Pepper hair masks: types, benefits, rangeactions, rules of application. Recipes pepper masks for hair inhome conditions

ATс, 03 дек 2017 Автор: ATалентина Оболова

Numerous beneficial properties of hot peppers found use
not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. In particular, pepper
hair masks are used when no other means is
help stop strands falling out, make sleeping ones work
follicles, accelerate hair regrowth. Pepper in pure form in such
procedures, of course, do not use. Masks are prepared on the basis of
alcohol, oil or balsam tincture of bitter red


How do pepper masks for hair

Classic pepper tincture, which is sold in pharmacies, on
70-90% consists of medical alcohol. The rest – pepper
Chile. Alcohol itself acts as an antiseptic, has
antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Substances,
contained in pepper, render aggressive, but in general
positive effects on the scalp and follicles:

1. Capsaicin – strong irritant alkaloid. Easy
penetrates the cellular structures of the skin, stimulating and accelerating the local

2. Vitamin A activates the regenerative processes in the skin
cover, helps to restore damaged structures.

3. Vitamin C enhances and strengthens local immunity.

4. Vitamin B6 normalizes the function of follicles, makes roots
strong, helps to accelerate the growth of hairs.

5. Potassium helps moisturize the skin, smoothes the effect
агрессивных соединений в составе жгучего pepper.

6. Iron, magnesium stimulate blood circulation, improving saturation.
skin cells and follicles with nutrients, oxygen.

7. Fatty acids moisturize the hair roots and partially smooth
intense drying effect of capsaicin.

8. Essential oils have a firming, soothing, softening

In symbiosis with the alcohol base, the action of the chemical components
The composition of hot peppers is more active. How it works:

1. Alcohol with capsaicin act as a strong irritant. Behind
due to this blood flow to the skin tissue and follicles

2. Hair follicles get more nutrients
necessary for normal life. The result
it becomes a healing, strengthening and rapid growth of hairs.

3. Strengthening local blood circulation helps to restore
and improvement of the hair structure.

4. Due to the drying and antiseptic properties of alcohol with
skin surfaces are easily removed pollution, excess secretion
sebaceous glands.

The result of the treatment course is visible in a month. Hair
they become noticeably thicker, look healthy, grow by 3-4 cm.
But to achieve this, you need to be able to properly use masks.
with pepper tincture. We must not forget that the remedy is very
aggressive and can cause severe chemical burns on the skin,
damage the already weakened hair follicles.

Rules for the use of pepper masks for hair

To avoid undesirable effects, hair treatment
means on the basis of hot pepper is carried out in several stages. AT
during the first week of the mask is made on the basis of balsam pepper
tinctures. To prepare such a tool, you need to mix 2 tbsp. l
red pepper and 4 tbsp. l firming balm for

Mask gently rubbed in a circular massage movements in the roots
hair, evenly distributed on the scalp. Hair должны быть
dirty, dry. It is not necessary to distribute the mixture by strands.

To speed up the action of the remedy, the head is covered.
airtight film (cellophane, polyethylene) and wrap
a towel. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Behindтем голову
washed with shampoo and rinsed with a decoction of herbs with a calming effect
(chamomile, sage, burdock).

Balsamic pepper masks make every other day. If while applying
treatment of the skin begins to bake, the procedure immediately
stop. In addition, you can not use masks with hot peppers,
if there is damage to the scalp, inflammation. Course of treatment in
This case will have to be postponed.

In the second stage, which lasts 2 weeks, alcohol is used.
настойку pepper. Preparing a tool is simple: pharmacy pepper
tincture mixed in equal proportions with olive oil.

Mask is applied to the head, as well as balsamic herbs.
The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. Apply the tool with interruptions
in 2 days.

After skin and hair get used to aggressive
effects of pepper, you can proceed to the third stage of treatment, on
which is allowed to prepare masks based on homemade pepper
tinctures. This remedy is distinguished by a very aggressive action, but in
the same time, it is considered the most effective.

How to make a hot pepper spirit tincture yourself:

– Chop 2 medium chillies together with the seeds;

– Pour 200 ml of medical alcohol;

– Pour the liquid into a container of dark glass with a tight
closing lid;

– leave the tincture in a dark, cool place for a week;

– strain.

Ready pepper tincture before use in cosmetic
purposes must be diluted with purified water. The proportions are 1:10 or
1:20 depending on the sensitivity of the scalp.

