Oily skin – causes, care, cleansing andtreatment

Thu, Nov 03, 2016 Although oily skin stays young longer,
it still delivers some inconvenience. It often appear on it
blackheads, black spots (comedones), characteristic shine. Pores
expand, the face becomes grayish. Reason of appearance
этих признаков — слишком активная работа greasy glands. In the lungs
In cases of this phenomenon can be eliminated by ordinary means
skin care, including at home. Need to mark,
that oily skin requires constant care – only in this case
You can count on a beautiful complexion. Some girls
persistent problems can cause psychological discomfort.


Why does skin become oily?

A large amount of sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands,
may be due to hormonal system malfunction or malfunction
internal organs. If the cause is gastrointestinal disease
tract or liver, you first need to treat the internal organs. Often
the cause of the appearance of fatty areas is the increased content
testosterone is a hormone that activates the sebaceous glands. AT
as a result of their enhanced action, the pores become clogged,
unhealthy complexion, oily sheen – the skin becomes unhealthy.
Some consolation can be the fact that the oily film on
the top layer of the skin protects its aggressive effects
wrinkles in this case appear much later, and
their number is less.

How to care for oily skin?

The main purpose of oily skin cosmetic care is to remove it from the skin.
излишки жира, открыть поры, снизить активность greasy glands. Like
dry skin requires moisturizing, you only need to use
non-greasy products. Care can be divided into several stages.

Cleansing oily skin

The purification procedure is the first and important step. Twice a day
it is necessary to clean oily skin with means, but it must be done very
Caution. Some make the mistake of trying to dry the skin.
alcohol infusions. These drugs are used only to remove
obvious irritation. And then go to more benign means.
Water-based gel will do best with this or
cosmetic milk. The main thing is that the skin does not overdry.
Remnants of soap and dirt can be removed with infusion of herbs. Good help
mint, yarrow, sage, especially if on the face often appear
irritations. Herbal infusions tone the skin well.

Oily skin – how to narrow pores

After cleansing the skin, the pores can be narrowed with a special mask,
for example, from colored clay. Exfoliating mask is not recommended.
to do if there is an inflamed pimple or other wounds on the face –
first you need to heal them. Good help and herbal decoctions –
steaming face with sage, rosemary, chamomile.

How to remove greasy shine

For this you can use natural tonics, very fine
powder. It is better to use these tools several times a day,
especially in the heat. ATначале лицо нужно очистить косметической
with a napkin, then wipe with a tonic and powder. how
умываться при жирной коже
Лучшее средство для умывания –
a solution of soap and salt. Dampen a cotton swab in water, soap it and
add some. Wipe face from center to temples, not excessively
push down Leave the foam to dry, then rinse. AT результате
pores themselves narrowed, the skin is toned. At night it is worth
rub face lotion. To prevent skin from getting stuck
emollient moisturizing and nourishing cream. Cream for fat
Увлажнение жирной кожи помогает сохранить водный
balance. Day and night it is better to use different means. Day
The cream is much lighter, does not contain oil. Complement
the procedure can be a moisturizing lotion, especially during bad weather or
summer heat. At night you need to apply a thick and dense cream,
preferably with renewing and restoring components. Also
It should narrow pores. Copes well with these requirements.
salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, caffeine, niacinamide. Data
The ingredients are primarily in oily skin creams. If you
Acne is a problem, a cream with retinol and sulfur works well.
There may be concerns that after applying the cream on oily skin
fat production will only increase – but this is not true. Skin is stronger
produces sebum if there is a lack of moisture.
After applying the cream after 10 minutes, wipe off the excess with a napkin,
to leave free pores. The only plot that is not
needs moisturizing – this is the nose.

Anti-aging cream for oily skin

Wrinkles, alas, threaten and oily skin, like any other.
Anti-aging cream will slow down their formation and
maintain the skin in an elastic state. Sure to
protect from sunlight. Best used
serum or gels without emollients to heavy cream
did not clog pores. For greater effect, you can add to the cream
a few drops of essential oils – lemon, rosemary, tea and
cedar wood. The skin will get rid of oily shine and excess fat.
Essential oils enhance antibacterial properties of the cream.

