Milk and honey masks – from hair ends tonail tips. Vitamin richness of milk and honey masks forskin and hair

Вт, 04 окт 2016 Автор: Ирина Тарусова

Perhaps not in the world of women who would not be familiar
the phrase “cosmetic mask”.

Masks of all sorts of tightly entered into our, always seeking to
beauty and perfection, life.

Of course, the most popular – for the face, hair and body.


The unique components of the masks of milk and honey

How often do we take the time to pamper yourself
something special and useful? Saturate your body and skin
vitamin cocktails and formulations that instantly transform us and
Give the exterior a fragrant look. And the hair? They, too, need
in particular care, especially with frequent changes in weather conditions
and sharp temperature contrasts. Do universal products
with the help of which, you can “seek” beauty and well-groomed
looks? Miraculous miracles have long been known to our ancestors.
properties of honey and milk. These two unique products are capable of
transform every woman, because their composition is so rich
useful components that it is difficult to even imagine what else
more useful, could give us nature.

Особенность этих продуктов ещё и в том, что
they can be applied everywhere – for the body, face, hair, hands, feet.
Actively use in food, which will positively affect the appearance and

Everyone knows that milk is wonderful.
moisturizing and nourishing product.
Honey actively heals
and restores tissue. And this is the smallest part of the useful
properties that they are endowed with. Milk and honey can be used.
all, without exception, regardless of age. By adding
Auxiliary components, you can get amazing results.
The only contraindication may be personal.

Active use – masks from milk and honey,
mask wraps

If we talk about the availability of components and their effectiveness,
the easiest mask to come up with is a milk mask
and honey. The proportions of these products can be determined by itself. If skin
very dry face, body or hair – add more milk. Good,
when homemade milk or melted milk is used for these purposes, where
increased fat concentration. If you need to add vitamin
cocktail and saturate the skin with antioxidants that protect it from
aging then add more honey.

Before using masks and wraps like this
make a test on the inside of the bend of the elbow or on
Place in a glass or plastic dish.
composition. Mix well. Apply a thin layer of the mixture to a gentle
skin of these sites. Hold for ten minutes. If the skin does not
redness appears, if there is no burning sensation, then with
sure you can say that these ingredients are absolutely

Most often, we use the concept of “mask”, although in cosmetology
обширно применяются и mask wraps.

How do they differ from each other? Both of these
procedures act on the skin as powerful cleansers – removed from its
the surface of the dead cell layer, contribute to the rapid
renewal and rejuvenation of the skin. They are anti-inflammatory and
tonic Activate metabolic processes in the skin, saturating it
nutrients. Between these techniques there is an essential

The mask wrap is applied in a warm form and covered with a protective
film, towel, napkins. With this method of substance from the mask
penetrate more deeply. Effects on skin and hair more
effective. The usual mask is applied cold.
Previously, if you need to open the pores, steam is done.
bath. The composition of the mask, applied to the necessary segments, dries
or hardens, which makes it possible to remove it in a dense layer,
tighten from the skin (preferably from the bottom up) or wash off with warm
water The skin after this care becomes softer, more tender and

We classify masks from milk and honey by the principle of action.

Do not forget that all procedures with masks and wraps
can be divided into conditional groups. Remember them very easy.
Each direction works, taking into account the needs of the body. Everything
depends on the additional ingredients that make up the masks of
milk and honey, and how to use them.

  • Healing (nutritional masks) – are used when clearly defined
    skin and hair problems. To the main composition are added
    solutions of herbs and antiseptic ingredients.

  • Moisturizers (hydrating) – designed to flabby,
    fading skin. Aimed at improving blood circulation.

  • Soothing (relax masks) – saturated with fatty components,
    suitable for sensitive and irritable skin, relieve itching and

  • Exfoliating (scrub mask) – remove the dead skin layer.
    Promote the regeneration of skin cells.

  • Toning (smoothing) – actively stimulate
    smoothing the skin, improve metabolism, eliminate wrinkles.

  • Anti-cellulite – break down body fat, normalize
    water balance in the layers of the skin, increase blood circulation, exchange

Beautiful hair with milk and honey masks

1. Mix three tablespoons of milk with one tablespoon.
honey Add yolk, a tablespoon of mayonnaise. Everything тщательно
mix. Apply the composition to the hair roots. Wrap like a compress.
The action is aimed at enhancing hair growth. Hold thirty
minutes Затем смыть тёплой water

2. Brew in a glass of milk three tablespoons of chamomile flowers.
Добавить две столовых ложкand honey. A teaspoon of vegetable oil
(any). Mix thoroughly. Apply to hair. To wrap up
a towel. Leave for an hour. Удалить тёплой water Composition
Enough fortified. Suitable in the fight against dandruff.

