Почему седеют hairы, как остановить этотprocess? Is it possible to get rid of gray hair, how to paint itcompletely

Ср, 30 мар 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Седые hairы часто называют признаком мудрости.

And deeply mistaken.

Gray hair and wisdom are unequal concepts.

You can die, sorry, stupid or be wise from your youth.

With gray hair the same way: someone until old age keeps almost
not tar curls, but someone starts in a panic to pull out the first
серовато-белые hairки уже в 20-15 лет.

Так почему же седеют hairы и можно ли избавиться от седины?


Седина hair: причины появления

За цвет hair отвечает меланин — особый пигмент, который
stains not only curls, but also skin. When it is produced in
недостаточном количестве, структура hairа и его цвет становятся
pathological. The following occurs: melanocyte cells,
расположенные не только в эпидермисе, но и в самих hairяных
follicles, for some reason, stop producing pigment.
Меланин перестает поступать в стержень hairа, он становится
porous and devoid of pigment. Combination of air cavities and
the lack of pigment gives a grayish-white color.

Graying can be trivariant:

1. physiological, associated with natural processes

2. premature, overtaking a person in a fairly young

3. congenital, when the absence of melanin is transmitted by

The mechanism of occurrence of all three options is the same:
lack of function of melanocytes. However, the causes of this phenomenon
may be different. Various hormones are involved in the synthesis of melanin,
and when the function of the pituitary, thyroid, ovarian,
it invariably affects the process of making dark

It is believed that men start turning gray at 35, and women at 45 years old.
But на самом деле процесс может стартовать на пятнадцать, а то и
twenty years earlier.

Причины седины hair в молодости могут заключаться в

• past viral diseases, especially against the background of infection

• chronic stress;

• genetics, heredity;

• endocrine system diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism
(thyroid insufficiency), as well as dysfunction of the genital

• diet errors, expressed in a lack of essential
trace elements and vitamins: calcium, copper, magnesium, selenium, zinc,
sulfur, iron;

• diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, as a result
which breaks down the absorption of these trace elements, vitamins;

• deficiency of a particular substance – tyrosine, often caused by
low protein diets;

• overabundance of ultraviolet radiation;

• diseases of the circulatory system, anemia.

Очевидно, что причинами седины hair могут стать как
objective and subjective factors. Be careful
lovers of tanning beds and sunbathing, as well as fanatical
followers of diets that limit themselves to everything than just
can. Well, the nerves must be monitored, however. If a что-то вызывает
constant stress, something to get rid of. Otherwise
случае придется либо выдирать седые hairки из шевелюры, как
fabulous Hottabych from the beard, or pester the hairdressers with
A question like “what paint to paint over gray hair.”

Кстати, вырывать hairы с целью маскировки совершенно
meaningless. Melanocytes live and die directly in the hole, and
not in the rod. Поэтому отросший hairок не приобретет чудесным
natural color, but will have the same loose, devoid of
pigment structure.

How to get rid of gray hair: medicine will help us?

Can’t you do anything? It is possible, but only in the case
if we are dealing with subjective factors. If a причины седины
hair — погрешности образа жизни, можно попытаться исправить
the situation. However, in any case, you need to start with a visit

The specialist will conduct tests, make tests, collect anamnesis and
based on the data obtained, diagnose and prescribe treatment.
Только этот способен понять, почему седеют hairы у конкретного
man, and advise how to get rid of gray hair with a maximum
share of probability. In any case, try to at least slow down

What can be done at the household level:

  • begin to eat fully;

  • take multivitamin complexes with minerals;

  • get rid of stressful situations (yes, even dismissal,
    divorce and maiden name! Beauty is more important, not to mention

  • undergo a full examination by visiting a gynecologist, an endocrinologist,
    gastroenterologist and therapist.

And what about the trichologist? Well, he found out why they turn white
hairы, а дальше что? And then treatment begins. Not the fact that it
one hundred percent help, but modern medicine owns quite
advanced methods of healing and treatment deprived of pigment
hair. What could it be:

• injections of (subcutaneously) magnesia. Injections are assigned by courses and
only trichologist;

• injection mesotherapy using solutions
vitamins of group B and substances which deficiency is revealed (zinc,
calcium, tryptophan, magnesium, calcium, etc.);

• the course of oral administration of vitamin-mineral complexes with
mandatory inclusion selenium and zinc;

• physiotherapeutic procedures: treatment by laser, electric current,
Darsonval and others. The idea is to stimulate
the activity of the dermis, strengthen the exchange
processes that affect the hair follicles.