We can not ignore the recommendations and skip the initial stages
лечения волос с помощью pepper. Only due to caution and
gradual use of pepper masks in the future will be
safe and will bring the most positive results.

Pepper hair masks: recipes

ATсе маски с перцовыми настойками обладают укрепляющим свойством,
стимулируют рост и останавливают выпадение hair. Rest
ingredients are used to mitigate the irritant effect, as well as
to expand the range of action of a therapeutic agent.

Recipes pepper masks for hair:

1. On healing herbs. Broths of chamomile, hypericum, eucalyptus,
Calendula mixed with pepper vodka in a 2: 1 ratio. Herbs use
individually or prepare a decoction of a mixture of dry herbs, taken in
equal proportions.

2. With lime honey. In a water bath, heat 3-4 tbsp. l honey
and mixed with 1 tbsp. l pepper tinctures.

3. Honey mask with pepper action. Are mixed
pepper vodka, calendula tincture, honey, castor oil, raw yolk,
Cognac, onion juice. Each ingredient in 1 tbsp. a spoon. Mask
rubbed into the roots for 60 minutes. After applying the hair wash,
Moisturize herbal balm.

4. С луком от выпадения hair. Are mixed перцовку, луковый сок,
honey, burdock oil, raw yolk. ATсе ингредиенты берут в равных

5. With tomatoes nutritious. Pulp of fresh tomato (medium
size) crushed in a puree. Are mixed с 2 Art. l pepper tinctures.
If the hair is dry, add 1 tbsp. l burdock or castor
oils. AT маску для жирных волос вводят 2 Art. l low-fat kefir.
The tool is rubbed into the roots and left on the head for 1 hour.

6. With egg and castor oil nourishing, firming.
ATзбивают 2 куриных яйца. Are mixed с касторовым маслом и pepper
настойкой (по 2 Art. l каждого).

7. С косметическими маслами для активного роста hair. Are mixed
castor oil heated in a water bath, jojoba, burdock oil
the same amount. Add as much pepper spirit
tinctures and warm filtered water.

8. With kefir nutritious. AT 100 мл тёплого кефира вливают по 1
Art. l перцовки и любого базового косметического oils.

9. С кефиром и желтками для сальных hair. Are mixed 150 мл
тёплого нежирного кефира, 2 яичных желтка и 2 Art. l pepper

10. With beer. Are mixed четверть стакана светлого пива, желток и
2 Art. l pepper vodka Если волосы сухие, добавляют 2 Art. l olive
oils. The mixture is heated before use in a water bath.

If the procedure time is not indicated in the recipe, keep the mask for
hair based on pepper tincture cannot be longer than half an hour. Washed away
always with neutral shampoo. Behindвершают
rinsing the hair with a decoction of herbs and applying
moisturizing balm.

The use of pepper masks for hair: contraindications, measures

It will not be superfluous to remind that hot peppers in combination with
Alcohol is a very aggressive remedy for the skin. therefore
use masks to treat, strengthen and grow hair,
which there is a pepper vodka, it is necessary with the maximum accuracy and

AT ряде случаев прибегать к таким косметическим процедурам
prohibited. Contraindications to the use of pepper masks for hair

– type 1 and type 2 diabetes;

– hypertension;

– any blood diseases;

– any damage to the skin of the head (scratches, wounds,
scratches, erosion, fresh stitches, burns, etc.);

– Allergy, intolerance to the components of the mask;

– too drained, lifeless, hair.

Pepper masks are applied exclusively on dirty dry hair.
This rule is due to the fact that in a wet environment the action of burning
components pertsovka amplified several times. Before use
New means sure to test: put a few drops
masks on the inner fold of the elbow. If the allergic reaction is not
followed, the tool can be applied on the head.

Procedures are performed with rubber gloves to protect hands from
burns The tool is rubbed into the roots with soft movements without pressure,
distributing the mask exclusively on the scalp. With
This all actions need to be done carefully so that in no case
Do not allow burning mixture in the eyes. If trouble
nevertheless happened, the eyes need to be immediately flushed

Course of treatment inолос перцовыми масками проводят в 3 этапа общей
lasting 5 weeks. После этого процедуры stop. With
need to renew the use of pepper masks can be
2.5–3 months later.

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