Masks to strengthen hair

Sat, 02 Apr 2016

Increasing the amount of hair on the brush after brushing usually
causes women to panic, because the hair for each of them are
part of their beautiful feminine image, and sometimes – pride and
main decoration. That is why the question is how to preserve beauty and
hair health is so important. Why does hair lose its
strength and start falling out? The reasons for this may be different. Most
common ones are metabolic disturbances in
body stress, illness and the subsequent
their general weakening of the body, the deterioration of the ecological situation and
etc. Whatever it was, but when symptoms of weakening and
hair loss must immediately begin to take action
and homemade masks in this case are simply irreplaceable.

Natural recipes have a lot of useful properties. Some
believe that folk recipes can be used indiscriminately. it
wrong! Maximum effect can be obtained if correct
подобрать состав по типу hair.


Masks to strengthen hair – правильный подбор

Hair can be normal, dry, oily, and pathologically
Split and brittle are called damaged. Oily hair
determined by the following features: – quickly salted after
washing, often within 1 day; – when laying quickly lose their shape,
hairstyle looks drooping and shapeless, without volume; – already through
8-10 hours after washing stick together. So hair
masks made from parsley, rye bread, herbal infusions, oak bark,
onions or onion peels. Dry hair: – dry and lifeless on
touch, hard; – when combing confused, pulled out from the roots; –
hair after perm or bleaching. For such hair
Fit well: onions and beets with burdock or other butter, egg
yolk, lemon juice, essential oils, honey, vegetables and fruits, gelatin,
decoctions of herbs. Normal hair: – perfectly keep the shape; – several
days can look clean and healthy; – do not get fat for a long time and
dry out; – easy to comb. Normal hair is also necessary
strengthen for prevention and care. They are suitable for any
listed ingredients, as well as dairy products, herbs.
The number of oils must be limited.

How to make masks to strengthen hair

Available and helpful ingredients will be able to turn problem
dry hair However, do not think that it will be so easy –
hair need to do all the time. Of course every procedure
brings some benefits, but it is better to carry out their course in
for 1-3 months. In a week you can make 1-2 masks. Received by
rub the composition of the hair roots, and if the recipe provides,
распределить по всей длине hair. Gently massage your fingers
scalp to better penetrate the hair bulb.
Cover the head with cellophane and wrap a towel or handkerchief. Masks
on the basis of oil are washed off with shampoo. Herbal decoctions can be washed.
проточной water