Any curative can be recommended for washing hair.
shampoo containing all the same zinc, iron or copper. As far as
treatment will be effective, it is impossible to predict in advance. If a
will be able to revive a sufficient number of hair follicles,
the result will be persistent and positive. Of course, in parallel
need to treat the identified diseases, restore hormonal

Get rid of white hair folk remedies

In addition to traditional medicine to help in the difficult task of dealing with
gray hair can come traditional medicine. Simplest way
– to mask the problem as much as possible with the help of popular henna.
It will be necessary to have natural paint, and not curative, colorless.

Natural henna has the ability to dye hair
enough to hide a small amount of gray hair, besides
it treats both the bulbs themselves and the regrown
hair. However, this method does not give a lasting effect, besides
hair color, it does not restore, and slightly tinted.

However, there are other more effective ways to get rid of
gray hair It is necessary to treat the follicles with herbs and plants.

• Burdock (rhizomes) and leaves of fresh (dried) nettle
brew stronger, mixing in equal proportions. Cold decoction
rub into the skin after shampooing.

• Essential oils of flax, sesame, tea tree, can toast or
the usual burdock oil to rub into the head and put on the hair itself in
the form of a mask. You can leave it at night. Oil mask strengthens
bulbs and slows the death of melanocytes.

• Prepare a mask of one hundred grams of ordinary cottage cheese and dining
spoons of black pepper. A mixture of hair and scalp, keep
about an hour, then rinse with shampoo. Hair will darken, become
silky, and at the same time dandruff will disappear.

• A mixture of sesame and olive oil in the same proportion –
Another recipe for an effective mask. Returns color, restores

• Another effective mask is made from four tablespoons.
dried sage, brewed and brewed for two hours,
boats of oil solution of vitamin E, and two tablespoons
glycerol. Repeat the rubbing procedure should be daily.

• Prepare a mask of three teaspoons of ground coffee, two –
Natural henna and fresh basil juice, one – yogurt and seeds
fenugreek, three – fresh mint juice. Apply to hair and skin
keep at least three hours.

• Rosehip (half a cup of dried fruit) brew two liters
boiling water, insist for half an hour, then bring to
boil, boil for five minutes and insist until cool. Strain,
refrigerate and refrigerate. Rub into the head every other day,
twice a week to drink half a glass of this broth.

• Garden cherry puree, rub mass into roots one hour before
washing hair. Apply over the entire length, wrap with film and
a towel.

• Coconut oil for head massage with gray hair – proven
folk remedy. Apply it to overnight, daily. In the morning
wash off.

• You can try to restore the color of the curls
rinse hair with a solution of natural apple cider vinegar and water
(equal proportions). After half an hour, wash your hair in the usual way.
It will take three to four months to see the result.

• A very effective remedy is hot red pepper. Six
chilli pods need to fill 500 ml of real vodka, corking the container and
insist three weeks in a dark pantry. Then infusion to rub into
корни за час до washing hair. Red pepper stimulates the work
onions, increasing blood flow to the dermis. Very effective
means giving the result after two weeks.

What else can you do? Introduce the right foods to the diet.
minerals and substances. These are cabbage, mushrooms, beets, avocados,
pumpkin seeds and ordinary seeds, baked potatoes, cereals, berries
cherries, rowan and blueberries, as well as sesame and almonds.

Специалисты в области Аюрведы рекомендуют для
enhance hair pigmentation rub your nails together, bending your fingers
and pressing them with nails. It’s not clear how this works, but she’s
Ayurveda to be understood only by initiates. Try in
Anyway, you can. The main thing is to rub hard and long, no less
five minutes twice a day. After six months, they say hair color will be

Gray hair: or maybe just paint over?

Folk methods are good, but long. It will be months before
what appears the desired result. Therefore, the question of what kind of paint
paint over gray hair, it may seem relevant. Hand on
heart, in most cases the only way is decent (without
gray hair) look – it is to do the coloring.

Another question is that it is not so simple to paint over gray hair.
How to get rid of gray hair with paint, know exactly salon
masters. You can cope with this task yourself too. But
This will only happen if the percentage of damaged hair
small – no more than 25. Имеет значение и структура hair. If a
he is soft, docile, thin, then shop paint task
will decide.

If a hairы средней плотности или имеют большее количество
gray hair, you can try to get rid of the problem with all that
same mass market. Keep the paint will take as long as possible, so
color may become darker. To avoid this, buy
paint on tone lighter.

На жестких, плотных hairах с большим количеством седины бытовой
The dye will not work. In this case, even the efforts of the salon master
may be in vain. In any case, additional
procedures: the so-called pre-pigmentation and mordensage. Conduct them
should only professional master.

Instead of coloring, you can get excellent results if
тонировать не слишком седые hairы. They will be easier to comb,
will gain shine. Well masks the problem of highlighting or
blonding If a они вам к лицу, не придется ломать голову над
what paint paint over gray hair.

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