Neck – an indicator of a woman’s age

Mon, Feb 03, 2014

Oddly enough, but not the face, but the neck can give the true
age of the woman. Therefore, it is imperative that the neck is elegant,
slim, wrinkle-free and double chin. How’s that
to achieve?


By keeping your neck muscles toned, you do not give them the opportunity
seam. A small complex of simple exercises
need to be repeated daily in the morning, without haste. It is also important
monitor breathing and dizziness because blood flow
may well cause it.

  • The first exercise is the pronunciation in front of a vowel mirror.
    It is important to watch your back, keep your spine straight, a little
    raising my head. Watch carefully for voltage.
    neck muscles. Exercise should be repeated up to 20 times.
  • The second exercise is the “pendulum”: tilting your head slowly from
    one shoulder to the other, then to the chest and back to the back. All this
    must be done slowly, with a little pleasant tension and
    raised chin. The exercise ends with a head twist.
    right and left, with the need to stretch his chin to


The skin on the neck is very thin and tender. She needs constant
hydration and nutrition. Putting cream on the face is definitely impossible
forget about the neck and neckline. Especially useful masks made
based on oatmeal and olive oil.

Of course, it is impossible to forget about the general condition of the body.
Wrong food, inadequate rest and lack of sleep – with all this
can not handle any anti-aging cream. Important to draw
attention to your pillow – in a dream, your neck should be relaxed.
It is best to choose orthopedic pillow options that are not
give your neck muscles one more time.

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