the end, when it is still to shine, if not in summer, when long
warmed jackets and fur coats cleaned away in wardrobes?

Wear either white or light-colored shoes for summer dress
(You can sandals) and take a small beige handbag. Milky
Color bag is also perfect.

Short or long? ATыбирай на вкус

A red mini dress can be worn to the office on condition that you have
missing dres code. But best of all, it will “behave” on
friendly parties or on a walk along the evening promenade. Go
in a cafe to celebrate the arrival of Friday? WITHмело отдавайте предпочтение
little red dress. The main thing – do not overload the image. Help
in creating a harmonious image in this case will:

  • – a string of pearls on the neck;
  • – white wide or narrow (depending on the model) belt;
  • – white shoes.

The red color is defiant and defiant, it does not tolerate deliberate
you just. Therefore, be sure to wear shoes with heels.

If you were invited, for example, to a wedding or to another
solemn event, choose a red dress to the floor. ATот
here you should not be too shy and be limited to simple
white belt: let your waist cover a sparkling belt with
rhinestones; there is a ring with a ruby ​​on the finger, and on a bare neck
– a thin gold chain.

Open sandals on a graceful hairpin – what you need. If you
chose closed shoes, wear stockings instead of pantyhose. Woman,
who decided to go out in elegant stockings, feels
completely different: more graceful, more refined,
attractive, and this feeling is transmitted to the surrounding men
(although they do not understand what is the matter).

From the jewelry to the red dress will fit most
rubies, diamonds, pearls, black opals, silver. About gold
jewelry disputes among stylists: red dress accessories
from gold it seems to eclipse, but sometimes a shade of red is just
shouts that his noble yellow will become his best companion
metal. Therefore, a certain

Diamonds and rubies may well be replaced by crystals and
jewelry, so do not shake her husband’s purse in the hope of finding
lying around a couple of thousand American denezhek.

красное платье в пол, фото

Challenge to society: a red dress made of leather

Like it or not, but a red leather dress shocks others.
At the same time, the lady who wore it looks like predator from which
married ladies will try to quickly hide their faithful. ATаш
the choice fell on a red dress? ATы – смелая женщина! But don’t forget
make the right ensemble. To not be accused of
bad taste

  1. ATо-первых, кожаное платье требует отсутствия других кожаных
    items in outfit. So your shoes are bright velor shoes.
    or velvet, perhaps suede boots of modest colors.
  2. ATторой момент: делайте самую простую прическу без «башен» и
    other heaps on the head.
  3. Third: try to do without jewelry at all. ATаше платье
    successfully fulfill this role.

Oh, and do not forget the bright scarlet lipstick: it is the only bright
The detail which is perfectly in harmony with a leather red dress.

кожаное красное платье, фото

Transparent beauty of guipure and lace

Fully guipure dress on a tight cover can afford
young girl. WITHуществует такое негласное правило: чем старше
woman, the less lace frivolous items should be
in her outfit. Therefore, a lady of elegant age should choose
a dress with inserts of guipure and lace: on the back, on the chest or
sleeves. Since such a dress can not be attributed to everyday clothes, then
and accessories should be chosen holiday:

  • – black or golden clutch bag;
  • – Heeled shoes;
  • – earrings with ruby ​​(or other reddish stone

Tights should be the most simple, preferably flesh-colored,
without any patterns and arrows.

кружевное красное платье, фото

Red dress for working days

ATообще красный цвет – довольно «буйный», поэтому для будней
stylists recommend diluting gray with red. By the way why
would not do the opposite? WITHеребристые и стальные оттенки способны
it is very profitable to emphasize all the advantages not only of the dress, but also
your taste for the graceful. WITHерый навевает мысль о сдержанности, простоте,
so if your dress declares itself, modest details
Gray color slightly muffle this loud exclamation.

Innovative and rather unconventional solution – accessories
green color:

  • – shoes;
  • – belt;
  • – handbag.

The shade of green will depend on the pitch of the dress. Such
the combination looks very fresh, bright, original, non-standard,
festive. As claimed, only a brave girl dares to wear
red dress, but exceptionally fearless trendsetter
dare to complement it with green accessories.

AT целом, ваше красное платье способно выдержать почти любое
color combination Блэр Уолдорф из «WITHплетницы», например, имела
the courage to add a bright red dress accessories fuchsia.
Not lost. However, such finds are peculiar only creative and
creative natures. Since fashion designers approve of
accessories close to the basic color shades, you can make
the conclusion that the “scenery” brown will also be relevant. WITHиние
or blue accessories are allowed, but in this case without
consultation of a true connoisseur is simply not enough.

If your intuition when choosing accessories for a red dress
SOS signals, listen to her, give your hands yourself
reach out to what will come to your face: the voice of the subconscious still
rarely wrong.

WITH чем одеть красное платье?

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