No, the hippo commune strings have not been erased. howhippie dress


  • Features of modern hippie style
  • Hippie Chic
  • Hippie hairstyles
  • Accessories and decorations
  • Baubles from beads, floss and ribbons
  • Shoes, bags and headbands
  • Hippie Wedding

Life for life, freedom for freedom, beauty for beauty …
That’s what the “flower children” have always promoted and just positive
people are hippies. Their attitude to the world is completely different from
generally accepted only because what is generally accepted is alien to them. Flight
fantasy and independence of judgment are integral
hippie consciousness, as well as their appearance.

Originally, hippie clothing was a protest in itself.
Protest against the rules and regulations, against fashion, against everything
artificial, against the race for luxury, against the war and against
of violence. Perhaps, these shades she has kept so far, but with that
the only difference is that now hippie style of clothing subjugates
fashion Or vice versa, but this is not important at all, because such
Hippie conventions are not interested.

Freedom of clothes was and is not only
external brightness and unusualness, but also expressed literally
– in the free style.

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Spacious unisex clothes, overalls, flared jeans, sarees,
colorful shirts, long coats and so on and so forth. Important,
that the clothes were inexpensive, not elaborate and very practical.

The most common colors for clothes in the style of hippie
there will be bright, rich colors, a floral print, an imitation under the faded
or shabby clothes, lurid spots and incredible geometric
picture. In short, you need to create the impression that your
outfit artist worked expressionist, which is not a joke
enjoys marijuana.

All natural and simple – this is true chic.

In the modern world of fashion is very common new hippie style
– neo-hippie.

This combination of traditional style with high podium
by ideals. Neo-hippie clothing can also be worn in
everyday life, and to work, and even as an evening
attire. This is a very romantic dress of flowing and flying fabric,
these are bright elements of clothing with a touch of careless chic, this
naturalness and simplicity in its original look.

For today’s hippie style clothes still mean
naturalness and closeness to nature.

  1. For outfits, so-called eco-fabrics are chosen, that is, those
    which do not carry elements of artificial fibers. This is denim
    linen, cotton, leather, suede, even fur. However, hippie synthetics are not
    deny and sometimes even use as an addition to their
    natural clothes.
  2. Hand-made clothes are very, very welcome: it’s an echo
    of the time when hippies preferred simple clothes from
    second hand. That is, those who know how to knit or sew, create
    jewelery and accessories with their own hands, are obviously in
    winning position. Knitted sweaters, hand-sewn dresses
    skirts, patchwork jeans (they have hippies in particular honor,
    You can safely redo any model for this style), long
    Cardigans over loose-fit trousers – all this can be beaten in
    own taste.

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Hippie hairstyles? No, only the hair!

Those who found the birth of style know what “Khair” is.
Newly hippie will have to explain that the word is –
derived from the English “hair” and the only true hippo
call their hairstyles, or rather their absence.

Long hair – both girls and guys maximize
natural colors, lack of curls, artificial curls, varnish
for hair, shiny hairpins, butts and everything that contradicts
natural appearance.

Optional long haired girl to keep hippie style
constantly walking with her hair loose. They can be picked up to
braid in simple braids, tie into knots or tails, carelessly
decorated with a handkerchief or bandanna.

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The main rule of hippies – no rules

In any form, customary and “refined”, clothes in hippie style
can not do without accessories. It may be favorite
modern teens baubles from beads, thread and leather
laces, various and numerous bracelets, beads,
artificial flowers, hippie symbols, scarves and stoles,
Sunglasses a la John Lennon, and most importantly – a spacious bag through

At the very dawn of the movement “children of flowers” were making baubles
exclusively with their own hands from everything that only falls under
a hand. It was beads, leather, colorful ribbons, laces and colorful

Modern hippie-style “successors” continue their work with honor
their grandparents. However, for those who today want to
to complement your outfit with accessories of that magical era, but does not have
at this time, spinning in the endless whirlpool of the business world,
fashion industry offers a lot of accessories at the same time
stylized for those days but adapted for
modern trends in fashion.

Use in the manufacture of shoes, dresses, shirts, bandages,
bandan, accessories of modern materials allows new
modern hippies being both free, fashionable and

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The language of baubles lives

In general, if a fashionista or a fashionista is faced with a task with her head
plunge into the days when the main slogan of youth was
the famous “Make love, not war!”
baubles. A lot of baubles. Hands first on these bracelets
say that the style was chosen by a knowledgeable person.

More independence and less standards!

For “independent” hippie hairstyles, it’s best to choose
familiar decoration – bezel or bandage. Shoes can be like
�”Standard”, rough, on the platform, and more feminine,
in heels, but always a little careless and as if
sloppy look.

For modern followers of freedom in all space for
self-expression is limitless. Espadrilles, lace-up sandals, sneakers
bright colors, moccasins in ethnic style, shoes on a rough
tractor sole, boots with a fringe – everything is specially created
for them.

Generally fringe is allowed as decoration for both clothes,
so for bags with shoes. If you want to impress others,
presented in front of them in a dress in the style of the free sixties,
you need to forget about the small clutches dotted with rhinestones. Only
oversized volume beaded bag-bag, embroidered with beads, with
embroidered on her mark “pacifik” or just a bright print and
fringe, hung with charms and pendants! Here, as nowhere else,
no accessory will be superfluous: the more, the closer to the style

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Stylized weddings are in trend

If young people who love each other decide to bond their union and
to become husband and wife, why arrange boring gatherings with eating
piles of salads and robes in familiar dresses for which the owners
bridal salons being asked for space sums? Same
is boring

If the bride and groom are bright, cheerful people with creative
striving for harmony, wanting to please their guests and
remember the main event in your life forever why not
to arrange a stylized hippie wedding?

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Arranging a wedding a la “flower children”, you must necessarily
warn guests about this so that they take this into account when choosing

It is important to design an unusual invitation to
to intrigue the guests and let them know that it will be fun and
interesting. You can simply decorate the cards with the signs “pacific”,
�“Yin-yan” or small flowers and thin ribbons.

�”Hippie” bride and groom

The bride’s dress should be made of light natural fabric.
light shade – flax, cotton white, beige, cream, sand,
blue tones. It should flow to the floor, not clinging to
silhouette, and be free, ephemeral. Accessories can serve
leather belts and suspenders intertwined. Replace
the usual veil can tape, although thin, transparent, non-breathing veil
in the tone of the dress is also a great complement to the bridal outfit.

It is permissible to use transparent fabrics for the wedding dress.
If the dress is too frank, it is possible to add it.
short fitted vest to match.

Shoes can be the main emphasis that will emphasize than
Hippie bride is different from the traditional. If the usual wedding
the dress is made to complement the classic white shoes, shoes,
here they must be abandoned. Ballet shoes, boots with
fringed (obligatory on a flat sole), gladiator sandals
with lacing, decorated with bright feathers, pendants and key rings –
This is the kind of unusual shoes that a hippie bride should have.

Well, by itself jewelery: bracelets, ribbons in loose
hair, massive rings (even on toes, if on feet
sandals) all this will complement the image free from stereotypes

The bridegroom at the stylized “hippie” wedding is by no means
you need to appear in a strict classical image, but it is not
means that his image should be sloppy. It is important to find “gold
the middle. ” Lightweight linen shirt, jeans (required!), Vest for
to emphasize the solemnity of the image and a hat with small

Lightly rolled up will help give a slight carelessness.
shirt sleeves and permanent leather baubles on the wrists.

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