Problem: how to remove the stomach and sides – neededset of measures. Investigation of the causes of the appearance and methods of deliverancefrom the abdomen and sides

Ср, 30 мар 2016 Автор: массажист Людмила

I wonder if there is a person in the world who would not be annoyed
fat, brazenly released in the abdomen and sides, as soon as you
decide to emphasize your even completely non-thick figure with tight fitting

People who are resigned to obesity may not have questions on
This issue, but, however, thin and thick dream to remove the stomach and
sides so ugly looking out with fitting clothes.


How to remove the stomach and sides: first find out the reasons

Is fat on your belly and sides so safe for health as
It seems to their owners. Why do many fatties and do not guess
what caused their sick heart, diabetes, asthma
there were initially deposits on the belly. The causes of this problem
maybe a lot, but the main part depends on such factors:

• binge eating;

• use a lot of margarine;

• sedentary lifestyle;

• improper nutrition;

• genetics.

Why does it appear first on the sides, the fat is firmly fixed on
the stomach. And the answer is simple, with the advent of fat decreases the level
female estrogen, hormone testosterone appears, which
forms the stomach of the male type.

The most harmful for the female figure are snacks in the form of coffee
with cake or tea sandwiches. Any nutritionist will tell you that
it is harmful to drink food, and for a figure such experiments in general
death. Do not have the opportunity to take the “right” food, take with
a salad, a piece of chicken or fish, an apple, a few
pieces of dried fruit.

During stresses there is a release of the most dangerous for the figure.
hormones, and they all want to “eat.” During a stressful situation
get distracted by running, exercising in the gym, watching
Indian drama or French comedy, but don’t “jam”

To quit or not quit bad habits in the form of alcohol and
Nicotine, you decide, but they are also in the list of accomplices of fat on
stomach and sides.

Знаете, кто мало спит, тот много ест. Everything
world beauties to maintain their shape in shape do not sleep
less than 7 – 8 hours a day.

In the human body everything is interconnected, lack of sleep will lead to
stress resulting in the production of cortisone, its large
the amount will cause hormone levels to fail. Hormonal failure will
причиной появления жира на the stomach.

Learn to eliminate the causes, get the perfect belly and

How to remove the stomach and sides at home: ways

We have been accumulating fat on the stomach and sides for years, and we want to get rid of
from this problem in the blink of an eye, but, alas, it does not work out, except
go under the surgeon’s knife. Although, in this case, after surgery
it will be necessary to monitor the reduction and maintenance in tone
belly and hips, follow certain rules of life.

– Without compliance with proper nutrition, fat will return
over and over again. Therefore, we should follow the rule:

• never allow feelings of hunger;

• abandon all rigid diets;

• include more muscle nutrition in your diet;

• do not refuse completely from “good” fats, otherwise
appearance will suffer;

• minimize the amount of sugar and flour.

– Independently at home, remove the stomach and sides in
home conditions can only very strong personalities if you yourself
do not include such, then be sure to sign up for a gym.
Believe me, very quickly you will find odnodumtsev, will be with them
share the results and support each other, but at the same time
daily perform a set of exercises to help get rid of
fat folds.

– A real “killer” for the stomach and the sides will be a massage, which
easy to master at home. You can choose any kind:

• pinch;

• can;

• honey.

For the fastest achievement of result after each massage
session, it is desirable to do food film wraps, which will
act like a sauna.

– In any surgical center, doctors are ready to help get rid of
annoying fat on the stomach and sides. It is definitely fast and
an effective way, though, painful and expensive, but after it
you can not relax, so as not to lose results.

How to remove the stomach and sides at home (gradual reset
weight and caring procedures, skin apron problem)

The problem of the abdomen – apron cares, both expectant mothers and full
women who dream of losing weight fast or thinner but stubbornly
utyagivayuschih its hanging “miracle” under the corsets.

Let’s lose weight correctly and effectively, but it is not always
it turns out quickly.

1. Be sure to refuse diets that promise the destruction of more
one kilogram per week. Disappointed? After all, how much will have
to work, if in a month they leave no more than four kilograms in total, but
smile, they will leave forever, and in a year it will be 48 !!! For one
a year of proper nutrition, you will become easier by half a centner.

