Paris style – classic: french hairstyle.Step-by-step instructions for creating a French spikelet, waterfall and theirvariations

Чт, 24 ноя 2016 Автор: Юлия Еркова

French hairstyles are the embodiment of refinement and elegance.
The most common type of sophisticated hairstyle is
French braid and its various variations. Many hairstyles
varying degrees of difficulty opens wide horizons for
creativity and the ability to pamper yourself at home with new ones
in images.


What are the classic French braids and photos of them

Plain braid – this is the most simple, fast and feminine styling.
The French braid, or as we call it “spike”, and
implies classic weaving with the addition of side strands
hair. Over time, this type of weaving also became annoying to go to
keeping up with the girls time, and new varieties began to emerge,
for example, an inverted braid, in which the intertwining of the side strands
occurs at the bottom of the main braid, and not at the top, as in the classics. Also
another species called fishtail appeared. Its external
he looks a little like a fish skeleton. And he lags very
simple but long. All hair is divided into 2 main parts, from
which are alternately taken from the bottom thin curls and shifted to
the next strand until the spit reaches the tips

Step-by-step instructions for creating common French

Before experimenting with a variety of French
укладок, следует научиться плести классический вариант braidы
spikelet. For this you need:

1. Comb your hair and lay it back.

2. Separate the small upper part by horizontal parting.
hair and divide it into three equal parts.

3. The first two weaving should be created, as in the usual
русской braidе.

4. Then you must grab a piece of hair along with the left strand.
с боковой зоны и продолжить плести braidу.

5. The same must be done on the right side.

6. So you need to continue weaving with catching the lateral hair to
тех пор, пока braidа не достигнет затылка.

7. Дальше можно заплести обычную braidу из оставшихся волос до
very tips or tie a normal tail on the back of your head, decorating it
beautiful hairpin.

After the realization of the classical weaving technique comes
французской braidы, и вы проведёте несколько тренировок, можно смело
go on to create many other hairstyles based on such
braidы. A good option everyday and at the same time solemn
hairstyles are a bunch with French weaving. To his
do need to:

• split the hair in a horizontal parting;

• от затылка снизу вверх начать плести французскую braidу примерно
up to the top;

• tie the tail of loose hair and remaining ones on the crown
концов braidы;

• if you wish, you can take a ready-made bagel and
use to create a more magnificent beam;

• it is put on the tail, then curls evenly over it
distributed and fixed invisible or studs.

Не менее популярна и такая вариация, как обратная френч-braidа,
which can be braided on the hair, the collected tail, and also on
loose hair.

Принцип плетения такой braidы следующий:

• hair is also prepared for weaving, as in the usual

• however, each extreme strand is enclosed under the bottom.

• hair from the outside on each side are also reported to
the central strand, which through the top will be shifted to
appropriate side.

Spirals in French hairstyles: how to create a stylish

Small spirals perfectly underline the spirit of France and ideally
подойдут обладательницам длинных hair. Hairstyle from spiral
моментально сделает form величественным и привлечёт множество
interested views. To make French curls, you need
separate small strands of hair and shape them into tight flagella
or spirals and stack them, fastening stealth, in bulk
textured hairstyle. Optional for fixing need to use
invisible, you can decorate her hair barrettes. Hairstyles variations
spirals can be many, you can experiment with their
thick, way of laying, quantity and so on.

Shell – as one of the most common options
french hairstyle

The French cockleshell that has long become a classic is the best
option for celebrations such as weddings, evening out or
responsible activities. And most importantly, for such a hair
need only varnish, comb, hairpins and desire. Benefits
hairstyles in that it is quickly created and does not require the creator
possessing special skills.

1. To make it, you need to carefully comb your hair, then
make a little nacled on the top and shift the whole hair on
one side, securing the design studs.

2. Then a wide hairbrush need to collect all the hair and
to form a roller like them, twisting them vertically to
center of the head and fastening studs. Previously invisible he
should cover myself.

3. Those hair that came out from above, you just need to be neat.
hide inside the hair.

4. It remains only fix hair and lacquer if desired
decorate, for example, with flowers, beautiful hairpins.

That hairstyle and ready, now you need to complement her small
black dress, favorite perfume to finally reincarnate
in a refined Frenchwoman.

Горизонтальное исполнение braidы колоска: причёска французский
waterfall photo

Руководствуясь всё той же техникой плетения френч-braidы можно
to create a bright and unique hairstyle French waterfall. Such
the creation will help to open the face and at the same time remove interfering strands, and
also leave hair loose. This set may not fit
только под любой жизненный случай, но и под любую длину hair.
The waterfall looks equally good both on long hair and on
medium length, while the hair can be smooth, wavy, even
curled into curls. But in any case, start creating
французского водопада необходимо с плетения самой braidы.

This will help to make the following steps:

1. First, on carefully combed hair you need to do
horizontal parting at ear level.

2. В этой braidе пряди извне будут не только добавляться, но и
produced, creating the feeling of a waterfall.

3. Start weaving from the forehead at one end of the head, and
finish it at the opposite ear.

4. Плести braidу нужно с горизонтальным уклоном, привлекая тонкие
additional strands on top and bottom. Those strands that will
sent down at the time of interlacing, you need to let go, and
later pick up new ones in their place. Толщина braidы от этого меняться
should not.

5. Чтобы по завершении плетения braidа держалась, нужно закрепить
she either has a bright hairpin or is safely hidden by the invisible.

6. Now free hair can be screwed onto the curler, straighten
ironing or do with them at your discretion.

Разноformие французских укладок не только очень красиво
smork, such hair does not go out of fashion, always remain
practical, and most importantly – to create them is very simple. Enough
to master the technique of a french spikelet to discover the horizons for
creativity in the spirit of Paris.

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