Natural henna: benefit and harm. rulesuse of henna with health benefits. How to transform from henna,no harm to the body

Ср, 10 фев 2016 Автор: фитотерапевт Анастасия

It has long been known that chemicals in hair dye
badly spoil them. Hair becomes thinner and porous with
each subsequent staining.

You can continue to continue to “kill” hair colors, but you can
использовать натуральный краситель хну — и польза для волос
неоценима, и цвет будет стойкий и насыщенный

Henna spreads beneficial properties not only to the hair – from
it is made by medical masks for the scalp and face, as well as in
as a pigment for temporary tattoos. Proven for centuries, henna to
still remains one of the most popular cosmetics
not inferior to modern developments.


Henna: composition as used

If we talk about useful henna for dyeing hair and tattoos
in different shades of red, then under the name “henna” you need to understand
высушенные листья лавсонии безостой (Lawsonia
inermis), crushed to the maximum state. To the touch powder
henna for coloring and healing reminds flour.

Население Ирана, Индии, Египта, Судана и других
стран Северной Африки и Среднего
, в которых произрастает кустарник лавсония, давно
использует пользу хны не только как красителя, но и для
лечения и профилактики разных заболеваний

Henna is also called a colorless and black powder. In fact
�“Neutral” and “black henna” have nothing in common with henna.
Colorless henna is a Cassia Siberian plant that does not have
pigment, and black henna is an indigo plant. All this
natural plant ingredients that really carry
benefit the body.

The use of henna comes to our market in the form of Iranian or
индийского продукта

If you buy a bag of henna, which indicates that it is
will lighten your hair or dye brown or black then
rest assured: the powder contains not only henna or
natural ingredients. Henna plant, salmon, contains
a single dye molecule, and it is red-orange.

All other colors are obtained by adding to the composition

Most often for receiving other color except red shades,
add metal salts (nitrate of silver, nickel, copper, bismuth,
cobalt, and iron salts), lead acetate (oxide) and
para-phenylenediamine, which severely damage the hair. Dye with
lead acetate gradually accumulates harmful substances on the rod

Henna: what is the use

Henna with red dye pigment, lawsonia, contains
tannins. Благодаря им ускоряется рост
, укрепляется волосяная луковица, а сами волосы
приобретают блеск и жизненную силу.

Dull, brittle and split ends change after
use henna, become shiny, soft and elastic,
cease to curl strongly.

In the cells of the skin henna binds collagen, which does not give the skin
dry. Henna protects the skin from fungus, boils, seborrhea and even
herpes Regular use of henna completely eliminates

Scientists have proven that henna is useful for stimulating hair growth. TO
In addition, it serves as a much better hair conditioner.
than products of well-known companies – hair becomes longer and

Что касается бесцветной хны, то она полезна как
to restore and strengthen hair, and skin

• acne;

• fungi;

• bacterial damage;

• inflammations.

TOроме того нейтральная хна может понемногу осветлять
, это «подкупает» женщин с веснушчатой кожей. In that
case add a tincture of boric acid. The person at the same time ceases
Glitter, becomes dull.

Для облегчения головной боли делают примочки из
mixtures of vinegar with henna.

TOосметологи утверждают, что нейтральная хна несет пользу для
skin rejuvenation, and use it in the form of masks.

For problem skin of adolescents, for inflammation and clogged
pores need to normalize the production of sebum. For this
tea oil is added to the finished mass with colorless henna
и наносят в виде маски до полного высыхания.
Despite the drying effect, henna leaves some
a protective layer that prevents it from external exposure to the sun,
frost, chlorinated and salt water.

Relieve pain in eczema, burns and sprains, as well as soothe
exacerbation of arthritis and rheumatism will help a useful overseas
powder from hot countries.

Before you apply the mask on your face, you need to clean it and
process lotion.

Henna advantage over hair dye

The main use of henna for hair is its naturalness. Powder
гипоаллергенный, не приведет к зуду и раздражению
skin. Hair dyeing can be done indoors, not
additional ventilation is required, since harmful chemical
henna fumes do not provoke.

Henna can be painted without harm to the hair every two weeks – and
the scalp and the hair itself will become healthier, and the hair will be strengthened and
will get color and gloss. TO тому же регулярное окрашивание хной
useful for fighting dandruff.