3. In a mixture of two tablespoons of milk and one teaspoon of honey
drive in protein to obtain light foam. Apply to hair. Leave
на 30 минут, можно укутать голову a towel. The mask is great fights
with excessive oily scalp.

From the face to the tips of the nails – we take care of with masks of milk and

Face masks

1. Столовую ложку тёплого молока смешать с чайной ложкой honey
Apply to the face and décolleté area with light massage movements.
Eliminate the area around the eyes and lips. After a twenty minute rest
с маской, смыть её water The mask is suitable for all skin types like
стимулирующая и нормализующая обмен substances.

2. Three or four tablespoons of milk mixed with two spoons
oatmeal or oatmeal, let stand until swelling.
Добавить по чайной ложке honey и оливкового oils. Apply to the skin.
Make a mask wrap. After 20 minutes, wash off. Great fit
для fading skin.

3. A tablespoon of milk, beat with the protein of one egg, add
tablespoon of freshly squeezed cucumber juice and a teaspoon of liquid
honey Apply the mixture to the face and décolleté. Desirable
use gauze, after covering it with skin segments, to
the composition did not spread. After twenty minutes of use, remove.
The mask-compress is suitable for oily skin, as healing, and for
tired as a tonic.

4. Mix two tablespoons of warm milk with a table.
spoon of yeast. Give insistence. Добавляем чайную ложку honey,
carrot juice, olive or any other oil. If skin
very dry, you can add more oil. The mask is very good
vitaminizes skin of any type, gives it a healthy and fresh look
promotes smoothing of small wrinkles.

5. Mash boiled potatoes and add a tablespoon of liquid.
honey Dilute the gruel with two tablespoons of warm milk.
Pour a teaspoon of any freshly squeezed juice (vegetable,
berry, citrus). Mass applied to areas of the face, not
grabbing the skin around the eyes and lips. You can smear on the neck and area
neckline. Twenty minutes is enough to get a vitamin
cocktail Remove with light massage movements, using
cold and hot shower.

We soften the skin of elbows and knees, get rid of cracks

In order for the skin of the elbows and knees to become soft, disappear
шелушение и трещины, используем эффективный витаминный composition.

1. Three tablespoons of warm milk mixed with a teaspoon
honey и таким же количеством масла чайного дерева. Add fat
cottage cheese (1 table spoon) and mashed potatoes of one boiled potato.
The resulting mixture, which resembles a thick mush, in a warm form,
apply on flaky and hardened skin. Good
we wrap up with a woolen scarf or a handkerchief, covering it in advance
oilcloth We can keep the mask wrap for an hour or more. This mask
perfectly heals the skin. Can be applied daily or three times per
a week before full restoration of the skin. Same mask
can be actively used in areas where deep

Struggling with cellulite

1. Apply to the steamed skin of the body the composition of milk with the addition of
in it is vegetable oil (consistency can be one to one).
Затем, используйте раствор honey и любого эфирного масла (несколько
drops). After applying the compositions to the skin, take a massager (if
available) or a regular plastic bottle (possibly a canteen
spoon). Light massage, indentation walk
skin areas. The bottle can be rolled on the surface with an “orange
crusted. ” Where cellulite is more noticeable, apply pressure more strongly.
This massage helps the skin to get rid of toxins and free
radicals. Strengthens blood circulation, removes cellulite.

2. Pour two tablespoons of mustard powder with milk
to obtain the consistency of thick cream. We add on the dining room
ложке honey и оливкового (любого другого) oils. Everything тщательно
mix and apply to dry skin, prone to cellulite
changes. Wrap these patches with food film and wool
a scarf. If you notice burning skin and redness, the composition is necessary
remove, and next time increase the amount of vegetable
oils. The mask effectively fights cellulite. It is better to alternate with
taking a shower (in two or three days). It should be with effect.
steam bath to be able to increase metabolism
applying massager and massage cream.

Все приведённые выше рецепты масок из молока и honey могут
apply at will and of necessity. Watch your
beauty Love yourself. Be happy and beautiful.

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