Problems of the skin around the eyes and procedures for theireliminate

Wed, 25 Jun 2014


Flabbiness and a network of fine wrinkles

The aging processes are already active after 25 years and, if not
resist them, changes in the skin can cause the appearance
flabbiness and fine network of wrinkles. Periorbinal area is the
sensitive to age-related changes and signs of binding
manifested in the first place. Get rid of them will help
мезотрепия препаратами Мезоксантин (Meso-Xanthin)
and Mesovarton (Meso-Wharton). They are unique in that they contain
part of the patented complexes that provide
stem cell numbers. Update and restore density
the integument is carried out by activating the division
localized in the skin of stem cells. In other words, these drugs
provide the optimum number of stem cells for compaction
skin and smoothing small wrinkles.

In addition, these drugs do not attract excess
fluids that allows you to use them in the eye area without risk
puffiness. Also solve the problem of flabbiness in the initial stages.
может Плазмалифтинг. This is an injecting introduction to
skin concentrate made from your own blood. Human
blood has rich potential. Plasma concentrate which
used during the procedure, prepared directly from the blood
the person who came to the procedure. The concentrate is obtained in
processing a small amount of blood (about 15 ml) on
special equipment. When introduced, it activates the update and
protective function of the skin. Injections stimulate natural production
collagen and elastin, as well as its own hyaluronic molecules
kilosta What is needed for rejuvenation and quality improvement

Overhang of upper eyelid

This is one of the problems that gravity causes. Face in general and
upper eyelids in particular “fall” not only because
there is a general aging of the skin, but also because of the attraction of the earth.
ATернуть веки на место поможет процедура Тредлифтинга
. This is a forehead lift with mesoliths.
Мезонити подтягивают кожу, и фиксируют ее в новом
position Following the forehead and rise forever. Main tool
tredliftinga are the thinnest needles made from
high-grade steel. The needle is attached to a biodegradable thread of
polydioxanone (a material that is completely and without a trace
absorbs, it does not cause allergies and is used in surgery during
time of operations for tightening the ends of wounds) – very thin, almost
invisible. Mesothreads are injected into the skin, absorbed in it under
exposure to enzymes, forming a new skeleton of the face. At the same time, they are not
only strengthens sagging skin, but also improves it
state. Mesothreads dissolve completely in 6-9 months. Behind
this time in the subcutaneous layers formed a new, “young” collagen,
which keeps the forehead and eyelids at the proper level after
sucking threads. The procedure is comfortable. Not required powerful
pain relief. No cuts are made on the skin. Needle entry points
heal quickly without leaving marks.

Express Correction

There are cases when literally tomorrow you need to look good. AT
In this case, the eye area can be transformed using non-invasive
методики Интрасьютикалс / Intraceuticals. it
non-infectious mesotherapy technique that provides
instant lifting effect when in the eye immediately after
The procedure looks toned and fresh. AT ходе процедуры в кожу
Saturated antioxidant serum is specifically administered. She is
enriched with hyaluronic acid (the most important and necessary for
maintaining the beauty and youth of our skin), vitamins,
trace elements and plant extracts. Serum gives the skin
everything you need to keep her youthful and as long as possible
beauty Serum is delivered to the skin using oxygen
jet. Oxygen along with whey is supplied from a special
apparatus under pressure that provides nutrient penetration
substances. The procedure lasts 40 minutes and the expiration of this time
You can go out.

Mimic wrinkles

This problem is a consequence of the work of the muscles located around the eyes.
Инъекции препаратов на основе ботулотоксина
temporarily paralyzes the muscles, smoothing creases and folds. Wherein
The drug acts very jeweler. He can’t paralyze everything.
a person working only in an area where there are wrinkles. AT ходе процедуры
only a few shots are done. They are quite tolerant
pain medication is not used. The first effect is noticeable on the fourth
day after visiting the doctor, but the result is revealed to the maximum
10-14 days. The action of botulinum toxin lasts for 6-8 months, then
injection recommended to repeat. When the action of injection
ends, wrinkles do not return to their original
condition They become smaller.


The blue under the eyes can be caused by both vessels that
appear through the skin and pigmentation. AT обоих случаях
поможет процедура Фотоомоложения. ATо время
facial rejuvenation procedures on the patient’s skin are affected by light
high intensity streams (IPL). Short and medium the waves
Light affects the upper and deep layers of the skin, destroying
unwanted pigment accumulation. In parallel with the impact on
pigment during the procedure activates the exchange processes
occurring in the skin, and the production of collagen is stimulated. Leather
becomes denser and the vascular network goes deeper and no longer
shines through.


Swelling can be caused by a tendency to swelling, and
irreversible physiological changes in the skin around the eyes. If a
problem in puffiness will help microcurrents. Microcurrent
по средствам импульсных токов выводит застои
fluids in the periorbital region by stimulating cellular metabolism
и микроциркуляцию крови в тканях, улучшая общее состояние skin. Behind
the expense of which, in fact, is the correction of the “bag”. When
the reason is in anatomical changes (for example, stretching the skin under
глазами), то для eliminate мешка понадобится пластическая операция
– Blepharoplasty. Such operations are not traumatic, have a short
rehabilitation period and leave no visible traces. Also with
using blepharoplasty, you can remove the overhang of the upper eyelid and
part of wrinkles. The operation significantly improves the aesthetics of the eye.
Its duration is from 20 minutes to 1 hour. ATо время операции
local anesthesia with sedative therapy is applied. Equipment
performing the operation depends on the problem being addressed
patient: in one situation, bag correction can be performed without
cut on the skin, and in another situation a cut is needed.

There are several major areas of blepharoplasty.
Первое — трансконъюктивальная блефаропластика. it
hernia repair on the lower eyelids with a small puncture
(miniature incision) inside the lower eyelid, in the area of ​​the conjunctiva.
The operation helps to remove bags under the eyes without a trace. Hernia
lower eyelids (bags) appear due to the formation of skin surplus
in the inner corner of the outer eyelid, during the operation it is removed
these surpluses. ATторой вариант коррекции нижнего века — классическая
plastic, which means not only the correction of bags, but also
elimination of excess skin, recovery of tissue tension in the area
eye. AT этом случае операция проходит на внешней стороне века,
after it there always remains a small inconspicuous seam under
ciliary edge.

At the moment in our clinic one of the most
common operations is an operation that affects not
only eyelid, but also nasolabial wrinkles and folds, as well as molar
zone (area under the eyes). After surgery, the suture will be exactly the same.
the same as with the lower eyelids plastic. This operation solves three

1. removes hernias (which form large bags) in the area

2. eliminates excess sagging skin in the eye area;

3. smoothes nasolabial folds and folds.

Behind счет этого достигается более яркий омолаживающий эффект, чем
with the usual plastic eyelids. Americans have this operation called
чек-лифтинг от слова cheek — щека.

Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine “Ottimo”

Moscow, Myasnitskaya str. 24 bldg. 1, 3rd floor

tel .: (495) 621-75-57, 621-09-99

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