Hair Strengthening Oil

Effective means to strengthen the hair, often in its composition
have essential oils, while using the property to expand
vessels and increase blood supply. Under their action increases
питание фолликул, что приводит к хорошему росту hair. Special
помогают масла обладателям сухих и тонких hair. The use of burdock
oil confirmed by numerous studies. Before
using burdock oil is heated in a water bath until
room temperature or up to human body temperature.
Mask to strengthen волос на основе репейного
Ингредиенты: репейное масло (3 ложки), порошок какао
(1 teaspoon), egg (2 yolks). Mix all the ingredients and
rub evenly into the scalp and distribute throughout
surface. Wrap a wrap and a towel. Leave at 60
minutes Rinse уксусной водой (столовая ложка на один литр воды).
Perform this treatment every week or two. Vitamin mask
для укрепления нормальных волос
Состав: лимон, лук, чеснок,
mayonnaise, honey Squeeze the juice of lemon, onion, garlic, take one by one
teaspoon, add the same amount of mayonnaise and honey.
Rub into the scalp, wrap, wrap as usual,
plastic wrap and towel. Hold for 2 hours, then rinse
shampoo head. For rinsing, prepare the following solution:
dry mustard (a teaspoon) per liter of water. So get rid
unpleasant smell from onions and garlic. Mask to strengthen
нормальных волос из персикового и капустного сока
the composition will not only strengthen the hair, but also enhance their growth, improve
structure. Ingredients: peach (1 pc) cabbage (100 grams), honey, cognac
(20 grams), egg yolk. Squeeze the juice from the peach and cabbage,
take 1 spoon and mix with honey and brandy. Wash off after 2 hours
шампунем хорошо теплой water Recommendations for use – 1 time per
неделю.Mask for сухих волос на с кефире или
Лучше всего помогает натуральная простокваша, в
It contains a lot of nutrients. Ingredients: sour milk (50 grams),
plantain leaves (2 spoons). Crush the leaves plantain,
mix with yogurt. Apply to hair and hold for 30 minutes.
Укрепляющая маска-компресс для сухих волос Состав:
castor oil (2 spoons), glycerin (1 teaspoon), apple
vinegar (tsp), egg (1 raw). Rub the mixture into the hair roots and
distribute the entire length, insulate, wash off after half an hour. After
маски голову вымыть яичным шампунем.Травяная маска для
укрепления жирных волос
Состав: листья крапивы, цветки
marigold (2 spoons), oak bark (1 spoon). Stir the ingredients
Pour one and a half liters of boiling water, insist half an hour. Rinse
infuse hair several times. After этого водой не смывать. Such
The composition tones, soothes the skin, tightens pores and removes
fat content. Yolk mask to strengthen fatty
Состав: сырой желток (1 шт), спирт (1 чайная ложка),
water (1 spoon). Rub the mixture into the scalp after washing the hair,
keep no more than 10-25 minutes. We wash hair. Yolk with big
cholesterol suppresses sebum formation.
Морковная маска для любых типов волос Очистить
carrot, grate, add a teaspoon to it
lemon juice, sliced ​​lemon (1 spoon), oat flour (1
spoon). Stir well. Apply to the entire length of the hair. Wash hair with
shampoo after 30 minutes of action. Mask to strengthen
волос с касторовым маслом
Очень простая, но эффективная
mask. Heated castor oil, rubbing a couple of tablespoons in
hair roots, put on a plastic cap, wrap on top
towel or warm scarf and hold for at least 5 hours. Then
thoroughly wash off with your shampoo. Repeat the procedure once a week.
не менее 2 месяцев.Mask to strengthen волос с
Эту маску лучше делать из молодой крапивы,
cut to flowering. Two tablespoons of chopped nettle
pour 200 gr. water and boil for 5 minutes, then cool the resulting
Infusion up to 40 ° C, use when washing the head, rubbing it into clean
hair. Do not wash off. Nettle mask with nasturtium
Grind 100 gr. nasturtiums (take leaves, flowers and fresh seeds
nasturtiums), add to them 100 gr. fresh nettle leaves. Bay
vegetable raw materials 500 ml of alcohol, let it brew for 15 days,
then filter. We rub the resulting mask into the scalp with
brushes before bedtime. Do not wash off.

