Pigment spots on the face – types and causesappearance. TOак можно быстро избавиться от пигментных stains.

Чт, 02 июл 2015 Автор: Анна Нестеренко

Before smearing on the face of vigorous products from pigment
stains, think about the consequences. Not all types of pigmentation
можно убрать домашними и покупными means. In addition, some
age spots can be malignant
neoplasms, and doing something with them without the permission of the doctor –
sign yourself a sentence.

Even if the appearance of coffee or dark brown specks in any way
not associated with the development of something malignant in the body,
girls cleaning cosmetic flaws on their own or with
With the help of a beautician, you need to understand the problem.

To get rid of the defect and not to provoke
dangerous complications, the first thing you need to understand exactly how
age spots you declare war. Also следует докопаться до
the reasons for their occurrence and to find out how
remove these defects without causing harm to health.


Types of age spots on the face and the reasons for their appearance

The most common type of age spots is freckles. TO
Fortunately, these brown spots are benign. TOроме
freckles to primary pigmentation also include: melasma, chloasma,
lentigo. But post-acne spots and other similar defects,
which are formed due to the development of pathological processes
on the skin or due to facial injury, are secondary
pigmentation. Moles тоже являются пигментными пятнами. They are
congenital and acquired.

As for the causes of pigment spots, they are easy
sort by two groups. The first group – external causes
развития чрезмерной пигментации faces. Pigmentation can
cause solar activity that adversely affects
состоянии skin. Hyperpigmentation, as it turned out, often
is a post-traumatic consequence of mechanical,
chemical damage. TO внешним причинам появления пигментных
stains also include: untimely or incorrect
the use of purchased or home remedies, for example
masks, the use of low-quality creams, oils.

Одна из главных внутренних причин the occurrence of pigment пятен
– This is a hormonal failure. It can trigger a pregnancy
taking oral contraceptives, etc. Cause the manifestation of stains
capable and photosensitizing agents, due to the reception
which skin becomes more sensitive to the sun,
as well as to artificial ultraviolet radiation. Two more
internal causes of hyperpigmentation – lack of vitamins or
фолиевой acid. Some spots are caused by age
изменений skin. It happens that their appearance provoke diseases
kidney, liver.


Freckles чаще проступают именно на лице и имеют вид
light yellow or dark yellow specks. Most of all they
occupy the skin of the kids. With age, their number is often
decreases, and the remaining spots begin to brighten. Usually
freckles plague almost all redheads, but since they are not
are skin diseases, then people are particularly worried
kissed sun, not worth it. The only thing they should
Beware – this is the sun’s rays. Therefore, girls with freckles
need to give up long sunbathing. Also им
Do not forget to use sunscreen cosmetics. Such
Precautions are explicable, because sunlight not only does
Freckles are brighter, but it also provokes
new specks.

Some girls remove freckles with a laser, many women
use homemade masks and lotions for this purpose.
kefir, lemon juice or parsley juice. Last means too
act, but, of course, they are not as fast as the laser, clean
stains. Although in this case, it may be better to prefer homemade
safe products that will not leave any
cicatrices, unlike some cosmetic tools.

If you live in a hot climate zone, then not
limit your use of homemade brightening products and
sunblock creams. You should also visit regularly.
dermatologist. Why do you need it? The fact is that in people who
too susceptible to ultraviolet rays, may develop
разные дерматозы и даже рак skin.


Chloasma from freckles is distinguished by large spot sizes and their clarity.
outlines. Chloasma схожа с веснушками тем, что и эти пигментные
the spots darken in the summer, and brighten in the winter. She can
result from functional disorders of the ovaries,
liver, pituitary, due to helminthic invasion, etc. In such cases
the first thing to do is treat the underlying disease, which
provokes hyperpigmentation.

Chloasma, которая возникла вследствие беременности, обычно не
requires any treatment since these age spots
pass after childbirth themselves. Most often such yellowish-brown
spots appear on the cheeks, temples, forehead, and sometimes on the eyelids.
The shape of the spots is different. Minor defects may merge. together,
forming large spots, spread to almost all


Melasma возникает из-за дисфункций образования меланина, который
synthesized in the skin. Melasma может характеризоваться не только
hyperpigmentation, but also focal weakening of the skin color or its
absence – depigmentation. Such pigmentation disorders are often
arise due to genetic predisposition or develop
due to exposure to UV rays. Mentioned contraceptives,
photosensitizers can also cause
melasma, absolutely like all sorts of hormones. Also
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract affect the development of the disease.

How to get rid of these melasmatic spots? Beauticians
advise people with melasma to get rid of age spots with
using chemical and laser peels. If you do not want to go to
To the cosmetician, can try to make such peeling in house
conditions, using dairy products and fruit juice. One more
method of getting rid of melasma – photorejuvenation. Of course, such
the procedure cannot be performed with the help of available tools at home.