Frequent hair washing, blow-drying and sunshine are all
leads to fast washing and fading of color when painting
chemical dyes contained in the hair dye. Henna not
боится всех этих обстоятельств — цвет остается
, не выгорает на солнце, хна даже защищает
ultraviolet hair.

Хна выигрышно выделяется своей низкой ценой при
high efficiency, and savings on barber services. Spending
some time at home you get from staining
henna is a great result.

Готовя маски из хны, выбирайте посуду из
glass, plastic, ceramic or metal, but enameled.
Metal utensils can not be used.

The color stays on the hair for about four months and disappears.
gradually. After dyeing hair with henna, you will not be left with
regrown roots and hair of unknown color – the transition will be
smooth, but after six months there will be no henna and trace.

Henna: what’s the harm

Before you decide on staining, treatment or
recovery, usually interested in: whether henna will harm. If a
talk about the reaction of the human body then with the physiological
In terms of henna harm to hair or health does not cause. If a речь
is about the aesthetic component, then henna only hurts when
improper use or use of poor quality
raw materials.

1. Previously dyed hair after exposure to henna may become
unpredictable shade. The same effect will be if over henna
try to paint with a mixture of artificial colors – hair can
become even green. For correcting this deficiency
will have to go to the hairdresser, because at home
The correction will fail.

2. TO сожалению, хна не воздействует на седые
как хотелось бы. After dyeing gray hair
become bright red or copper. TOаштанового оттенка добиться не
will succeed.

3. Окрасив волосы хной после химической завивки, вы
полностью выровняете волосы
. It reduces to no
effect of curling.

4. Owners of dry hair is better not to get involved in henna staining
– it can really harm them. Ladies with dry type
Hair can be used henna no more than once in two months.
Colorless henna apply with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

5. The smell of henna attracts cats and spiders, interest can also cause
in small children. To avoid misunderstandings, do not leave a container.
with henna unattended.

6. TOатегорически нельзя смешивать натуральную хну с
artificial colors – the result is unpredictable, hair can
destroy completely.

7. Для правильного приготовления смеси нужно залить
henna powder in non-metallic cookware hot (up to 70 degrees
Цельсию) водой
. Do not pour henna boiling water!

8. In order not to be trapped with the color of colored hair, always
Try to paint a small strand first in an inconspicuous place.
behind the head and spot the time. If a результат ожидаемый, то можно
repeat the procedure for all hair.

9. A package that says “henna” and indicates any
shade except reddish, indicates the presence of impurities in the composition.
This “henna” does harm to hair – hair can become lifeless,
but on the skin often appears allergic rash after use
such drugs.

10. Хна сильно красит кожу, наносить красящее
need substance in cellophane or rubber gloves, and along the line
hair growth lubricate the skin with vegetable oil or fat cream.

TOонечно, окрашивание хной трудоемкое и грязное, но результат от
him excellent

For pregnant and lactating mothers: henna will not bring harm?

TOрасить волосы готовыми магазинными красками на раннем сроке
Doctors forbid pregnant women because of the increased risk of allergies and
toxic substances whose effects on the fetus are not completely
verified. Henna for pregnant women is a real salvation. There is no
aggressive substances that in any way affect both
pregnant and on the fetus.

Henna pigments cannot also pass into breast milk during
lactation and breastfeeding, so apply to pregnant women not
is harmful.

Единственное требование — провести тест на тыльной
стороне ладони
. Need to put some paint and wait
up to half an hour. If a зуда, покраснения или боли нет, то можно
dye henna hair.

Patterns on the skin with henna: harm or benefit

People always painted their bodies – with clothes, ornaments, or
tattoos. If a для одних татуировка выражает жизненную позицию,
status or membership in a particular group, then many simply
нравится украшать свое тело. It is for the latter
Invented henna tattoos. It is temporary, painless, cheap
procedures without the use of needles and aggressive chemicals with
heavy metals.

Henna tattoos are quickly washed away, the maximum term
выдержки на коже индивидуален, но не больше двух

TOак и в случае с волосами, на коже хна может быть только
red-red color. All other colors (green, purple and
similar), which offers a master in the cabin, arguing that
This is pure henna, contain aggressive chemicals.
Pure Iranian henna is completely harmless, and added dyes
may cause burns and severe allergic reactions.

You can slightly adjust the color with wine, beetroot
juice, tea or vegetable oils.

If a вы любите периодические изменения в своей внешности и не
ready to sacrifice the health of your hair or skin, then henna will suit you

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