Principles of skin care after the summer problemspigmentation and dry skin. How to carry out proper careskin after summer

Чт, 28 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Еркова

Кожа — это наш защитный барьер от воздействия
various environmental factors.

The scorching sun, prickly winter wind, raindrops mixed with
chemicals accumulated in the atmosphere, chlorinated water pools,
salty sea water. Our body protects against all this

In pursuit of fashion and imaginary beauty, many girls dry
yourself in tanning salons and on the beaches, wanting to get a chocolate tan.
Often the race for attractiveness can cost her mistress

Our skin and so every day have a hard time.

A competent approach to caring for her and knowing the rules of harmless
sunburn will help to keep her youth and freshness for a long time.


Причины подготовиться к уходу за skin after summer

Our skin is affected by many
factors. In addition, from birth, the skin is different for everyone and if with
external factors can be fought, then genetic
predisposition to adjust more difficult. To factors
adverse effects on the skin include:

• Improper nutrition is one of the first factors affecting
skin condition. Unbalanced or poor nutrition first
the turn affects the condition of the skin of the face, it changes color,
grows fat or dry, depending on what products
prevail in the diet;

• Smoking and drinking alcohol age the skin significantly.
Nicotine makes the skin turn yellowish and alcohol
dehydrates it;

• Taking certain medications may cause the most
various skin reactions, from itching and rashes to serious

• Excessive UV light causes excessive dryness.
desquamation, pigment spots and even burns;

• Stress and lack of sleep cause scaling;

• Insufficient intake of fluid dehydrates the skin, leading to its
premature aging.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer. Preparing for skin care after
of the summer

Summer – it’s time to sunbathe. To
get the most out of this process and not harm your
skin, you must follow some rules. Need to remember
which is always easier to prevent excessive exposure to solar
rays than then deal with their effects.

Ultraviolet rays are conventionally divided into two

• the first type A has the ability to penetrate deep into the skin layers,
destroying its structure;

• the second type B is carcinogenic and may cause

Therefore, on a hot sunny day, mandatory
use of protective creams, wearing glasses and hats.
a period when the sun is especially aggressive (from 11 to 15 hours), doctors
strongly recommend not giving up being directly
solar exposure. And the rest of the time you should not forget about
features of your own skin. Light and dark skin in different ways
react to the sun’s rays.

Focusing on the type of skin, you must choose and means
for a safe tan.
Today they can be purchased as
oils, spray, cream or lotion with different content
sun protection units. The more units, the brighter the type
skin they fit. If you are on the beach, then regardless
of how much a sunscreen is claimed by the manufacturer
protects the skin from solar radiation, its application is necessary
repeat every time after taking a shower or swimming in the sea or
the pool. AT городе тоже не нужно отказываться от защитного

After a long stay in the sun, even if you regularly
have been applied for a safe tan, the skin needs
restoring water balance. Therefore, to warn the first
After sunburn, apply soothing lotions on your body and

Правила ухода за skin after summer

No matter how hard you hid under umbrellas and hats for
of the summer, после его окончания ваша кожа, наконец, может вздохнуть
calmly With the onset of autumn, immediately reject sun protection
funds do not need. The sun is still aggressive and means at least with
low maintenance sunscreens will come in handy. ATоздействие
ultraviolet rays decrease, sweat and sebaceous glands
work less actively than in hot weather. Time comes
examine the results, decide on the methods of solving
проблем и принципами ухода за skin after summer.

ATозникшие за лето проблемы можно грубо разделить на три

  • Excessive dryness;

  • Pigmentation;

  • The appearance of vascular stars.

Чрезмерная сухость.За лето в коже под действием
aggressive sunlight the fibers responsible for
its elasticity. AT результате кожа становится дряблой, шелушащейся,
there is a feeling of tightness. Therefore, the most important thing
take care with the arrival of autumn – this is increased moisture.
Beauticians recommend to use to achieve this.
various means with retinol. This substance helps accelerated
regenerates the skin and resumes collagen synthesis. Under his action
fine wrinkles are smoothed, habitual skin returns
elasticity and smoothness. Retinol treatments can be performed as in
beauty salons, and at home. If you entrusted part of the procedures
professionals, and part of the plan to do at home, then try,
to use the tools were the same manufacturer. Overall
the course must be held at least a month. In addition, at home you can
prepare their own vegetable or fruit masks, they will
good helpers in the fight for skin hydration.

Pigmentation. Если в течение of the summer вашей коже не
enough protection, then by the fall, you may have to watch on it
dark spots. Unfortunately, get rid of age spots quickly
is impossible. In addition, after the pigment spots removal procedures
skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight, therefore
best done with the onset of cloudy days. And before that
use correctors. Removal of age spots occurs in
due to substances that reduce the production of melanin by the skin. Medicinal
Serum applied to the damaged skin twice a day. AT
As a result of these procedures, the pigment spots are lightened and the skin
becomes smoother and more even. After bleaching procedures
use peels that gently remove dead cells,
fixing the result of the procedures. ATесь процесс осветления занимает
a long period, so be patient.

Vascular stars. Immediately it should be noted that
вылечить дома лопнувший уже сосуд is impossible. Can only
take care of strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Rupture of blood vessels in summer
occurs as a result of exposure to all the same collagen
fibers located in the vessels. Treat affected areas
creams containing vitamin K, extracts of arnica and linden. For the night
It is useful to use drugs that have a tightening effect.
which will make the burst blood vessels less visible.

Уход за skin after summer подразумевает комплексный подход.
Therefore, despite the problems encountered, do not forget about the standard
daily care procedures, using nourishing creams,
proper cleansing and moisturizing.

Уход за skin after summer, подготовка к зиме

WITH одной стороны, задача ухода за skin after summer — устранить
all the problems that have arisen during the summer, on the other hand, prepare the tired
skin to autumn cold. AT этом вопросе на помощь придут более
Fatty than summer creams with vitamins and collagen. Beauticians
recommended in the fall to limit skin contact with water. Peel skin
from makeup and impurities in this period is better than micellar water. WITH
Caution should apply to the peeling procedure. ATыбирайте для
more soft means. Best if the entire product line
skin care products in the autumn-winter period will contain as part

Additionally, pay attention to food. AT
конце of the summer можно попробовать отдать предпочтение здоровому питанию
and give up salty, fatty and sweet. Try this
period of plenty to eat vegetables and fruits. So you will help your
skin recovering by supplying the components it needs
additionally from the inside. Do not forget to use during the day
the amount of pure water the body needs.

The elimination of skin problems in summer is long and
time consuming process. This becomes especially noticeable with age.
Therefore, remember that it is easier to try to prevent or at least
minimize the impact of aggressive factors in the summer,
than later to fix the problems.

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