Lentigo — это темно-коричневые пигментные пятна, которые
appear due to increased accumulation of melanocytes in the epidermis.
Stains may occur due to excessive exposure
the scorching rays of the sun. Especially often they settle on the faces of those
people who neglected to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

These pigment spots usually occur on the skin of older people and
are called “senile lentigo.” But besides senile lentigo
stands out and juvenile, which mainly appears in
teenagers or very young children. Lentigo, которое увеличивается
in diameter, changes pigmentation, may be malignant. Such
The spot is considered a type of melanoma. This malignant
the tumor develops from pigment cells and can metastasize during
all organs. The frequent location of malignant lentigo –


And here is a mole, another kind of age spots, in
unlike melanoma, is a benign tumor. Mole
occurs when skin cells begin to turn into
melanocytes that produce pigment. Moles часто появляются
under the influence of hormones during puberty or
of pregnancy. Sometimes they change the size, color. After such changes
Be sure to consult a doctor.

Pigment moles located in places permanently
susceptible to friction, it makes sense to remove, after consulting with
by specialists. Why delete? The problem is that mole, which
was traumatized, sometimes reborn into melanoma. To rebirth
it can also be pushed by ultraviolet radiation.

How to improve the condition of pigmented skin

Before you improve something, you need to know with what kind
pigmentation you deal. The nature of the arising pigment spots
should install a doctor. If you already were with him and received
relevant recommendations then remains to adhere to those rules
skin care, which told the specialist. When you by
for some reason you can not go to the clinic and are very afraid
further aggravate the situation, then it remains to adhere
common rules of conduct for people with impaired pigmentation

The main rule is maximum sun protection. In this you
special creams and other cosmetics that have
ultraviolet filters. Glasses, wide-brimmed hats, too, let in
move Often blemishes appear due to vitamin C or folic acid deficiency.
acid. In the first case, you need to drink vitamins, in the second – there is
more greens, lemons, cabbages. You can safely do and
another, because neither greens nor vitamins will harm anyone. In any
In case of such actions, they will not worsen the pigmented condition
skin. But to independently engage in the normalization of hormone
the balance is no longer worth it.

It does not hurt to make safe whitening masks, use
moisturizers lightening tonics to reduce
severity of spots. And don’t forget to find the time to visit.
dermatologist. Moreover, with any pigment spots, it is reasonable
undergo medical examinations regularly.

Removal of age spots on the face

Ways to remove age spots are selected based on the type
defects, skin condition, neglect of the situation, etc. Everything
Disposal activities should be carried out after full
examinations by a dermatologist, endocrinologist, oncologist and
causes of violations. If doctors said that the stain is not
has a malignant origin, did not arise due to
serious diseases of the thyroid, kidney, then you can safely stomp to
beautician or do homemade products for
reduce hyperpigmentation. But if the survey confirms that
your pigmentation is a symptom of the development of the disease, you need
to immediately deal with the treatment of the main disease. Girls,
who refuse therapy and immediately contact a beautician –
throw money down the drain. After all, you can achieve a lasting effect
only after elimination of the root cause the occurrence of pigment

Most women are satisfied with their professionalism.
beauticians who quickly and painlessly remove age spots with
faces. Some ladies are frustrated with beauty salon workers, so
how, after their manipulation, the defects reappeared, and the spots
increased, darkened. In any case, completely abandon
salons wrong, because not all stains are cleaned home
means. For example, to remove large and bright pigment
stains, senile lentigo optimal hardware
cosmetology. The main thing is to find a good specialist who
perform high-quality ultrasonic or chemical peels,
cryoapplication, photorejuvenation, etc.

Popular whitening products are also popular. In her
it makes sense to purchase, because in good cosmetics
aggressive substances responsible for the removal of hyperpigmentation,
combined with soothing, moisturizing, protecting the skin
components. Such products, with well-chosen composition, do not
will harm the skin and improve the situation. But not all are ready.
The remedies are so safe. Regular use of individual
instances can lead to the development of cancer.
It turns out that it is safer to use home-made products.

Simple whitening mask for age spots on the face

Of course, home products are not as effective as, for example,
аппаратная cosmetology. But in some cases cope with
pigment spots can also be made with the help of a self-made mask, especially
if we are talking about lightening ordinary freckles.

Strawberry curd pigment mask

Combine puree of three ripe strawberries with one canteen
spoon of cottage cheese and dessert spoon of sour cream. Stir gruel,
add a teaspoon of oatmeal to it. Apply the mask thick
by layer. Withstand 20 minutes. Course – 14 procedures

Attention: before applying a strawberry-curd mask on the face
about 7-10 minutes should hold the gauze dipped in liquid from
one article spoons of lemon juice and two – hydrogen peroxide
(3 percent).

Petrushko honey mask pigment spots

Two Art. combine spoons of chopped parsley with honey and juice
lemon. The ratio is 1: 1: 1. Hold time is half an hour. Wash –
water. Frequency of use – once a day.

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