Masks for oily skin

Masks help to significantly improve the appearance of the skin. There is enough
many products that at home will remove the fat
shine, improve complexion, narrow wide pores. Mask for
жирной кожи из дрожжей
Способ приготовления: дрожжи (10
grams), sour milk (three spoons), berry juice or plantain leaves
(juice, 1 teaspoon). Mix everything until creamy mass, put on
places of clogging of pores. Wipe off in circular motions after 15
minutes Rinse face with warm and cold water alternately.
Mask for жирной кожи фруктово-овощнаяСпособ
cooking: protein (1 egg), beat in foam and mix with tea
Spoon the juice of fresh vegetables, berries, fruits (drip a drop).
Apply on face, hold for about 20 minutes, rinse with plain water.
Лимонная маска для жирной кожиСпособ
cooking: mix in a teaspoon of cream and
freshly made lemon juice. Apply to the face with a cotton swab,
leave for 20 minutes, rinse with water. Honey Mask for Oily
Состав: мед (1 ложка), белок (1 шт), оливковое масло
(half a teaspoon), chopped oatmeal (1 spoon). Everything
mix the resulting slurry applied to the face, hold for 20
minutes, rinse with water. Before applying keep in a water bath. This
The mask can also be used for mixed skin. Mask
травяная для жирной кожи
Состав: сухая трава мать и мачехи
(2 tablespoons). Pour the dry mixture with hot water, warm it up, but
do not boil, then cool. Clear pre face, apply
маску на марлю и держать на лице 20 minutesПротереть салфеткой.
It is advisable not to wash your face with soap on this day. Mask из
Состав: щавель, мать-и-мачеха (по 2 ложки), кипяток
(glass). Pour boiling water over the grass, leave for 10 minutes, cool
decoction, impose on the face between the layers of gauze. Hold for 20 minutes, wash off
water Milk mask for oily skin with
Состав: Молоко (1/4 glasses). Cucumber Juice (1/4
glasses). Mix ingredients, put on gauze on
face. Cover with a wet towel. The mask is not washed off with water, but
wipe off with a towel and apply cream. Mask из
Состав: геркулес (2 ложки), петрушка (пучок).
Pour the finely chopped parsley with a glass of boiling water. Insist 1
hour. In a coffee grinder, grind rolled oats and mix with the extract.
Нанести толстым слоем на лицо, держать 25 minutes Sate water
rubbed with ice cubes from parsley infusion.

Tonal creams for oily skin

Should abandon the tonal creams, which include a lot
oils (oil-free). The tonal framework should consist in a large way.
of water. On imported tonal creams that prevent from
clogging of pores, put the designation (non-comedogenic).
The mineral base only calms, and special gels with
a matting effect for oily skin helps to avoid greasy
shine without clogging pores. It is advisable not to use
concealer with alcohol, preservatives and other coloring
substances – they can irritate the skin. It should be noted that
mineral cosmetics is much more expensive, but the effect of it on
order higher. It’s not even beauty, but the fact that such cosmetics
causes our health less harm.

Oily scalp

Oily hair is not considered a disease. Reasons – heredity,
medication intake. improper diet, too much
chemical care products. Often, just changing the season
leads to a dramatic change in hormonal levels. Get fat hair and
with stress and nervous diseases. Some people wash their hair
every day and quite satisfied with the state of the head, not even trying
change something. But there are all options for solving this problem,
at least the experts give their recommendations. Natural
sebum formation processes can be slowed down. Organism,
producing sebum in the roots actually cares for the hair,
protecting it from drying out and brittleness. Only negative
the moment in this case is untidy. Hair bold for
day, often far to the evening already look fat. At worst
The root blockage option causes dandruff.
The secretion of the sebaceous glands is regulated by trans-retinoic acid,
derived from vitamin A, or special care products
hair For example, the sea
algae and grass. You can rinse your hair with decoction of butterbur,
nettle, horsetail, rosemary, chamomile and sage. Oil products,
Silicone and proteins are contraindicated. Wash your hair often
absolutely not harmful, but you need to use with this shampoo for
frequent washing. Proper care quickly eliminates greasy hair.

Useful tips for oily hair care:

– It is better to use transparent shampoos. – Make masks for fatty
hair to remove excess sebum and regulate work
greasy желез на голове.- Мойте голову теплой water Hot water
makes the skin more sensitive. Hair dry naturally
use hair dryer as little as possible. – Try not to style your hair
too tight – stress leads to impaired activity greasy
glands. – Use the comb. And try to use less
chemistry For example, pick up natural rinses – decoctions
herbs, acidified water.


Angelica 04/02/2016 Hair constantly dry hair dryer, I know that it is
harmful, but there are no other options. Everythingгда тороплюсь и ждать когда они
there they will dry out – there is no time. Nettle since childhood rinsing
hair, my grandmother still taught me this. I prefer
natural remedies. In all. And for the skin itself I make masks, cucumber
and all the lotions and masks with it, very well remove excess fat. AND
skin is kept in good condition, long enough. Tanya
02.04.2016 ANDз дрожжей маску не пробовала, а вот с яичным белком –
did. Very good result! But about transparent shampoos, for
greasy hair, honestly – did not know! ANDнтересно! Now of course
I will buy only those. Vera 04/02/2016 I wipe overnight
lotion, and apply a nourishing cream. But! Nor as a cream suitable
I can not pick up. After all types of creams, a sensation appears,
that the skin is terribly oily, almost dripping from it. Feeling, say –
not very … Lyubava 04/02/2016 I definitely, the first time I hear about
washing with a solution with salt. Yes, oily skin has its charms,
but also shortcomings too – even more than enough. I use tonak and with
powdered go all the time. Tonak, by the way, dries the skin very well.

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