Of course, there will be a great temptation to “sit down” for a miracle – a diet, but not
worth the risk. Our cell is arranged very wisely, she staunchly
endures fasting, remembers it condition and as soon as you
�”Jump off” from the diet, cellular metabolism returns for torture with a vengeance,
returning weight doubly. Do you need this?

2. Look at yourself in the mirror and see your future there.
reflection, smile at him, you can shake hands of this beautiful
woman and start the way. Do not wrung out in any way
sacrifice, you are a winner! You will succeed, you just have to start!
I started losing weight and exercising at the gym at 62, terrible
I was afraid that the simulators would break under me, and now with ease
I run down the stairs. The main thing is to step over the opinions of others and
believe in yourself, the most beloved and beautiful!

3. Approaching healthy eating, you will not hear anything.

– You need to eat every 3 hours, for this, think over your evening
menu. Do not get carried away with special cooking: cottage cheese, cheese,
baked, boiled meat, vegetables in any form, fruit.

The main thing is that there is no feeling of hunger, so the answer is “I don’t want
now eat ”is not accepted. Ate a small portion of food and
moved away, the brain will signal fullness after 20 minutes. After half an hour
drink coffee with dried fruits, by the way, they can be replaced

Do you know why we do not eat after 19.00? At this time, our
the pancreas “goes to bed”, so our food is free,
freely converted into fat. The choice is yours, eat or
drink water, for starters, you can chew dried fruit with kefir, but with
time should abandon this bad habit.

2. About the proper intake of water is already written so much, so only
emphasize -30 ml per 1 kg of weight – necessarily during the day, 2/3
total volume should be drunk in the morning.

3. Fasting days work wonders, but if for you it’s at first
seems like a feat, then arrange yourself mono-diets. 5-6 times a day
eat the same product, be it fruit or fish, meat or
cottage cheese.

Subject to these rules, the weight will start to leave very quickly, and
what is formed in its place? Right, the bags. Sags the skin of the hands,
legs, there will be a hated belly – an apron. Therefore without physical
loads to solve this problem is simply impossible.

The reason for a loose belly, popularly called an apron,
is visceral fat which in a certain amount
necessary for the body, but with the wrong exchange accumulates in
abdominal area.

The real “apron killers” are swimming, brisk walking,
cycling, massage and wellness breathing to help clean
belly and sides at home.

Little surprise. According to the system of point effects on
problem areas you can find a point in the ear that responds to hunger,
set there a special clip and thus limit yourself to
food To find the point should be taken seriously
can only do a specialist.

Exercises, how to remove the stomach and hips at home

To achieve lasting results, these exercises should
perform regularly, and to avoid addiction, which is
the main reason for the failure to achieve victory over fat
alternate exercises for the thighs in one day, for the abdomen – in

Бедра будем убирать следующим комплексом.

1. Let us stand in front of the mirror, put our feet shoulder-width apart, arms
spreads around, palms look down. Fix the legs and
We start to move only the upper part of the body. Take a breath
puffing up the belly, then on the exhale the upper part bends and stretches
behind a horizontal hand, as far as possible.
We return – inhale, and do the other way. Gradually bring
number of tilts from each side up to 15.

2. The following exercise requires skill, so start it.
will be standing near the wall. Sat down, hands locked in the lock and put
on the left thigh, inhale. Then we do everything slowly. At the same time
exhale, stand up, arms raised over the right edge above your head,
simultaneously with raising the knee. Fixed it for a couple of seconds.
position and come back, take a breath. Enough to make up
15 times on each side.

3. Favorite and easiest exercise “bike” can
perform while lying in bed, the main thing is not to hurry as much as possible
pull and bend the legs. We do as much as we can and more
a little bit.

Теперь убираем живот. For this we
need a spacious place on the floor, warm mat or in
several times folded blanket.

It takes one minute to complete each exercise. initially
we start to do everything slowly, but since the time of all the exercises
run as fast as possible.

1. We lie on the floor, knees are tucked under the ass, feet tight
pressed to the floor surface, hands behind his head. Resting
feet, hands try to raise the upper torso. Pelvis
this is pressed to the floor.

