Masks with olive oil can be done as without adding other ingredients, and in mixtures with various natural products.
Going to the page – Olive oil for hair, you will familiarize yourself with useful properties of this tool, find out how positive way it affects the state of hair, and the main way its use at home. The method described there and is using a mask of olive oil, without adding any components.
And further we will consider recipes of folk hair masks with olive oil and other healthy foods.
A simple recipe for a mask of honey and olive oil for dry and normal hair:
Mix 1 incomplete Art. l honey with 3 Art. l olive oil. Heat the mixture a little to make honey dissolved when stirring, and mixed with oil, and apply received and still warm composition on the scalp and hair roots cover. At the end of the application, try to distribute the mass throughout the length of the strands (with long curls you can increase the proportions mixtures).
It is recommended to do such a procedure on those who have already begun to get dirty, and slightly wet locks 30 minutes before washing. The composition is washed off with the use of shampoo and conditioner. Frequency of use 1 once a week.
This recipe, in addition to good nutrition of curls, adds to them softness, shine and elasticity, prevents loss, relieves from fragility and cross-section, eliminates dry dandruff. By the way, in the mix you can add another raw egg yolk or 1 tbsp. l mayonnaise this will increase the moisturizing properties of the product, and make it the consistency is more convenient for application.
Grind in a blender, or just a spoonful of ripe avocado pulp. To the 3rd art. l received add avocado puree 2 tbsp. l olive oil. Everything mix, rub the mixture into moist roots and scalp, and after carefully distribute along the rest of the hair.
Hold from 30 minutes to 1 hour, and then wash your hair with shampoo and balm.
Use 1-2 times a week.
The mask is perfect for withered and lifeless strands. Its regular use helps to strengthen and restore the structure. hair, provide them with the necessary nutrition and hydration, as well as significantly improve their appearance.
For cooking you will need one chicken yolk. Stir raw yolk with 3 tbsp. l olive oil, and with 1 incomplete Art. l natural apple vinegar. Heat the resulting composition to a warm state, and Lubricate the ends of the hairline liberally with them. 30 minutes later wash your hair thoroughly, you can even just warm water (but if it seems to you that curls are not washed enough, use shampoo).
To achieve maximum results, a mask is recommended. do regularly 2 times a week.
For this recipe you essential oils such as ylang ylang and chamomile are needed. Or You can take Santal and Petitgrain.
Add to the 3rd tbsp. l 5 drops of warm olive oil essential oils of chamomile and ylang ylang (well, or Santala and petitgrain). Stir and thoroughly rub the oil mixture into moist roots and scalp, and after using flat rare spread the comb along the rest of the hair. Hold 30 minutes, and then wash your hair with shampoo and balm.
This procedure can be done on both clean and already started get dirty, or completely dirty hair, 1-2 times a week.
Oils must be mixed in equal proportions (you can take as only two types of oils, and all three, measure the proportions by eye, so that as a result of the already finished oil mixture, 3-4 tbsp. l.).
The resulting composition should be heated to a warm state, and apply completely to the entire hair, paying particular attention to the roots and scalp as well as tips. Keep from 30 minutes to 1 hour, then wash your hair in the usual way, with shampoo and balm. Frequency of use 1-2 times a week.
Breed about half a bag of colorless henna powder (or a whole bag, if the curls are long) with a small amount of boiling water, or hot milk, so that when mixed, a uniform creamy mass. Add 1-2 tbsp. l olive oil, mix everything well and apply the mixture fully on rubbing all hair thoroughly into the roots and paying due attention the tips. After 30-40 minutes rinse with shampoo and balm.
The regular use of this recipe also contributes to preventing hair loss, stimulating its growth, eliminating dandruff and soothing scalp. Apply no more than 1-2 times per a week.
All of the above funds are recommended to be done on wet, clean or already dirty hair. After applying the mixture the head must be wrapped with plastic wrap, and on top insulate with a warm towel. However, more on how to properly apply masks read on page – Rules for applying home hair masks.