Masks from rye flour for the face: nutritious,cleansing, rejuvenating. How to apply masks from ryeflour for face

Вс, 03 дек 2017 Автор: Валентина Оболова

In folk cosmetology there is an unspoken
the rule is: products that are good to eat can be used in the care of
skin. For example, black bread.

Rye flour, rich in fiber, minerals,
vitamins are good for the body. А маски из ржаной flour for face,
in which there are a lot of antioxidants, natural micro and macronutrients,
amino acids, vitamins, have excellent cleansing,
nourishing, anti-aging properties.

By applying such a simple cosmetic regularly, you can
get rid of black spots, excessive greasiness, remove small ones
age and mimic wrinkles, slow down the wilting process


General recommendations for the use of masks from rye flour for

Any homemade cosmetic will be
effective if you know how to choose the right composition and know how
to use him. It is also important to ensure the safety of the selected
recipe. Маски для faces из ржаной муки – не исключение.

Before proceeding with the procedures, you should make sure
no allergy to cereal or other components of the mask. With this
the purpose is standard testing: a small amount
the mixture is applied to the skin of the wrist or the inner bend of the elbow. If a
there was no negative reaction, the product can be applied to

The process of making masks based on rye flour is simple. But
you need to pick the ingredients carefully. General recommendations
these are:

1. Наибольшим эффектом обладают органические маски для faces.
Milk, eggs, honey and other components it is desirable to buy local
farm production. The same products bought in large
магазине, менее полезны для skin.

2. When buying rye flour in a supermarket by weight, you need to
make sure the product is clean. In the loose mass should not be
foreign inclusions, garbage. Flour must be dry without

3. Маски из ржаной flour for face нужно готовить только из свежих
products. When purchasing them on the market or store, you need to ask
the seller when there was ground flour. In the store expiration date
product specify the mark on the packaging.

It is necessary to select components for a mask from rye flour, proceeding from
конкретных потребностей и типа skin. Mix the ingredients in
proportions indicated in the recipe. Ready mix should be
homogeneous, without lumps of dry flour.

Immutable rule, the same for all cosmetic procedures:
If the skin has any damage, the mask on the face is not
impose. This is especially true of scrubbing compositions.
components and cleansing action.

Универсальная маска из ржаной flour for face

The simplest, classic mask contains only 2 components:
rye flour and water. They are made of liquid, like pancakes, dough and
наносят на face. The result of regular use of such a composition –
saturation of epidermal cells with nutrients, cleansing,
лёгкий лифтинг и подсушивание skin.

Универсальная маска для faces на основе ржаной муки содержит
much more components. But и действует она намного эффективнее.
Especially well manifested rejuvenating, smoothing wrinkles

At 4 tbsp. l rye flour:

— 2 ч. l rose water (has a rejuvenating,
antibacterial property, dries the skin, removes

– 3-5 drops of an oil solution of vitamin E (natural
antioxidant, moisturizes the skin, has anti-inflammatory

— 1/2 ч. l evening primrose essential oil;

— 1/2 ч. l apricot kernel oil (saturates the skin
vitamins, helps preserve moisture);

– 2 drops of rose essential oil (has a tonic and
antibacterial property slows down the process of fading

– 2 drops of chamomile oil (used in the treatment of acne, eczema,
inflammatory dermatitis, relieves itching well);

– 1 drop of geranium oil;

– 1 drop of manuka honey (has a moisturizer,
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial,
regenerating properties).

All ingredients listed in the recipe are mixed to obtain
substance homogeneous consistency. Mask density should be as
have a thick homemade sour cream. The composition is applied evenly on the face, not
affecting the areas around the eyes. After 10 minutes, wash your face cool

Recipes nutritious and cleansing masks from rye flour for

If a кожа слишком жирная, убрать сальный блеск и одновременно
освежить цвет faces помогает маска из ржаной муки на молоке.
You only need to mix warm fresh milk with flour until
состояния кашицы и нанести на 20 минут на face. Effect of application
such a simple means will manifest itself in 2-3 procedures.