2. Lying on the floor, legs bent and raised, trying to elbow
one side reach the knee of the other, twisting at the waist.

3. Press firmly to the floor with your whole body, lift straight
legs at right angles and start drawing circles along them and

4. This exercise requires the preparation of certain skills. Lie down on
side, legs bend at the knees, hands put behind the head and try
make heads and knees meet each other to a friend. Then through
minute change the side.

5. We continue to lie on the side, legs straight, emphasis on the elbow.
Raise the straight leg as high as possible and lower it, swing it
вначале одной ногой, затем other.

Everything упражнения несложные, доступные для любого возраста, поэтому
only your desire and regularity will very quickly signal
slimming belt on the skirt.

How to remove the stomach and sides of a man at home

�”Beer” belly in men younger by 20 years, if in the last century
he was suffering already satisfied adult uncle, now in 25 years
a young guy, already overgrown with his belly, does not surprise anyone.

Before you start losing weight and decide how to remove the stomach and
sides at home let’s try to figure out the reason
the appearance of fat deposits below the belt.

1. The first and most pleasant, favorite reason is overeating.
or, roughly speaking, gluttony, which takes power over a person and
makes him his slave. In this case, one way out, show who in
home master, you or gluttony.

2. No less favorite by men “sofa disease” also leads
the first appearance of the tummy, which develops into a belly. therefore
everything will depend on how much you love yourself or your
belly, here is who wins.

3. With age, the abdominal muscles weaken and, if there is no habit,
constantly exercise, fat is deposited on the stomach and sides in
First of all, do not fall for years, show that your passport
brazenly lying

The higher the testosterone level in the male body, the
slimmer. And in the full body of a man, the transformation of the male
testosterone to female estrogen, which contributes to the deposition
fat on the abdomen, reduces the level of male hormone.

Realizing all this, you should set yourself a goal in the form
flat, taut abdomen, give up bad habits and
start making your dream come true.

If a man is very fat, then he should start with
a certain diet, or rather proper nutrition and simple physical
loads that include walking up to 5 – 10 km daily, giving up
elevator, slow running, cycling, swimming. The main thing,
to begin.

– To build muscle you need protein, and that is meat, eggs, fish,
cottage cheese, however, the restriction in sauces and seasonings. But on the flour,
alcohol, and especially beer will have to impose a taboo.

Every man who wants to lose weight should make it a rule
eat salads from fresh vegetables, so called “panicles”, which
work on cleaning the body. Cook it easy.
Take everything in the house: beets, carrots, cabbage, onions,
a little garlic, greens and rub on a coarse grater, tucked
lemon juice (apple or vinegar) and vegetable
oil If desired, you can salt. Eat unlimited
quantity with cereals, meat, fish. Forget about the fried potatoes,
Chips, and snacks around the TV. Sweet tea with cookies,
bun, coffee under the cake also have to leave if your
plans are real, not just “castles in the air.” Before you begin
really appreciate all the “losses”.

Learn to drink plain water, giving up forever from tonics and
sugary drinks.

– It’s no secret that men’s will power is much weaker than women’s
so for weight loss they just need a gym and a good

If you wish, you can find exercise complexes on the Internet,
helping to remove the stomach and sides of the house.

Start training at the gym is not worth immediately with lifting
barbells. Be sure to warm up the muscles on the treadmill,
exercise bike or orbitreke, you can make approaches to these
cardiovascular equipment between exercises. By the way, most of all calories
leave here.

To visit the gym is enough to allocate 3 days
week, 1.0 -1.5 hours, allocate days for arms, legs and the press,
so that there is no addiction, and the body did not fail.

Mandatory exercises should be, each of which
performed 15 times in 3 sets, but 4 is enough for a start.

• twisting the press on the mat, in the rack, crossbar, with dumbbells
and barbell;

• all types of levels, standing in an emphasis on hands, lying, at the same time
running, jumping from side to side;

• hanging legs to raise their legs;

• lying on your back, fixing the legs, lift the torso.

After a couple of days you will have a second wind, belt
to fasten on a hole less, it will become easier to walk, youth
little by little will come back. Just start and go, because you are
the man!

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