Nourishing hair masks. Learn howcorrectly make nourishing masks for all types of hair.

Thu, Mar 31, 2016 Imagine – on every square
centimeter hairline is 260 hair
bulbs. In total, there are 150 thousand of them –
a real thick “forest” growing out of the scalp. Why often
our hair is far from ideal? The hair itself has enough
complex structure: the tubular layer in cross section consists of
several components. Most often affects the condition of the hair
It is the “garden” from which they grow. If he gets
inadequate care, hair becomes dull, splitting, fading and
grow badly. If more than 30 hairs remain on the comb per day,
This suggests that the time has come to do the “fertilizer of the soil.”
A nourishing hair mask is exactly what we need. Of course,
hair condition depends on genes, health condition. But
imagine how much more load the roots have to bear
with dry hair and split ends. Hair growth is affected
first of all, genes, as well as health. Damaged
hair, especially split ends, have an increased load
on the hair follicle. The mask can be prepared at home from the
popular ingredients rich in fats, vitamins of group B,
iron, magnesium, sulfur, zinc and so on. Let these masks be
by your companions for several months, and as a result hair
become healthy and shiny, grow better, good
to fit


How to prepare nutritious hair masks

– The mixture of products should be mixed well until smooth, on
hair should be applied at a temperature of room or slightly warmer,
but not hot; – apply immediately after preparation, by hand,
using a brush or cotton swab; – make additional
Massage circular movements; – Do not use masks for injuries.
skin until they heal well. – just keep the recipe
when cooking, do not try to extend the pleasure – keep
смесь на голове только определенное время.Питательные маски
для волос
– какие продукты применяют к разным типам волос-
Dry and brittle hair – glycerin, egg, arnica tincture, berries
bilberries, sea buckthorn, sour cream, vitamins A, C, E, aloe. – Oily hair –
yeast, black bread, honey, lemon juice, hop, birch extract,
горчица, алоэ.- Butрмальные волосы – используются яичный желток,
olive or sea buckthorn oil, fruit, sour cream, low-fat kefir and
sour milk. – Damaged волосы – оливковое масло, сметана,
rye bread, honey, yolk, avocado.

Nourishing hair masks – recipes

Дрожжевая питательная маска для волос Состав:
yeast stick (1/3 part), sugar (half a teaspoon), water (2
tablespoons). Stir the ingredients, leave for 30 minutes,
apply on wet hair, for action to leave for an hour. Hair at
This cover with a clean cloth, wrap a handkerchief. Wash your hair
tar soap. Recommended once a month. Nutritional
маска для волос с луком и яйцом
Ингредиенты: натертый на
fine grater onions (80-100 grams), egg yolk (1 piece). Mix
products and rub into the hair roots. Close with plastic wrap,
dry warm towel or handkerchief. Hold 1-1.5 ases, rinse
soft shampoo with warm water. Hair Mask
Состав: зеленый лук (1 ложки), хлеб (100 грамм),
water (half a glass). Fill the bread with boiling water, leave it under
cover to get a homogeneous mush. Grind the onion feathers and
mix with bread. Rub the mixture in the roots, tie
polyethylene and insulate. Keep 50-60 minutes. When washing off the shampoo
not required. Vitamin nutritional mask for
Способ приготовления: в блендере смешиваем банан,
avocado and melon slices in equal parts. Add to mix
sprouted wheat grains (30 grams), vitamin A (1 spoon), yogurt (1
spoon). Apply to hair for about 20-25 minutes, moisten with water and
wrap up Honey and egg nourishing mask for normal
Состав: мед ( 2 столовых ложки), желток яичный (
1 piece), green onions (two pieces). Knead all or skip through
blender, mix and distribute over the entire length of the hair and on the skin
heads. Action – 1 hour. Rinse without shampoo. Nutritional маска –
maintaining vitalityStructure: yolk (1 pc), glycerin (tea
spoon), ascorbic acid (half a teaspoon), boiled water.
Mix ингредиенты, добавить столько воды, чтобы смесь получилась
in the form of a creamy homogeneous mass. Rub in wet hair,
distributed over the entire surface. We close hair, we warm.
Rinse after half an hour, lay with a brush. Hair dryer or tongs in
этот раз не применять.Голубая глинаИнгредиенты:
blue clay, mustard, butter, lemon juice, clear
honey (1 spoon). We rub in hair roots, we put on warming
bandage. Мыть голову через 1.5-2 часа.Травяные питательные
маски для волос
Ингредиенты: трава крапивы, цветка ромашки,
limes (2 spoons each), liquid vitamins A, Bj, B12, E in oil solution,
a crust of black bread soaked in water. Add herbs to the decoction
vitamins gruel from the crust, mix and grind. Vitamins add
in strained liquid. Leave for 15 minutes. Prepare the infusion
herbs – pour boiling water and insist. Add to the mush,
then apply on hair for 15 minutes. An hour and a half to wash off
проточной водой.Nutritional маска для волос
Состав: коньяк (1 часть), репчатый лук (сок, 4
parts), decoction of burdock (6 parts). Mix ингредиенты, втереть в
scalp in a warm form, wash hair after 2 hours. Use
2-3 раза в неделю.Еще несколько нюансов в приготовлении
питательных масок для волос
– Не стоит готовить состав
more than one procedure, it is better to mix fresh each time
components. The exception may be alcoholic infusions. –
Rub the composition into the roots with soft massaging movements.
You can massage your head before applying the mask – starting from
points between the eyebrows, pressing the index and middle fingers
move to the temples every five seconds. 10 Seconds
Massage the whiskey. Starting from the temples, massage the hair with your fingers.
часть головы по 10 Seconds. Walk across your head .- Brush
hair comb with rare teeth. – After washing hair
it is possible to put the conditioner. Be beautiful!


Regina 04/03/2016 And I regularly make a mask with brandy, I even
specially-bought for this purpose bottle. No, well, drink
a little can, of course))) Only I do it with a burdock, then
there, with a decoction of it. That burdock is very good on hair
affects. Elizabeth 04/03/2016 Eh, just now there is brandy in
refrigerator, the remnants of a small family holiday. And the bow,
of course there is. But I don’t have a burdock, maybe for a honey mask
will do? If you add it instead of decoction? I will try however. Aldina
04/03/2016 Here, honestly, I did not know that you could make a mask out of
clay on hair! In general, I often use clay, but for the face. And in
home it is almost always there. Now I will increase stocks
so that even the head was enough! Dasha 04/03/2016 Of course! Mask from
Herbs, which includes nettles, simply can not be bad!
A simple decoction of nettle and then, a beneficial effect on the hair, and here
another bunch of ingredients. And, of course – a banana. Everybody’s love and
such a healthy fruit. Veronika 04/03/2016 Thank you! As always –
great tips and recipes. Oh god How do I want to wake up, run
hand in the hair, and there … Thick, silky, flowing to the thigh …)))
But, увы…Это пока лишь мечта. But, с помощью этих масок, я
I will definitely achieve exactly this result.

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