Nutritious mask of rye flour on kvass make

1. 10 g of flour is mixed with 10 ml of warm bread kvass. Add
5 drops of pomegranate essential oil.

2. Mass is applied with a thick layer on the skin. Withstand 20

3. Wash off the composition with warm green tea.

This mask has a strong cleansing and soothing.
property, saturates skin cells with minerals and vitamins.

Most a simple mask for cleansing the skin from black spots and
teen acne is made from soda. To do this, you need rye flour
and drinking soda mix in equal quantities and then dilute
warm water to a state of slurry. Нанести на 10 минут на face.
When the mixture dries out, the skin is gently massaged with tips.
fingers, as if rubbing the mask into the epidermis. Complete the procedure
умыванием прохладной water

Excellent anti-inflammatory drug for acne, for
reduce epidermal greasiness, rejuvenating aging skin and
Wrinkle smoothing – mask with rye flour, aloe and milk.

Ingredients proportions:

– rye flour – 2 tbsp. l;

– warm milk – 100 ml;

— сок алоэ — 1 ч. l

The components of the mask are mixed and applied before going to bed on the face on the face.
на 20 minutes Procedures performed twice a week during the month.
After completing the course, take a break for 3 weeks and then
используют содовые скрабы для faces на основе ржаной муки.

Another mask against juvenile acne – honey, lemon juice and
ржаная мука в равных частях (по 1 ч. l). It is recommended
apply regularly, performing procedures at intervals of 1 every 3
of the day

Омолаживающие и лифтинговые маски из ржаной flour for face

To smooth out fine wrinkles, refresh skin color and tighten
овал faces, готовят такую маску:

1. Beat 1 yolk;

2. Mix it with rye flour;

3. Dilute to the consistency of a homogeneous warm warm pulp.
brewing black tea.

The mixture is applied to the face evenly. After 15 minutes, wash off.

A similar effect has a mask of rye flour (30 g)
yolk (1 pc.) and milk (50 ml). The ingredients are mixed and applied.
жидкое тесто на лицо на 20 minutes

Even a simple mask on milk with rye flour will provide good
лифтинг Effect. Adding chicken egg yolk gives the composition
drying, smoothing property.

For skin with obvious signs of age-related changes, it is useful to do
masks with rye flour on the basis of white cosmetic clay. Effect
suspenders such compositions give the most pronounced.

To prepare a lifting mask you need:

— смешать 1 ч. l rye flour with the same amount of white

– dilute the dry mixture with 10 ml of warm green tea;

– add 5 ml of lemon juice and mix well.

Composition наносят на лицо на 15—20 minutes Wash off moderately
прохладной water

Procedures with anti-aging masks based on rye
flour is recommended in the evening. Course – 1 month
frequency of sessions 2 times a week.

Как правильно использовать маски из ржаной flour for face

To make the effect of a cosmetic product as complete as possible,
а результат положительным, нужно придерживаться некоторых правиl
They are simple and easy to remember:

1. Перед процедурой с faces снимают всю косметику. Skin carefully
cleaned with milk, tonic, foam, gel.

2. Лицо споласкивают water If a нет противопоказаний,
process skin soft scrubbing agent.

3. To make the epidermis cells better absorb the nutrients,
contained in the mask, the skin is recommended to steam, putting on 3
minutes on face hot compress (towel soaked in hot water
or decoction of herbs).

4. The mask is applied to the face with a sponge or fingertips. Composition
distributed along the massage lines with delicate massaging
movements. It is useful to apply a mask of rye flour, not only on
face, but also on the neck, the neckline.

Duration of treatment for people with oily skin from 20 to 30
минут, для обладателей сухой кожи 15—20 minutes

Wash off the masks of rye flour, first warm, then cool.
water face is not wiped, and blot with a towel. Thereafter
can be applied to the skin evening moisturizer or soothing

For the speedy disposal of black spots and blackheads, it is recommended
чередовать ржаные маски для faces с составами на основе
activated carbon and edible gelatin. In between courses
rejuvenating procedures it is useful to apply yeast, clay,
желатиновые антивозрастные маски для faces.

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