Mask to strengthen волос с корнем лопуха На
first look is a complicated but very effective mask recipe for
strengthen hair. Bayаем 1 столовую ложку измельченного корня
burdock with a glass of hot water, boil for liquid to boil
half. Then остужаем ее, добавляем нутряное сало, хорошо
stir and pour into the pot. Cover with a lid and put in
oven for a few hours. From this mass should evaporate all
liquid. The remaining ointment lubricates the hair roots before washing,
keeping an hour under a plastic cap and a warm scarf. Then
thoroughly wash off with your shampoo.Маска с лопухом и
Берем измельченные корни лопуха и аира (по 3
tablespoons), pour them 1 liter of water, boil for 20 minutes. Giving a decoction
cool, filter it, pour it into a bottle and rub it into the skin
head after washing. We do this procedure every other day. Do not wash off.
The resulting broth is stored in the refrigerator. Mask for
укрепления волос с коньяком и яичными желтками
Смешиваем 50
gr. коньяка с 50 gr. water and 2 egg yolks. The resulting mask
rub into the scalp, then evenly distribute the hair.
After 20 minutes, thoroughly wash off with shampoo. Mask with henna and
яичным желтком
1 пакетик бесцветной хны смешиваем с яичным
yolk. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair roots, then evenly
distribute it over their entire length. After 20 minutes, carefully
wash off with your shampoo. Fruit mask to strengthen
3 столовые ложки мякоти любых фруктов смешиваем со
tablespoon of vegetable oil and a tablespoon of glycerin.
The resulting mass is applied to the hair roots, then evenly
distribute it over their entire length. After half an hour, carefully
wash off with your shampoo. Mask with cabbage juice, aloe,
касторовым маслом и медом
Берем свежий капустный сок, сок
aloe, castor oil and honey (all ingredients – a tablespoon).
Тщательно перемешав все компоненты, втираем маску в вымытые hair.
After 10 minutes, thoroughly wash off with shampoo. Use this mask in
for three months twice a week. Mask with rye
хлебом, яичным желтком и касторкой
Размачиваем в воде 150
gr. rye bread, and mix the resulting slurry with the yolk and 20
drops of castor oil. After мытья головы эту маску втираем в корни
hair for 20 minutes, then carefully wash off and rinse hair
сывороткой.Маска с крапивой, яблочным уксусом и облепиховым
Bayаем 2 столовые ложки корней и листьев крапивы
1 l of water and boil for about 30 minutes. Then, остудив полученный отвар
and filtering it, add apple cider vinegar and sea buckthorn oil to it
(1 tablespoon). Rub the mixture at night in the roots
hair, in the morning my head. This procedure is carried out for two
weeks. Mask with honey, camphor oil and lemon
Смешав 1 столовую ложку меда, 2 чайные ложки
camphor oil and 1 a teaspoon of lemon juice, rubbing
the resulting mass in the scalp for 15 minutes before washing. Do
такую процедуру в течение трех weeks. Yeast mask and
яичным белком
Взбив яичный белок, добавляем к нему 1
tablespoon of dry yeast, previously diluted with warm
water Mix well and apply the resulting mass to the skin.
heads, gradually distributing it to their entire length. Reserve on
an hour, then carefully wash off with shampoo. In a mask for dry hair
You can add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil (better
olive). It should be remembered that the egg masks wash off only
slightly warm water, since hot water will cause the egg to coagulate, which
will make washing the mask problematic.

Hair Strengthening – Tips and Tricks

And another very important point. On the condition of the hair is very strong
affects nutrition. Therefore, measures aimed at improving
hair condition from the outside, must necessarily be supplemented
balanced diet, which should be based on fruits and
vegetables. If possible, they should be consumed along with
skinned, rich in silicon, on which growth depends
hair. Also in the diet must have a place for
yeast, honey, milk, vegetable oil, bran bread,
cucumbers, beets, asparagus, lettuce, parsley, strawberries,
hazelnut tree


Lina 04/03/2016 So much is a lot … now I will be tormented with
a choice!))) In general, the main thing to me is strengthening first and then growing
hair. Therefore, I will try castor oil, and at the same time burdock.
I am sure that these funds will help me, because they help others.
Given 04/03/2016 I somehow don’t really feel like fruit masks.
I don’t want to smear them on the head at all … But from black bread –
точно прекрасная mask. My friend lost her hair with a terrible
by force, she began to make such a mask and now combed
calmly Toffee 03.04.2016 I just have pathologically intersecting
hair that I just did not try to do with them ..
helps Can I somehow put on the wrong mask, etc.? Now
Here I will choose some, and try again. Although that should be the same
to help. Lydia 04/03/2016 Well, in my opinion, masks with henna have already been written.
I still say from personal experience – henna is very useful for hair,
scalp. Hair is so thick, even just to the touch.
It is possible and colorless to use. You sure won’t regret it. Oksana
04/03/2016 Oh, how many different good tips! Who would i still have it
I did everything)) Yes, I have long since come to know that the bark of the oak is very
укрепляет корни hair. A hundred times she was going to buy it … But soon
Summer, young nettle will climb, and you can successfully use it.

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