Masks for the growth of eyelashes at home:effective recipes. Rules for the use of masks for the growth of eyelasheshome conditions

Вт, 12 дек 2017 Автор: Марина Поздина

Expressive look, velvet eyelashes – this
wish to reach all without exception girls. Someone nature from
gave birth to chic thick eyelashes, and some of them
very short and straight.

Serums, special oils and compresses for the growth of eyelashes
offer cosmetic companies of different brands. Is it useful?
or better to give preference to homemade products.
conditions? Many recipes for eyelash growth masks are known.
home conditions.


What will help from the loss of eyelashes?

Eyelashes fall out of improper care, harmful effects.
environment or unbalanced nutrition. There are a few
Tips to help fix this situation:

– flush cosmetics only by special means (milk,

– do not go to bed with makeup (if the mascara is not washed off, then the eyelashes
just dry and break at any wrong position);

– in the diet should be and plant protein (beans, chickpeas,
buckwheat) and animal origin (eggs, cheese, milk);

– rinse your face with a decoction of useful herbs after washing.

Приготовим маски для роста ресниц в home conditions

Folk remedies are good because they do not harm our
to the body. There are inconveniences in mixing the ingredients,
endure a certain amount of time to feel the effect.
The mask should be prepared shortly before the procedure so that all
the ingredients were fresh.

Mask of sea buckthorn. 2 tablespoons of fruit
chop the dogrose with a knife and pour them 3 tablespoons
sea ​​buckthorn oil. Infused oil 10-14 days, then you can
apply on eyelashes.

Mask of wheat germ oil. Mask with this
oil perfectly stimulates growth and has the effect of strengthening
eyelashes. Together with burdock oil that nourishes the hair
bulbs and prevents them from falling out, it turns out very effective
mask. Equal parts of the oils mix and hold on the eyelashes for 1-2 hours.
Rinse with warm water and repeat the procedure 2 times a week.

Mask of olive oil. We mix in
a teaspoon of vitamin E (purchased at a pharmacy) and
olive oil. To insist on such a composition is not required, you can
immediately applied to the eyelashes and eyebrows.

Vitamin mask. Stimulate eyelash growth
there will be a mask of oils rich in vitamins. Mix 4 capsules
vitamin A, 4 capsules of vitamin E, a few drops of burdock oil
and half a teaspoon of castor oil. Brush or cotton swab
apply once a day, preferably at night, to give oil
soak up Such vitamin masks for eyelash growth at home
conditions, many cosmetologists advise to strengthen and restore
eyelashes after extension.

Маска с алоэ и петрушкой. With parsley and
aloe pulp your eyelashes will gain flexibility and elasticity will become
stronger and silky. Chop the parsley and aloe
teaspoon) and attach to the eyes for 20 minutes. So you get rid
and from the dark circles under the eyes.

Castor oil. This oil is a leader in
means used by beauties around the world to preserve
beauty eyelashes and hair. It absorbs quickly and eliminates breakage.
hair. Warm oil applied on the eyelashes, after 2 hours, rinse with warm
water, pre-remove with a paper napkin remnants of the mask.
The effect of such a simple mask will be noticeable in a week.

Mask based on castor oil. Only two
components will give impetus to deep moisturizing and growth of eyelashes:
cognac and castor oil. Castor oil in a pharmacy costs a penny,
Cognac or rum can also be found in any kitchen. Mix by half tea
spoons and soak it cotton pads. We put for 30 minutes on
eyes and wash off with warm water.

Миндальная mask. Almond and Olive Oil
по несколько капель смешиваем и наносим на корни eyelashes. Apply
need to be careful not to fall on the mucous membrane of the eye, as it can
cause irritation. Olive oil smoothes eyelashes
almond nourishes and saturates the roots of the eyelashes, so that
their growth is activated.

Маска на основе кокосового масла. Coconut
oil is considered beneficial for hair growth on the head, for moisturizing
The skin of the whole body and eyelashes also fits perfectly. Half
a teaspoon of coconut oil mixed with vitamin E (2-3 drops) and
add a few drops of burdock oil. Stir the cotton
палочкой и нанести по всему росту eyelashes.

Ореховая mask. In nuts prevail useful
fats and amino acids, they just help in strengthening the hairs.
You can mix any fresh butter nuts: almond, peanut and
walnut oil.

Именно в масках для роста ресниц в home conditions содержатся
useful vitamins that you will not find in any purchased tube
cosmetic products. We recommend to try to repeat simple
recipes and on yourself to feel their effect.

Tea rose oil mask. Apply a drop of oil on the top and
нижнее веко, размазать ватной палочкой по всей длине роста eyelashes.
Such Hold the mask of oil for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Eyelashes and the skin around the eyes is moisturized and saturated with vitamins.

Mask-compress from calendula. Brew calendula
1 tablespoon for half a cup. Insist 1 hour and wadded
with tampons dipped in cooked broth we make a compress for 20
minutes Remove the tampons and apply grape seed oil or
Burr oil. From such care the skin around the eyes calms down,
swelling goes away and eyelashes get, lack of vitamin

Mask of chamomile. Chamomile is
hypoallergenic means, fits almost everything. Brew 1
tablespoon of inflorescences in a circle and let it brew for 1 hour. Can
moisten cotton swabs in the infusion and apply 20 eyes to the eyelids
minutes This mask relieves fatigue. If you mix burdock oil 1
a teaspoon and 1 tablespoon of chamomile extract – it will turn out
укрепляющая mask.

Mask of fish oil. If need fast
result, a mask from the following composition will come to the rescue:
fat, vitamin E, vitamin A. mix equal proportions of oils and
apply for 2 hours in the evening before bedtime. Daily ritual will surprise you
quick result. This is a proven way and very

Маски для роста ресниц в home conditions помогают или это

Manufacturers of cosmetics for eyelashes try
use natural oils. Enhance the effect of unnatural
components, so masks and compresses made at home
digested better. Unlike expensive drugs, homemade mask
It has no analogues, but it should be applied regularly for 3-5
months to notice the first results.

Компрессы не менее полезны для роста eyelashes. Easy and affordable
make a compress out of black tea. Brew in a circle 1
tablespoon of tea, let it brew. Tea has firming
свойствами для eyelashes.

Follow the rules for using masks:

– apply a composition untested for allergies – dangerous. Reaction
on sea buckthorn oil or other means may be different.
Using new means for your organism, you must
check the composition that will be applied to the eyes, to start on
arm. Weathered for 15 minutes, if there is no reaction, then put on

– applying the composition on the eyelashes, make sure that there is no
eye contact.

– it is better to make a fresh mask every time. Mixture of oils with other
components stored in the refrigerator no more than 72 hours.

It is more convenient to apply a mask on eyelashes with a brush from used mascara.
It is necessary to wash it carefully, but the result is worth it. Wadded
chopsticks and cotton pads can be dispensed with if you don’t have it at hand
comfortable tassels. Any mask should be kept on eyelashes no less.
20-30 minutes so that its components can provide the necessary
impact. It is recommended to be oral
mineral-vitamin complex or fish oil (Omega-3 capsules).
Significantly improves skin condition, and accelerates hair growth and

Build eyelashes for a couple of hours, or achieve amazing
beautiful, natural and healthy eyelashes long by caring for them
at home, you decide. All means for making masks at home is very
simple and easy to get at the store or pharmacy. Important
The peculiarity is that all these products are 100% natural.

Mysterious and feminine look you provided, you will
регулярно применять маски для роста ресниц в home conditions. From
once the result will not be visible. Experiment and
select the composition that will be perfect for your eyes.

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